Waifu Wednesday Thread

All waifus are like a present just for you! Make sure to cherish yours always!

Let's get things rolling!

What would your loved one give you for your birthday? Would they make a big deal of it?

How do you celebrate special occasions together?

Valentine's days coming up! Any special plans together?

How would you go about reading a book (manga or otherwise) together?

Remember to compliment a waifu today! Yours are all wonderful and adorable!

Other urls found in this thread:


Friendly greetings to one and all.

-Something home made, probably. Simple tastes and whatnot. She'd probably pass it off as no big deal, but it would be obvious from the get-go that a lot of heart went into making it.

-Privately. We try to use it as our alone time more than anything else.

-A private dinner...and something special for my Beloved. Fitting for the finale of our celebratory period which starts on Jan. 30th (her birthday) and ends on Feb. 14th (our anniversary).

-For some reason, my mind automatically went to each of us reading a different book, sitting across from one another while doing the whole footsie thing.

>>What would your loved one give you for your birthday? Would they make a big deal of it?

Giving me a present isn't that important for her because she knows that's not important for me.

>How do you celebrate special occasions together?

Depends. We are also trying to find new ways to celebrate. Our 5 year anniversary is next year, so I have to come up with something nice.

>Valentine's days coming up! Any special plans together?

Noting special beside the usual collage pic.
Valentines day is less important than her birthday, which is next week, or our anniversary.

>How would you go about reading a book (manga or otherwise) together?

We have different reading speeds, especially because the don't share the same first language.

>Valentine's days coming up! Any special plans together?
I plan on baking her a cake.

>How would you go about reading a book (manga or otherwise) together?
I feel we would both add commentary on what's going on together.

>Remember to compliment a waifu today! Yours are all wonderful and adorable!
Mint is a cute!
Luka has a lovely voice!

Is you're waifu one to exercise? If so, what does she focus on the most?

I love my Shuzo more than words can express. He is my reason for living.
>birthday gift
I'm not sure exactly what he would plan but he would definitely make a big deal out of it.
>celebrating special occasions
If it's a couple's occasion we spend it together, either in the house or someplace in nature we can be alone. Otherwise, he likes to invite a lot of people over.
>Valentine's plans
I'm going to cook him some homemade sweets and he's going to show off some cute new clothes he got.
>reading together
Laying in my bed, him with his head on my chest while I hold the book for us.
Nano has a cute key
Kagura's energy is adorable
Yes, he has to keep his body slim in order to keep up his appearance. He has to do something to burn the calories from all the desserts he eats.

How does your waifu refer to herself (watashi, atashi, boku, ore, etc)?

>How do you celebrate special occasions together?
I typically make something to take pictures of for memories sake; display, food, so on.
>Valentine's days coming up! Any special plans together?
The usual display. Vday is pretty bland in the decoration department so I'll see how I can spice it up.

6th Anniversary was Monday. Here's to more of us, Kuroko.

Since it was rain and wind all day I needed an indoor activity for which to spend time with her so I settled on rigorous activity of fruit carving.

Good evening waifu thread! I hope this week brought many more treasured memories with your beloved, and here's to a happy weekend!

Good evening Mintbro! That's a wonderful picture of your darling, as ever, you two are a very cute couple!

I'm sure Yukari would love to make a big deal about my birthday, just like I do about hers! She'd probably add another model to our increasing collection, so we could spend time making it together!

Special occasions are usually celebrated with inviting friends and making a go of it! Though anniversaries are best spent on lovey-dovey dates, just us!

Our Valentine's Day plans are still being prepared, but I'd love to take her out to our first date spot and end up with a whistle-stop tour of all her favourite places, finishing at home with surprise cake!

We often read books together, usually just sitting apart and reading them out to one another!

>compli-Mint a waifu/husbando
Mio is a super cute Akiyama, with a wonderful voice!
Konata is adorable, and I wonder whether her husbando would buy her a thick jumper for the cold weather?
Kyousuke is a darling, and deserves love all the time!
Erza a super cutecool and very sweet!
Shuzo is very fashionable and his husband seems like a really cool guy!

What an adorable picture! Looks like a fun celebration!

Good evening friend
Thanks again for the wonderful gifts, you and your wife are absolute cuties and deserve a lifetime of joy!

Good evening, that's a wonderful picture of a gorgeous Kobori!

Yukari and I both exercise by running together, but do whatever takes our fancy!

Question time!

Is your beloved able to play an instrument canonically? If not, what do you think would suit them?

Would they prefer a ring, a necklace or earrings as a gift, if any?

describe a moment that made you fall in love with them all over again!

Have an amazing week, waifuthread.

>What would your loved one give you for your birthday? Would they make a big deal of it?
I will not have her trouble herself with such a frivolity.
>How do you celebrate special occasions together?
She calls the shots 100%
>How would you go about reading a book (manga or otherwise) together?
I read to her or she reads as I give her a soothing, oiled, foot massage.

>Is you're waifu one to exercise? If so, what does she focus on the most?

>How does your waifu refer to herself (watashi, atashi, boku, ore, etc)?
I, me, myself

>Is your beloved able to play an instrument canonically?
My heart strings.
>Would they prefer a ring, a necklace or earrings as a gift, if any?

Post displeased waifu

Kill yourself, cuckfag.

I have many waifus.

Thanks OP!

>What would your loved one give you for your birthday? Would they make a big deal of it?
A nice pair of earrings. The ones she has right now are pretty old and have probably lost all their shine.

>How do you celebrate special occasions together?
Depends on the occasion. If it's something that's meaningful to only us than we celebrate privately, otherwise we like to get drunk with others.

>Valentine's days coming up! Any special plans together?
I'm afraid it's not much, it lands on a pretty busy day for me, but I'll certainly use what time I have to make a special private dinner for us. I'll also buy her favourite food too. And then maybe we'll catch a movie together at the cinema.

>How would you go about reading a book (manga or otherwise) together?
I can see her wanting to voice out the lines of the hero.

>Remember to compliment a waifu today! Yours are all wonderful and adorable!
Shuzo is very handsome and fashionable
Kobori has a very cute hairstyle

She does exercise, though it doesn't show that much.

Watashi I think. She may have used ore a couple of times.

Happy anniversary Kurokobro! I'm sure she enjoyed it very much.

Thanks very much Yukarifriend, Yukari has a wonderful smile.

>Is your beloved able to play an instrument canonically? If not, what do you think would suit them?
Not that I know of, but she has the elegance to play a piano or violin. There once was this FT band poster in which she played the guitar though.

>Would they prefer a ring, a necklace or earrings as a gift, if any?
I don't think she has a preference, though hopefully that will change when I get her a ring

Honestly, whenever I rewatch the ending song that features her in pajamas. She just looks so beautiful to me, I can't help but stare.

Where would you spend your honeymoon together?

>he honestly thinks this

Good evening waifu thread. All you're waifus are great and lovely people.

Since you're posting here, I'll assume you have a waifu folder, but does your waifu have an user folder for pics of you? Which subfolder does she visit the most?

Why are you the best damn thing that ever happened to you're waifu? If you're even thinking of answering you're not, quit lying and try again.

If a stranger walked up to you and claimed to be your waifu transported here from 2d, but had to use a random 3d body that looks and sounds nothing like her, how would you make sure it's your beloved and not some crazy person?
Once you've made sure it's really her, what would you do next? What if you're waifu was genderbent, or had to use a body of greatly different age than her own while coming over to 3d?

>What would your loved one give you for your birthday? Would they make a big deal of it?
She'd probably make something special, or perhaps buy something that could be kept as a keepsake, a reminder of our love..

>How do you celebrate special occasions together?
Usually with just the two of us.

>Valentine's days coming up! Any special plans together?
I'd like to make something nice again, but I'm not sure what yet.

>How would you go about reading a book (manga or otherwise) together?
We'd probably just read our own respective books, but do so right next to each other.

If you mean by working out, not really. She does different activities like skiiing / snowboarding, though.

Happy anniversary!

>Is your beloved able to play an instrument canonically?
Not in canon, but there's a scene in the PS2 VN where she plays bass guitar.

>Would they prefer a ring, a necklace or earrings as a gift, if any?
Probably a ring or new necklace over earrings, but I think she would love those.

>Since you're posting here, I'll assume you have a waifu folder, but does your waifu have an user folder for pics of you?
>Why are you the best damn thing that ever happened to you're waifu?
I'm not. I fear I will never be worthy.
>If a stranger walked up to you and claimed to be your waifu transported here from 2d, but had to use a random 3d body that looks and sounds nothing like her, how would you make sure it's your beloved and not some crazy person?
It's a crazy person. 3d would not be able to contain her 2d perfection.

Hello, Waifu thread! Hope you've had a good week!

>Birthday gift?
She'd try and make me a meal! keyword try It'd be so cute seeing her do her best
>special occasions?
We just cuddle on the couch and watch a movie. Nothing too special
>Valentine's day plans?
I'm still finalizing plans to take her to a nice Italian restaurant
>Reading together?
She'd be huddled over my shoulder and we'd just read silently

I think a lyre would suit her perfectly. It'd be serene to see her play songs in the morning
>Ring, Necklace or Earings?
Necklace. She only has and wants one ring, and Earrings are a hassle.
After a shitty day at work, I walked in the door and she came running and gave me a kiss! Very simple, but it was exactly what I needed that day

We'd rent out a cabin for a week. The stars are right there and we can snuggle for warmth

>Compliment a waifu
Mint a qt
Luka has a good singing voice
Yukari has lovely curly hair
Erza has nice eyes
Mizore is cool
Konata has good taste in vidya

What kind of Wedding ring did you get your beloved?

What is you're waifu's favorite drink?

What class would she play if you got her to play an MMO with you?

Have a good week, Waifu thread!

She's probably try to get something big and make a huge deal about it, probably to the point where she would try to take on too much at one; even if I told her not to worry much about it.
Go out for dinner together, and then head back home and cuddle.
>Valentine's day
Just dinner for now; but I'll probably do something else, I just haven't planned that far ahead.
I would sit in her coils as we read together.

She exercises when she needs to.

Happy Anniversary! Ours is coming up on Tuesday!

Not that I know of, but I think she would be a good fit for a stringed instrument like a cello.
>ring, necklace, or earrings
Probably a necklace
>describe a moment that made you fall in love with them all over again!
When her figure arrived in the mail, I was super happy, especially after waiting all day looking at the delivery trucks go by, hoping that one would stop.

It sounds cliche, but probably Hawaii or somewhere with plenty of beaches.

>favorite drink
Some sort of tea probably.
>MMO class
She would probably want to be a mage.

So with our anniversary coming up I was thinking about ordering a daki cover from hobbyheart. Does anybody have any experience with them? I know they are bootlegs, but how is the quality? Is there a certain type of material that you prefer?

Would your waifu like any of the shows airing this season?
How would you cheer your waifu up if they are feeling down? How would they cheer you up?
Does your waifu keep her place organized, or is she a bit of a slob?

Thank you for the compliment.
>describe a moment that made you fall in love with them all over again!
It was when I saw his kindness and how forgiving he could be. He gives so much to everyone.

>does your waifu have an user folder for pics of you? Which subfolder does she visit the most?
Yes and probably the lewd one.
>Why are you the best damn thing that ever happened to you're waifu?
I'm not sure in all honesty. I know I'm loyal and will follow him anywhere and always put him above myself. Other than that I have no idea.
>how would you make sure its your beloved?
I don't think there would be a way to and even if we did prove it I'm not entirely sure how I'd handle it.

>favorite drink
Roasted Barley Tea
>what class
Probably whatever is well paired with what I choose.

>does your waifu keep her place organized?
Yes, a few people have commented his room looks like it belongs in a prison.

Ohayou friend~

>Is you're waifu one to exercise?

She doesn't do much sports.

>If so, what does she focus on the most?


>How does your waifu refer to herself (watashi, atashi, boku, ore, etc)?


Ohayou friend and have a nice evening with your cute little waifu~

>Is your beloved able to play an instrument canonically?

There is no canon.

>If not, what do you think would suit them?

Guitar or Bass and maybe also piano.

>Would they prefer a ring, a necklace or earrings as a gift, if any?

She likes all three. I'd say earrings.

>Since you're posting here, I'll assume you have a waifu folder, but does your waifu have an user folder for pics of you?

She doesn't.

>Why are you the best damn thing that ever happened to you're waifu?

I'm not.

>What kind of Wedding ring did you get your beloved?

Didn't get one yet. Consider buying one though.

>What class would she play if you got her to play an MMO with you?


>What would your loved one give you for your birthday?

Something practical like an electric juicer, depending on what she thinks might be lacking. Or maybe a parlour game or a video game.

>How do you celebrate special occasions together?

By going out on a date to play around. She prefers something like that over anything more formal.

>Is you're waifu one to exercise? If so, what does she focus on the most?

Martial arts techniques and taichi. But she does everything; from calisthenics, heavy bag training, flexibility training, etc.

Atashi, most of the time. Since she is not tomboyish enough to use boku but it's still a good way to adress herself in a casual manner.

>Would they prefer a ring, a necklace or earrings as a gift, if any?

A ring I think. Something small she can keep with herself.


This one time when things didn't go her way, she ended up pouting and acting really spoiled. It was so lovely since she always at least tries to behave really mature, so it was a cute contrast to her usual personality that I hadn't seen before. Really makes me want to dote on her.

>What class would she play if you got her to play an MMO with you?

Paladin, I think.

She tries to keep fit. Usually running or swimming.

She used to refer to herself as 'boku' back in the day.

-She sings, but she's also capable of playing guitar and drums.
-A necklace, though the one time I gave her a ring, she had the biggest grin on her face.
-My last dream of her. Telling me I'm better than I give myself credit for.
A nice sea cruise to some tropic locale would be ideal.

-It's a secret
-It's a secret
-Fortunately, I have a way to prove that it's her. It's a secret, though.

Coming right up.

-Something simple, with a nice gem. I wish I could've gotten her better; but she still thinks the world of it.
-Cream Soda
-She'd be the mage to my tank. I suppose I could use some good DPS. If we're talking specifics, then she'd be either a dancer, mage, or ninja.

-Jugs and snuggles for both. In her case, some tuna would also suffice.
-The former. She usually avoids leaving messes unless it's beyond her control.
Ohayou, friend.

hol' on a tic. isn't he fucking his sister?

I'm kind of fired up today.
I swear I'll be strong enough to protect you Rika!

Lots of things to sort out tonight, but I can get a few questions in.

>What would your loved one give you for your birthday? Would they make a big deal of it?
Could be one of two things:
She could give me something merchandisey from a series I like, most likely a figure or BD box or similar. Or she could wear a cosplay from that show for me, I'd take that as a present too.
Or she could get something lewder, probably with some context she can wind me up about. 'Oh, I saw you were excited for that new eroge/VN that's coming out, so...'
I don't really make a huge deal out of my birthday, so she'd probably be pretty light with the celebrations too. I mean we can enjoy the cake, we can enjoy doing cheesy 'events' which usually happen on birthdays, and we can spend a day together. Not making a big deal out of it is kinda nice, in that way.

>How do you celebrate special occasions together?
Depends on the occasion, really. We don't do anything hugely amazingly out there for anything, we just act like the normal dorks we are about it. Sometimes we'll go out as a group and embarass her friends and make Kagami jealous, sometimes we'll spend the whole day privately in each other's company. Both have their own little fun quirks.

>Valentine's days coming up! Any special plans together?
I'm not particularly creative with events, I'd like to think of something but I'm not sure what I should do. I'll definitely go get ramen though, I can at least do that even if franchised ramen isn't exactly the most Japanesey thing in the world.

>How would you go about reading a book (manga or otherwise) together?
She'd get so frustrated at my horribly slow pace, haha. While she can fly through it, I'll be stuck only being able to read it slowly, so sharing a book will be awkward. The alternative is lying on the bed together with her lying on top of me and us reading things in sequence, but I might have a pile of finished volumes on my face before long...

saw these going through an old dead blog.

>What is you're waifu's favorite drink?
Iced tea.

>What class would she play if you got her to play an MMO with you?
Some sort of offensive mage.

>How would you cheer your waifu up if they are feeling down? How would they cheer you up?
I would hope that just being there to talk or listen to her would be helpful, but sometimes she needs her own private time to sort her feelings out.

>Does your waifu keep her place organized, or is she a bit of a slob?
Perhaps surprisingly, it's quite clean.

>Is you're waifu one to exercise?
No, though she is good at it somehow. She's lucky with her figure in that she can get away with a pretty bad diet and maintain her weight, so she doesn't really need to. Maybe a little bit of exercise when something she wants to cosplay for comes around, but that's about it. I'd be the one exercising around then, or at least if she keeps insisting that I have to cosplay a guy with a six-pack in the source material. Drawing it on with a sharpie only goes so far, you know.

>How does your waifu refer to herself
Watashi, but I imagine she alternates from time to time just because. Like boku from time to time while lounging around.

Happy anniversary, user!

For some reason I get the funny thought of you having to work out just before a tank fair, purely because she'll be so full of energy and spirit she'll be dragging you around by the hand faster than you can keep up with, haha. She looks so happy and enthusiastic there but with you on the receiving end, I think I can see why.

Thanks for the kind words as always; I'd love to buy her a big thick wooly cheesy jumper for winter, it'd be so cute. It's a bit of a toss-up between getting her one she can just laze around in on its own because it's so big it fits her with floppy sleeves and everything, or to get her one which is super fluffy with a silly design so we can look even more like dorks walking down the street together. But at least we'd be /warm/ dorks. I'd have to get her an accompanying bobble hat and ear muffs too though, of course. I mean, the little bobble thing on top is -kind of- like her ahoge in a way, right?

>Is your beloved able to play an instrument canonically?
No - technically, anyway. She's good at Taiko, so I guess she can kind of already play the drums? It counts more than Guitar Hero does, anyway. Gotta wonder who out of the two of us would win at Guitar Hero...

>What would she get you for your birthday?
I'm not sure, maybe one of those hoodies with headphones inside them.
>Would she make a big deal of it?
She's the type of person to make sure days like these are super special to the person being celebrated.
>How do you celebrate special occasions together?
Depends on the occasion, we could either go outside and have a nice dinner, take a walk in the park or stay inside and cook something special.
>Valentine's! Any plans?
I haven't made any, college is draining my time dry, but I'll have something ready.
>How would you go about reading a book together
I don't know how fast she reads, but I read quite fast so I'd probably wait for her to finish
Konata seems like some fun to hang out with

She doesn't have the habit, but I'd be more than glad to exercise with her.

>Is she able to play an instrument canonically?
Not canonically, but in game if you join music club she's there too
I don't remember her playing an instrument though
>what do you think would suit her?
A harp.
>ring, a necklace or earrings as a gift?
She already has a necklace, and her hair covers her ears, so I'll go with ring
>describe a moment that made you fall in love with her all over again!
Her ''marriage'' scene in PQ made me feel as happy as the time I realized I fell in love for her

A house near a huge plain of grass and flowers

>What kind of Wedding ring would you get her?
Moissanite encrusted ring
>What is you're waifu's favorite drink?
I don't know, I only know her favorite foods
>What class would she play if she got into an MMO with you?
Priestess is the obvious answer

>How would you cheer your waifu up if they are feeling down? How would they cheer you up?
>Does your waifu keep her place organized, or is she a bit of a slob?
Fuuka is a very organized person.

Has your loved one ever moved from one place to another? was it a good or bad change?

Shut up, nerds

I just found her recently. It's an interesting time.

>What would your loved one give you for your birthday? Would they make a big deal of it?
Something extravagant and impressive. And...yes.
>How do you celebrate special occasions together?
She'd probably want something big.
>Valentine's days coming up! Any special plans together?
I have to think of something.
>How would you go about reading a book (manga or otherwise) together?
She'd probably enjoy reading together, but I imagine she'd be very picky.
>Is you're waifu one to exercise? If so, what does she focus on the most?
She wrestled a lion once, so I assume she's fit.
>Is your beloved able to play an instrument canonically? If not, what do you think would suit them?
Most likely everything. Well, she tries to play them.
>Would they prefer a ring, a necklace or earrings as a gift, if any?
All of the above.
>Where would you spend your honeymoon together?
Somewhere hot, on an island maybe, just the two of us alone.
>What kind of Wedding ring did you get your beloved?
Simple, yet ornate and elegant.
What is you're waifu's favorite drink?
I imagine fine wine.
>What class would she play if you got her to play an MMO with you?
>Would your waifu like any of the shows airing this season?
Probably not, but you never know. She might like one coming up this year.
>How would you cheer your waifu up if they are feeling down? How would they cheer you up?
For me, it'd be a surprise cuddling situation. For her she'd give me a very inspiring speech.
>Does your waifu keep her place organized, or is she a bit of a slob?
Her rooms in the games seem to be very organised. She doesn't seem to be the slob type.

>Would they prefer a ring, a necklace or earrings as a gift?
Necklace is the most versatile, can do cute things with them with little gizmos and trinkets and whatnot. She doesn't have pierced ears (which I prefer her that way) and rings would probably get scratched up on controllers and stuff, so those are probably a bad idea.
Plus, a necklace lets me get her a photobooth trinket of the two of us in the shape of a star, so...

>a moment that made you fall in love with them all over again!
A few weeks ago I got a big YJA order through including her 1/4 figure and her very rare official dakimakura. It was a pretty wonderful night where I was basically surrounded by new things of her and I'm surprised my heart handled the evening. Temptation to hug the 1/4 as well as the dakimakura is pretty strong, but I don't want to break it.

>Where would you spend your honeymoon together?
A split between Japan and the UK. Half of it taking in my homeland, half of it taking in different areas of hers. I think she'd be pretty awestruck seeing how different the UK is, even just the thought of her amazed face at all the sights makes me smile.
Then she can reverse it around and be the tour guide for us travelling through Japan to different places, sampling a bunch of the country's culture. Pretty sure 'love hotels' aren't really a pivotal part of Japanese culture, but I think I can accept her claim.

>Which subfolder does she visit the most?
Probably the folder with all my reactions to things in it, since I'm about as much of a dork in reality as she is.

>Why are you the best damn thing that ever happened to you're waifu?
She does muse a few times about the fact nobody shows an interest in either her or any of her friends. Sometimes I get the impression she'd feel she's the only one who doesn't adhere to a 'wifey' archetype, so being able to love her as much as I do for who she is would likely mean more to her than she'd admit.

Same to you Mintbro!

>What would your loved one give you for your birthday?
It'd hopefully be such a surprise that I wouldn't be able to guess! I could see her making a deal out of it, though it depends on the situation. If we were at a party or something then she definitely would.
>How do you celebrate special occasions
We've done several different things over the years, like going out for lunch/dinner, watching a movie, or just playing videogames. Hopefully we'll both be going on a trip together for our 5th anniversary this year!
>Valentine's days coming up! Any special plans
I haven't thought too much into it, aside from the Valentine's picture. Things will mostly depend on if I'm working that day or not.
>How would you go about reading a book
Books are for nerds! We might share a magazine or something if it interests the both of us.

Definitely! She trains all the time to be at peak performance for swim club.

With her being a tomboy, it's not too surprising that she's a Boku girl.

Happy Anniversary to you and Kuroko!

>able to play an instrument canonically?
There's official art of her playing a tambourine, but she's never seen playing it in the manga or anime. I like to think of her as an electric guitar or drums player.
>Would they prefer a ring, a necklace or earrings as a gift, if any?
A ring as a gift would be more for a proposal than anything else, I think.
I did buy her a necklace the first time I celebrated her birthday, she loved it!
Earrings would be kind of pointless since her ears are always hidden under her hair, but it could be cute if she ever showed them off.
>Describe a moment that made you fall in love with them all over again!
The day I got my first custom daki cover.

I've always imagined us visiting some European countries together, but I think she might want to visit places like New York. Hopefully by the time it happens we'll have reached a compromise!

>does your waifu have an user folder for pics of you?
She might, though I'm not even sure if she has a computer
>Which subfolder does she visit the most?
The best one.
>Why are you the best damn thing that ever happened to you're waifu?
I don't know if I can answer that. I'd leave it up to her to say, if I could.

>What kind of Wedding ring did you get your beloved?
Haven't got that far yet. Some day I will!
>What is you're waifu's favorite drink?
Pocari Sweat.
>What class would she play if you got her to play an MMO with you?
Whatever one grants her the biggest weapon.

>Would your waifu like any of the shows airing this season?
She might have some interest in whatever sports anime is airing at the moment, but I don't think there's any swimming-related ones for her to really get into.
>How would you cheer your waifu up if they are feeling down? How would they cheer you up?
Videogames are generally a good stress-reliever for both of us. Either that or cuddles.
>Does your waifu keep her place organized, or is she a bit of a slob?
There's occasionally one or two things laying around on the floor in her room, but aside from that she keeps things very tidy.

As for the HobbyHeart question, I haven't experienced any issues with them, but I haven't purchased any covers directly from the store itself, so I can't comment there. 2-Way Tricot is definitely the best material though, only downsides being that it can get damaged from stretching it quite easily, and requires a cold water hand wash to clean.

Not that I know of, though it has been speculated that she isn't native to her current Tokyo home, mostly due to her slightly darker skin.

You shut up, nerd.


Thanks user, Erio is super cute!
Bit of a silly thought, might not work if you're unfamiliar with Jam Roly-Poly since I think it's a British thing, but;
You coming home to her wrapped in a duvet ready to present herself as a 'love-roly-poly' only to find she's gotten too comfy and fallen asleep.

>What kind of Wedding ring did you get your beloved?
Platinum, with little star engravings around it. Why Platinum? Because it's usually the highest rank in games, of course! Well, it's also good for reflecting sunshine into other people's eyes. Good for winding Misao up a little in lectures, I guess?

>What is you're waifu's favorite drink?
Probably some form of soft drink, though I know she'd probably say green tea, in part because it's so Japanesey.

>What class would she play if you got her to play an MMO with you?
She'd be the Tank/DPS while I'd heal or ranged DPS, most likely. I can play pretty much any MMO role well, but since I know she'll want to be in the thick of the action, I don't mind supporting from the back lines. Plus, being a tank/healer duo in the same room allows for some pretty close synergy. And probably quite a loud event if something major's going to happen. Or someone uses a limit break and the two of us mimic the moves. Because sometimes you've just got to.

>Would your waifu like any of the shows airing this season?
She'd like most of them, probably. LWA might give her the wrong idea of what the UK is like, but I think that's what we could watch and enjoy together the most.

[I'll put this in the next post]

>Does your waifu keep her place organized, or is she a bit of a slob?
She can tidy (being a half-orphan, she kinda had to learn), but it's not a huge priority nor does it happen too much, especially with how messy we can both be. Her own place is kept reasonably clean, though. Merch and manga volumes being out of place is too great a cost.

no u, geek

>How would you cheer your waifu up if they are feeling down? How would they cheer you up?
Just getting to snuggle up with her and catch up on hobbies together would suit me fine. Nothing high energy, just relaxing on the sofa with her lying on my lap, the two talking about the day and stuff.
Depending on -her- energy level, she might try to do something special, showing up in an outfit and trying to pretend to be a certain anime trope like a maid. A massage would be nice, but I don't think maids usually offer those... Dunno, if she showed up in a gym uniform and started massaging out my 'exercise wounds of the day', that'd probably work.

Also possibly a bath while playing handheld games; while it's a rare opportunity to have a bath without her invading, she'd still send a few emoji-laden comments about wanting to. I'd probably cave in and let her usually, even if it means it's a fair bit less of a 'quiet bath' at that point. Not really like she raises the water level too much either, haha. Drying her hair afterwards would be theraputic all of its own.

Generally, a quiet and subdued evening where I can gather my thoughts and we can talk through things would be good. Or her lightening the mood with her own little brand of dorky enthusiasm.

Have a great week, waifuthread.

Hi everyone, good to see you all again. I'll be back to post more later on, but I need to work.
She knows I'm not much of a material possession sort of person, so a nice dinner and her is all she'd need to get me. If she wanted to make it a big deal, she'd wear something lewd while cooking, other than that not a lot.
>special occasions
Nothing incredibly different, just whatever the day usually intends for
We'll be re-establishing our dark contract, as we do every year.
I can't imagine any other way than to put our heads together and read.

She doesn't go to the gym, no, but we get enough exercise running around

Watashi, but more often than not in the third person. I know that's a common thing in Japanese but she does it because she thinks it sounds cool in English speaking media as well as Japanese.

Nope. I've thought about this one for a bit, and canonically I think the one that would make the most sense is either piano or harp, they seem fitting
I think among those three she'd be happy with all of them, but a necklace would beat out the others just slightly, because it'd match the one I wear daily.
>when we fell in love
I don't have the room for that here, so when I post again later I'll answer

At the beach the next town over, way past closing time. The stars mixed with the silencing roar of the waves makes it a magical place to relax

If I had to guess, she'd set hers up like I set mine up: single (just her), group, wallpapers, lewd
I'd like to think she opens the single folder as much as I do, so she can see me smile back at her
Because our souls were destined to join as one. It was written in history as far back as the ancient ones existed
>thing 2
Ask her the theme of her raison d'etre
Honestly it would be jarring, but I'd ultimately get over it

I realized I answered one of these completely wrong. Whoops.
>describe a moment that made you fall in love with them all over again!
When I saw him in pic related. Something about seeing him dressed up in a police uniform really sparked something in me. I didn't think marriage was important or something I ever wanted but the moment I saw this I knew he was the man for me and the man I needed to marry.

俺 but everyone knows that from the title.

Is there anything you've learned or realized recently about your waifu that you've previously overlooked?

Something simple but most likely handmade, it means more that way.
>Valentine's day
Flowers and home made chocolates!
We'd agree to read up to a certain chapter and then discuss our feelings on it afterwards!

Hibiki loves to exercise, and mainly cardio and calisthenics!

Not that I ever payed any attention to this, but, and i could be wrong, she mainly uses "jibun" when referring to herself. At least that is what i've noticed. Apparently that's not very common, especially for a girl too.

I'm not entirely sure if she can canonically, but I would not be surprised in the least if she could play a shamisen.
I think Hibiki would be more likely to wear earrings if I gave them to her as a gift, so yeah.
I'm going through and watching some clips of Hibiki from the platinum stars game, and after seeing her shining so brightly on stage, it's making me feel both hyped and determined to learn nip so that I can play her route properly!

Most likely I would take her to Hawaii, back to Okinawa, or maybe to Italy? Whatever works out for us!

You fucking know she does! She probably goes to the "us" folder the most though.

Because i'm the raddest motherfucker there is!

Hibiki moved from Okinawa to the mainland, and she has had to try many new things and learn a lot, but she has enjoyed every second of it!

Shut up, double nerd.

just how actually quick she is to cry at times. I find it to be really cute

What kind of sense of humor does your beloved have? Do you share a similar sense of humor?

What is your beloved the most likely to get hyped about?

Name one thing your beloved simply isn't good at doing

What about your beloved would most likely to get on your nerves at times?

How would you and your beloved fight? How quickly would you resolve it? Are they the type to hold a grudge?

I'd rather no fuss, a little kiss and a nice meal is all I'd want from her and I think she'd understand that
>special occasions
I'll put more effort into the Sup Forums collage this year, and of course try to spend the evening with her, sucks that it's on a weekday
She would probably want to blast through it much faster than me so we would have to read it separately

She does morning calisthenics with her sisters sometimes

>refer to herself

Happy anniversary

No. I think a cello would suite her nicely, or just piano
I think a necklace, she doesn't tend to wear much jewellery
>a moment
Every time I see cute new art of her

You have none. Also die

Brussels would be nice

>user folder
Somehow doubt it
>best damn thing
I'm willing do dedicate my life to protecting her smile
Could quiz them extensively about her, and spend some time studying their behaviour etc

>kind of Wedding ring
I'm not even sure what kinds there are
>favorite drink
>MMO class
Probably a warlock or necromancer or something

Good evening everyone!

Mint is a sweetheart!
Erio is adorable!
Luka has an amazing voice!
Fuuka is super kind and that picture is amazing!
Mizore is cool!
Astolfo is handsomecute!
All your waifus are beautiful

She'd get me something with a practical use, clothes or maybe something gaming related. She'd make a big deal out of it because she wants to be praised

>Valentine's day
I already got a recipe for a cake I want to try. Unfortunatly, I'll be pretty busy on that day so we're probably be at home, but I plan to make up by taking her to the zoo a few days later

>reading book
Reading manga together works pretty well, cuddling under a blanket all the while. We would probably take forever because we'd feel the need to talk about every other panel

She doesn't even need to exercise to stay in perfect health in is a little lazy.

Watashi. Not all that related, but she sometimes speaks in Kansai-ben which I found really cute

She doesn't play an instrument but has really great singing voice. I think she'd like a traditional Japanese one like the Shamisen

Of these, she'd like the necklace the most

I just read Nekomonogatari again a few days ago and she was the sweetest thing ever. It was so adorable to be a love counselor for her older brother and how she really tried to put herself in his shoes.
She didn't even condemn him about his pervertedness and gave him money so he could buy porn! She also referenced one my favourite vidya series which I found pretty cool
Also, her little explanation what love is to her was super cute!

I'd love to go for some remote island paradise or something in rural Europe, a small town in Italy or Switzerland maybe

It was early on in season 1, I started paying a lot of attention to her whenever she was on screen. How she acted was what drew me in, then how pretty she was kept me coming back. When I started thinking about the connection we had, both of us being chuuni, I started realizing that I was falling in love.

A ring that I had to go through each individual ring of hell just to assemble. Each demon that came after me only served to remind me why I was there, and why I was doing what I was. translation: it cost me all my money and I don't have much
Dr. Pepper!
I feel she would play a large berserker type class. I always play mages, so we would make a good team together.

chaos;child most likely
We go out whenever she's feeling down, and I try to find some incredible sight to get her mind off what she's upset over. When I'm upset, she holds me close, knowing that I have to just wait for the mood to go away
Not slobby, she just doesn't put things away.

She moved in-canon from her parents, to her grandparents, finally to her sisters. None of them were for good reason, but they weren't bad moves.

I had one but I forgot already

My humor is definitely a lot more low brow than hers, but it doesn't mean we can't both laugh at something the other found funny
When I gun it in the car on the freeway at night, she gets a rush out of that
>not good
Admitting when she messed something up
Not doing her share of the chores
I want you to think about how 2 chuunis might fight, tell me about it, and I'll say if you're right or not. No grudges though, everything would get resolved on the battlefield.

Question: What kind of music do you and your beloved both like?

Remember, your waifu depends on you just as much as you depend on her. Love her and she will love you back

Was this image edited or was the original version with her singing that song. Because I love the song.

My mind is trying to figure out if that's a boy or a girl...god why am i so stupid this is supposed to be easy

>What is you're waifu's favorite drink?
>What class would she play if you got her to play an MMO with you?

>How would you cheer your waifu up if they are feeling down?
Shoulder rub.
>How would they cheer you up?
I would not dare trouble her with my problems.
>Does your waifu keep her place organized, or is she a bit of a slob?
Leans towards organized.

>Has your loved one ever moved from one place to another?
From worst girl to best character.

Learning is never done.

>What kind of sense of humor does your beloved have? Do you share a similar sense of humor?
Practical jokes and yes.
>What is your beloved the most likely to get hyped about?

>What kind of music do you and your beloved both like?

I made it actually, the original has her saying something for an episode endcard

I'm not sure but it's bound to be something incredibly thoughtful or something I didn't even know I want.
>Special Occasions
Depends on the occasion but we'd be together as much as possible.
We read at very different speeds, her much faster than I, so we'd share books that we've finished with each other.

I haven't seen her exercise but she stays in shape.

None canonically but I can see her playing beautifully on a grand piano.

She doesn't have much interest in jewelry and I don't think it suits her either.

Highly doubt she has a folder of me but if there was any reason for her to like me it would be because I fell for her for who she is on the inside, as cliche as it sounds. As for 3d, that would be awkward in many ways and with many implications.

I'd like to get her something simple with a red or green stone.

I can see her being a healer or other support class.

She's moved very far in her life. Ultimately it was a good thing but its brought a lot of hardship.

She'd probably be influenced by me in that regard to have a morbid overly literal sense of humor.

She'd get pretty excited whenever I returned from an extended period of absence.

>Not Good at
She's not physically strong and would need my help for lifting/carrying some stuff.

I'm not too sure since I'm slow to anger. I may be annoyed if I couldn't get any alone time as bad as that sounds.

It would be a quick fight and after cooling off we'd talk about it rationally. She can hold a grudge but only with people she sees as threats.

What's the highest level of education you're waifu has graduated from? Would she be a good college student?

>but does your waifu have an user folder for pics of you? Which subfolder does she visit the most?

The training images subfolder. Surely filled the shounen fighting spirit.

>Why are you the best damn thing that ever happened to you're waifu?

I don't know, user. I don't want to presume about the good qualities I think I might have, specially when there are so many areas I still need to improve. But I will definitely build the virtue and character of a man worthy of her.

>how would you make sure it's your beloved and not some crazy person?

I have a couple of ways to know. Mostly through emulating some of the events she went through.

>Once you've made sure it's really her, what would you do next?

As long as her sense of self remains I would remain by her side forever, no matter how much she changes. Specially if she still cares about me, I couldn't bear to cast her aside or leave her alone. I just wish I have enough serenity to accept this change.

>Would your waifu like any of the shows airing this season?

She likes fighting shounen series, so I don't know. Maybe DBS.

>How would you cheer your waifu up if they are feeling down?

We can always talk about it, but hopefully my understanding of her and intuition are enough to tell me why she is feeling down so I can cheer her up or more importantly, ease the cause of her concerns.

>How would they cheer you up?

I just need her to look at me with that warm smile of hers, able to see through any worry and get rid of any anxhiety I might have.

>Does your waifu keep her place organized, or is she a bit of a slob?

See, she is very hard working, but funnily her place is a bit of a mess. She lets stuff pile up and before long the place is cluttered until she decides to tidy up.

Either "Smug" or "Reactions" and she'd post them all the time

>best thing
In her own words "There are all sorts of reasons you can say, but those are all lies. They're just excuses you tell yourself to rationally justify your emotions."

She loves Tea

She'd be the kind of person who switches class every other day and would annoy the whole guild bacause of it. During raid, she'd be the one person who just talks about unrelated stuff.
She'd still somehow top the DPS meter once she's geared.

>animu season
She'd love the hell out of Konosuba, it totally seems like her kind of humor.
I also think she'd like Fuuka for the Drama/Romance and Chaos;Child because she likes solving mysteries

>Cheer her up
Hug her tight, talk about what's up and have a comfy evening, maybe go out.

>waifu's place
It's organized chaos

She moved a lot already in that one year after high school, she likes being in new places

We have a pretty similiar kind of humor. We both love to make up some weird elaborate story and just go along with it.

She gets hyped by everything really. How long something is able to hold her attention is entirely different question, though

>not good
She's bad at sticking to one project for long and loses motivation quickly

I love how blunt she is and how she always speaks her mind, but if it has been a stressful day, that same feature could get on my nerves quite quickly.

Fights get extremely loud and emotional, but are resolved very fast and in a similiarly emotional kind of way. She doesn't hold grudges.

We both enjoy music you can dance to, disco or swing music in particular lately!

She finished highschool. She dropped out of college twice already over the course of a single year and now wants to study dance.
I think she's a bad student simply because she has a hard time staying motivated.

>What would your loved one give you for your birthday?
Horse cum
>Valentine's days coming up! Any special plans together?
fuck horses

what the hell?

Good taste

Very cute Yukari expressions.
Piano and guitar canonically.
>ring, necklace, earrings
A necklace.
>fall in love again.
His performance in the second season of the anime. He looked so happy and cute all throughout.
Possibly Denmark to see the northern lights and to visit some bakeries.
>pictures of me
He likes the folder of me working out or studying haha.
>why am I the best
I treasure him and find even his flaws cute. I pet his hair and ears and brush out his tail.
>favorite drink
Melon soda with ice cream.
>MMO class
>organized or slob?
He has people that clean up after him.
>get hyped about
A camera filming him or a crowd of fans
>not good at doing
Speaking English in a way that makes sense.
>get on my nerves
Although I most often find it cute, his attention hungry nature might be a bit annoying if I'm focused on something else.
With words. He would most likely pout and huff, but we would both get over it pretty quickly. Unless it was something he wouldn't forgive, in which case he has no problem at all holding a grudge forever.
His own music.

Good night waifu thread. I can't resist cuddling my pretty idol wife much longer, off to bed.

He's in college but not much is said about it.

The jpop I listen to he likes and we're both fans of shoegaze though he prefers more accessible and less noisy bands.


>sense of humor
I'm not entirely sure since it's not shown very much. He internalizes his emotions in general so he only laughs a few times and its because of interactions with others.
>get hyped about
Eroge, especially ones involving megane.
>isn't good at
Understanding women's emotions

Konata has really pretty long hair.

For special occasions, I like to spend as much time with him as I can, like watching movies or anime together.

For Valentine's, I'm planning an afternoon tea course that consists of chocolate. I want to make this Valentine's extra special.
Yes, he exercises to stay fit. I imagine goes running.
He uses ore.
While I was re-watching his series, I caught things I didn't notice initially, and I ended up learning more about him. But it was seeing him genuinely smile for the first time that made me fall in love with him all over again. I just keep falling more and more in love with him which each day that passes.
Yes, he moved from the countryside to the city after his family was torn apart and he wanted to get his little brother back.
Considering his age, I would say high school if he went.

Hello everyone! Your loved ones are super cute and I wish you a long life together.

>How would you go about reading a book (manga or otherwise together)?
It would depend on the weather, I think. If it's cold enough then huddle up close together under a blanket and race each other in finishing the page in front first; though that'd probably take some time to get to once we learn each others languages. If it's warm then lounging about in the same room where one of us dictates the book line by line to the other.

>How do you celebrate special occassions together?
Depends on the occassion, but there's usually sweets involved!

>Remember to complemnt a waifu today! Yours are all wonderful and adorable!
Erza is a really cool lady!

>Is you're waifu one to exercise? If so, what does she focus on the most?
Well she's quite fit and along with her natural ability to maintain her figure I bet she'd work out; probably a focus on cardio or legs to keep up her agility as well as some sword practice.

I have yet to get a physical ring for her but a simple gold band with an Emerald to match her eyes would suit her best from what I can see.

>Is your beloved able to play an instrument canonically?
Deed can play a lute without a doubt but there's artwork of her playing other string instruments.

>would they prefer a ring, a necklace or earrings as a gift, if any?
Well she loves jewelry or more specifically precious items in general and has worn all of those types of accessories before so for the best effect I'd give her a whole set

>describe a moment that made you fall in love with them all over again!
When I was out and about I looked at my phone to see her smile back at me, I ended up looking at my phone for a good half hour! So any time I see her or hear her voice (or Yumi Touma's voice for that matter) that does it.

Happy Anniversary! I wish you two many more years together!

Only for school, so it's only temporary either way.

>What kind of sense of humor does your beloved have? Do you share a similar sense of humor?
It's either dry (which I can relate to) or it's pulling pranks on people and catching them off guard (which I cannot).

>What is your beloved the most likely to get hyped about?
Romance and family.

>Name one thing your beloved simply isn't good at doing

>What about your beloved would most likely to get on your nerves at times?
She can be a little clingy. Sometimes I like my time alone too.

>How would you and your beloved fight? How quickly would you resolve it? Are they the type to hold a grudge?
I can't stand conflict and would rather admit to any wrongdoing and apologize than defend myself. I think she would hold grudges for at least a while, but that depends on the severity of the situation of course.

But seriously, I doubt our taste in music is similar at all. I don't really listen to 'normal' music very much.

She barely gives high school much care. I doubt she would even bother with post-secondary at all.

She has to exercise to stay in shape in order to effectively pilot her ship.


She can apparently play bass guitar if the anime is anything to go by. She can also sing if it counts.


Out of those I'd probably give her a necklace. The rings for a very, very special moment one day.

>moment I fall in love with her all over

When I saw a certain image of her not too long ago.

Niagara Falls, Right on the falls on the border. We'd go to all the candy shops together and have fun during the day being silly tourists together. Then head to a nice hotel room to spend every night we were there holding eachother close.

>folder for me

I doubt it, if she did, it'd be just like any real life pictures of me and probably have a ridiculous face or look as silly as hell.

>the best thing that ever happened

I have my doubts I am.

>wedding ring

I looked up rings a lot online, and have determined that my dream ring to get her is about 3000 bucks - with a beautiful pink gem shaped like a flower on it, it'd be a lot of saving but it'd be really really worth it.

>favorite drink



AOE spellcaster

>cheer waifu up

Get her one of her favorite treats and say I'm there for her.


She's extremely organized

Oh! Thank you so much for the heads up, I didn't have either of these and haven't seen them before so it's super amazing that you found them.

She ran away from home and joined the military, probably the best choice she ever made.

the previous bass comment.


blunt or sarcastic.


New candy being at the store

>isn't good at

Opening up to people fully

>on my nerves

Her struggling to open up admittedly, though I'd be more angry at myself for not being better at bringing that out of her.

This valiant ladyknight is here to save you from the vile temptress known as your waifu! How do you respond?

Does you have metaphysical or spiritual beliefs about your waifu?


it'd be interesting, but not long lasting. She doesn't hold grudges too much.

Military academy, she'd likely excel at academics.

Have a lovely week, everyone!

>What's the highest level of education you're waifu has graduated from?
She's a high school girl.

I correct her as she is clearly in error.

She is my alpha and my omega.

Don't know how I missed this one
I don't know which subfolder she would most visit, but I hope it wouldn't be the drunk folder
>best thing to happen
Not entirely sure, but she should know that I would never leave her, I would also be by her side for anything she needs.

She moved to Japan from her village as part of the exchange program, it was a great change.

She would get hyped about our dates probably.
>isn't good at doing
>get on your nerves
She sometimes can get a little too jealous
I can't really see myself fighting with her, but if we did it would just be yelling and it would be resolved quickly as neither of us tend to hold serious grudges.

I'm not sure if she has any canon taste, but I enjoy plenty of different music genres except rap, so I'm sure we could easily listen to some together.

Not sure what type of education system they have in her village. And I'm not sure I want to know.
She would probably be an average student.

I believe that when I die and go to heaven that Miia will be there waiting for me.

Goodnight everyone! I hope everyone has a great week; remember to hold your waifu close, you know she deserves it. And as always have sweet dreams about the one who means the most to you.

Do you guys ever go through the thread and answer questions as if you were your waifu talking about you?

Some deliciously baked sweets or of that sort. And she probably would because she can be a bit of a perfectionist.

By being together.

She has to, because she needs to be in good shape. Mostly cardio.

But she's German, so she probably would go with Ich or something.

Happy anniversary.

Nope, but she would probably be a drummer.

Those new anchor hair clips would be a perfect gift for her. Since they wear out and all.

Just looking at the new cute Settsubuun poster made her shot an arrow through my heart once again!

Atlantic Ocean. Because we would definitely visit that Bismarck wreck.

The folder with my stoic expressions. She might find them cute.

Because I am an awful Admiral and she's there to fix me all up.

I would know because I would be quickly won by her humble charismatic atmosphere.
If she was either genderbent or had a different body, her personality would still be the same anyway, so as above.

A diamond ring.

Beer is her obvious choice.

A knight. I would probably be her white mage and patch her up with my cure spells.

She probably would enjoy Seiren, because it's lighthearted and funny.
I give her a warm massage and she would be happy again. She would cheer me up by cooking up a delicious meal for me.
Kinda organised I guess. She does seem to be a slob at first impression but as I knew more of her, she seems to be more cleanly.

She moved a lot a couple of times if we're counting history. Kind of good because if she stayed at one place, she wouldn't be that lucky, I guess.

A huge sense of humour. Not as close as her but close enough.
She hypes a lot about any event that is fun.
She's bad at fully understanding foreign culture, although understandable.
We would rarely fight, but if we did, we would resolve it peacefully.


To impersonate Mai Waifu would be a great sin.

Something like a meal, keki or manga. She would just give it, no big deal.

>special occasions
NANO! NANO! NANO! user! user! user! NANO! NANO! NANO! user! user! user!

...and a special meal and special cuddling.

>valentine's day

I hope she gives me chocos. Go out to some fancy restaurant, a cute picnic with lots of keki, sewwt bun and milk, or maybe cook a meal together.

>reading a book
Nano is always reading a book! I can get along with her. I think we both would like to read a cute cliche romance book, with the right for some kissing during it.

>compliment some waifus
Tsukihi is a lovely Birb Imouto!
Someday I will play Mint's VN!
Kagura a tomboy, and tomboys a best!
Astolfo is a cute girl(male)!
Snek a cute snek!

Nah, she stays in home most of the time, but in one episode she mentioned she likes to go out for a walk in the morning when the day it's beautiful.


I think a necklace, but I'd give her a ring anyways.

>loving even more
When I realized how she is just like me! Everytime I rewatch her scenes!

>cheering up
I would just kiss her and compliment her until she's all happy. She would tell me to lay down on her lap and then say that everything would be okay, while caressing my hair.

She is the one that is always organizing her home! I am a slob.

The depth of her character. Now I am even more attached to her.

>sense of humor
Nah, mine is much more wicked than hers.

Talking to me and her friends, going to school, a snickers bar, etc. Summing up, the little things.

>something she isn't good
Taking care of Hakase.

>something that get in my nerves
The way that she can remind me of my mother
Sometimes, but not frequently, I swear. We are most likely resolve everything at like, five minutes or so. We just can't live without each other. And no.

Lovey-dovey song, hehe.

For some reason, she's shown as either living on her own or living with Miku and the other Crypton Vocaloids. Unless you count her moving in with me. In any event, she seems to adjust to change pretty well.

Always trying to learn more about her. Though the latest isn't really something to boast about.

-Pretty dry, but also very subtle.
-Any trip to a sushi parlor, especially one she likes.
-If I had to pick one thing, it probably involves physical labor. She's good with endurance, but lacks physical strength.
-Honestly, as much as she'd lynch me over it...the tuna.
-A few comments. If it proceeds beyond that, then something is seriously wrong. Sadly, we'd focus more on keeping our distance over trying to fix it; we're both a little awkward when it comes to apologizing.

I can see us bonding over some nice jazz.

College. She actually majored in astronomy for a while.

She tends to reach out to me when I'm at my lowest.

- Yes. Reactions, Autism, full of webms of me dancing and doing autistic shit when alone. And she would like to have some pics of me sleeping or being excited, for some HNNNG's.

- Because I am the one who showed her what true love is.

- Ask the person where the screw had gone.

She's a highschooler.

The thought of her happily talking things about me warms my heart.

Happy birthday to her!

Good night, waifufriendos!

Don't make the same mistake I did. Go back and get the full sized image. I saved some master1200 before I knew how pixiv worked and now those images are deleted and I'll never get the full size.

I hope everyone enjoyed their day! All of your beloveds are lovely.

-Something homemade. It will definitely have something cat related on it too.
-It depends on the occasion. Our 5th year anniversary is coming up on March 9th. We plan on spending the day together.
-I'm going to make lunch for us. I'll be bringing her home a box of chocolates and flowers after I'm done work.
-Laying down together and reading it to one another. We both have wonderful reading voices and enjoy hearing the others.

Definitely. She works on cardio so she can remain nimble about the battlefield.


-Canonically she doesn't play any, but the piano suits her most.
-Either a ring or necklace. Earrings would not be pleasant at all for her.
-When I got my daki of her, and hugging her for the first time.

Somewhere tropical.

-No, they don't have computers in her world.
-I can't answer that for her.

-Haven't bought one yet. I plan on buying a simple band with a red gem that matches her beautiful eyes.
-Probably milk.
-Either assassin or thief.

-She loves headpats, that's a sure way to cheer her up. Seeing her wonderful smile is enough to cheer me up.
-She's organized.

Most likely not.

She is a closet pervert.

-We both have a dry sense of humor.
-Demon hunting.
-It's said that she's quite forgetful, but she hasn't shown any evidence of such.
-How prone she is to her clothes being shredded in battle.
-I'm not so sure how we would fight, but I would allow some time to think things through and calm down, and then come back. She isn't one to hold a grudge.

Some classical music.

Weren't these threads banned?

>tfw the love is slowly dying

Waifufags have just moved from here to the weekend threads. Its all just phases like every group of people, something new will probably pop up in the next 2-3 years once again.

Some clothing she made herself. And of course she would! She's the best seamstress out there and she knows it.

Usually involving champagne.

Just a nice day of love. Sweets, candlelit dinner, lovemaking on a bed of rose pedals. That kinda thing.

She doesn't play one, not really sure what she would

I'll go with ring! Accompanied with a proposal.

Every time we kiss.

I'd like to travel to more than one place on it.

I'm planning to learn enough to make the ring myself

Cudlles are the best way of cheering up.

Chaos is an absolute laugh riot to her, pic related. There's overlap in our humor for sure, there's also things one of us finds hysterical the other doesn't find as funny.

She's hyped about everything she does.

Absolutely terrible at sitting still. Don't think I've caught her doing so awake more times than I can count on no hands. I love the energy.

We haven't really had any fights yet. If we ever do, I won't let myself go to bed angry. Lovingly sleeping together is sacred.

She doesn't particularly hold grudges, unless it's for something huge. If she does get a grudge it's wrath of god level, but I'm certainly not at risk of that, the two times I know of it happened the grudge was well deserved.

She's extremely intelligent, but I'm not actually sure about schooling. I don't imagine she'd be a good student at any kind of normal school, for other reasons.

Our connection qualifies I suppose. And some things that stem from that.

>How does your waifu refer to herself (watashi, atashi, boku, ore, etc)?
He uses boku and then switches to watashi as an adult, this is a good question because it makes me want to rewatch all his scenes and pay attention to that.

>describe a moment that made you fall in love with them all over again!
That's tough, I guess I have such small moments every time I notice a little detail about him, but such moments were the strongest when more of his backstory got revealed.

>What class would she play if you got her to play an MMO with you?
I think a class focused on damage, with high mobility and low defense would suit his combat style the most.

>What kind of sense of humor does your beloved have? Do you share a similar sense of humor?
I don't think he has a specific sense of humor, there's only one scene from a drama CD where he laughs at a friend for acting very girly which is a total contrast to what he looks like.

>What is your beloved the most likely to get hyped about?
About many things, he's the cute type that easily gets excited and dragged into the plans of the people around him.

Have a nice week.


>What would your loved one give you for your birthday? Would they make a big deal of it?
I don't know, she probably would want to make something very special.
>How do you celebrate special occasions together?
I bake a cake or something for her, listen to her music and look for new art.
>Valentine's days coming up! Any special plans together?
Same as above.
>How would you go about reading a book (manga or otherwise) together?
I don't think we would do it. Sounds uncomfortable.


Happy Anniversary!

>Is your beloved able to play an instrument canonically? If not, what do you think would suit them?
She sings.
>Would they prefer a ring, a necklace or earrings as a gift, if any?
I don't think she would wear much jewellery, but maybe a necklace.
>describe a moment that made you fall in love with them all over again!
There was none. I was falling in love with her over a year.

A rented house near sea.

>Since you're posting here, I'll assume you...
I guess if she was a husbandofag she would have a folder of my pics and she would probably most often look at the most well done art
>Why are you the best damn thing that ever happened to you're waifu?
I guess I just love her so much I'd do everything for her, support her and always be on her side.
>If a stranger walked up to you and claimed to be your waifu transported here from 2d, but had to use a random 3d body that looks and sounds nothing like her, how would you make sure it's your beloved and not some crazy person?
Simply ask about facts and moments from our relationship.
>Once you've made sure it's really her, what would you do next?
I would take her home and we would live together like we always wanted.
>What if you're waifu was genderbent or had to use a body of greatly different age than her own while coming over to 3d?
Then it's not my waifu, even if she shares these memories.


>What kind of Wedding ring did you get your beloved?
Something with teal stone.
>What is you're waifu's favorite drink?
Tea, I think.
>What class would she play if you got her to play an MMO with you?
I don't play MMO.

>So with our anniversary coming up I was thinking about ordering a daki cover from hobbyheart. Does anybody have any experience with them? I know they are bootlegs, but how is the quality? Is there a certain type of material that you prefer?
I have dakis from them and they are pretty nice. Remember to buy 2WT, it's superior to all others.
>Would your waifu like any of the shows airing this season?
I'm only watching little witch academia and I think she might enjoy it.
>How would you cheer your waifu up if they are feeling down? How would they cheer you up?
Make a hot chocolate, sit at her side and talk with her.
She would probably do similar, but she would get more worried, probably to the point where I would have to cheer her up instead.
>Does your waifu keep her place organized, or is she a bit of a slob?
She would keep it organized.

Not really.

>What is your beloved the most likely to get hyped about?
Our trips or dates.
>Name one thing your beloved simply isn't good at doing
Physical work I think.
>What about your beloved would most likely to get on your nerves at times?
I don't think there is anything like that.
>How would you and your beloved fight? How quickly would you resolve it? Are they the type to hold a grudge?
We wouldn't. Neither of us would like to put their own happiness above the other person.

She is 16, so middle school, I guess?

I believe that if I die, I'll live with her.

Posting my cute wife!

>What would your loved one give you for your birthday? Would they make a big deal of it?
Something dark, try to find some tome, cursed object or things she can use
>How do you celebrate special occasions together?
Just something by ourselfs, one on one, all to ourselves, nice dinner, walk by the beach at night, simple stuff
>How does your waifu refer to herself
I Because I have an english Tharja
Kuroko a god damn cute
>Would they prefer a ring, a necklace or earrings as a gift, if any?
Well, I would say a ring, because her neck...brace....thing would get in the way of a necklace, and you cant see her ears
>describe a moment that made you fall in love with them all over again!
Her introduction, her boldness, her attitude, shes so cool
>Which subfolder does she visit the most?
Probably "Unexpected", she'd be the kind to enjoy looking at photos of people who dont know theyre being taken. Its more, pure that way

Good morning, Waifu thread! hope all of you who slept had a good rest!

>Like any shows airing?
We're still watching Tiger Mask W. It's hype and it's adorable seeing her root on Tiger Mask in the fights
>Cheer her up? Cheer ME up?
I'm not so good at cheering people up, but I've found if I just let her tell me what's bothering her, I can offer words of encouragement and some hugs and kisses and that seems to work. When I'm feeling down, She'll try her best to cheer me up by telling a joke or trying her best to lighten the mood. Usually just seeing that she cares is enough to lift me out of whatever slump I'm in.
She's a little bit of a slob, but she manages to keep it clean enough

She moved from her mother's house to live with me. It's been a pretty positive change so far, but we still go to see her every now and again

y-you too

>Sense of humor?
She tends to giggle at some of the weird things I'll inevitably do, like when someone asked my name I simply responded with "Matterhorn. LORENZO Von Matterhorn", and she thought that was funny. Our humor is pretty similar, but I have more of a case of racy humor
A new space discovery always has her on the edge of her seat
>What's she simply no good at?
She's not very good at cooking, but that doesn't stop her from trying!
>Get on my nerves?
Not a whole lot, but she doesn't like to wear shoes, so when she tries to go outside in the middle of a blizzard with no shoes on, I get a little irate.
We're simply no good at fighting, We'd both rather take the path of least resistance, so we both just talk out our side of the argument, then come up with a compromise

>Highest level of education?
We managed to get her a GED after a little bit. I doubt she'd be a good college student

Have a good week, friends


It's been a while but I hope everyone had a good Waifu Wednesday,.

I was bored in class, so I decided to draw my waifu.

>What would your loved one give you for your birthday? Would they make a big deal of it?
I don't like birthdaya, but I do celebrate her birthday.

>How do you celebrate special occasions together?
depends on the occasion.

>Valentine's days coming up! Any special plans together?
We're gonna spend the whole night holding hands.

>How would you go about reading a book (manga or otherwise) together?
She reads more than me. She is into philosophy while I'm trying to read classics.

>What would your loved one give you for your birthday? Would they make a big deal of it?
I'd appreciate hugs and kisses, a simple "I love you" would be heartwarming.

>How do you celebrate special occasions together?
She knows that I work really hard for her, I'd love to lie on her lap and talk to her while she caresses my hair until I fell asleep. I want to hear her sweet humming.

>Valentine's days coming up! Any special plans together?
That day's coming, huh...
Man, I should save money for a daki commission. I think I'll just buy her favorite food and drinks.

>How would you go about reading a book (manga or otherwise) together?
She's not really a fan of reading and I think it'll bore her quickly.

>Remember to compliment a waifu today! Yours are all wonderful and adorable!
Thank you for the compliments, I hope you and your waifu's having a wonderful day! Please protect her smile and don't let it fade!

I love my wife!

Alright, thanks for the info, I'll probably be ordering it within the week.

>Is there anything you've learned or realized recently about your waifu that you've previously overlooked?

There is no canon information about her but I find new songs from time to time.

>What kind of sense of humor does your beloved have? Do you share a similar sense of humor?

Her humour is a bit dry.

>What is your beloved the most likely to get hyped about?

Maybe placebo audio equipment.

>Name one thing your beloved simply isn't good at doing

Writing C code.

>What about your beloved would most likely to get on your nerves at times?

The fact that she is popular. She is a singer after all.

>How would you and your beloved fight? How quickly would you resolve it? Are they the type to hold a grudge?

Can't imagine having a fight with her, so no idea who to resolve it.

>What's the highest level of education you're waifu has graduated from?

At last Japanese high school.

>Would she be a good college student?

I think so. Japanese collages don't seem to be very different from high schools anyway.
