>worshipping a shitskin kike on a stick
How do we expel the christfaggots from this board? Fuck your kike (((abrahamic))) religion. Christniggers love shitskins as long as they are christian and churches flood the country with them.
>worshipping a shitskin kike on a stick
How do we expel the christfaggots from this board? Fuck your kike (((abrahamic))) religion. Christniggers love shitskins as long as they are christian and churches flood the country with them.
>Worshipping a tree and slurping semen
Fuck your meme religion. Just admit that you're a brainlet atheist who cares more about race than about truth.
Nice try commie
Hitler was a Lutheran and sucked up to the papacy before he was excommunicated
Your kike religion is meek and weak. Christfaggots flood countries with shitskins because they are their brothers in Christ. Fuck Christniggery.
1.everyone should get mandatory pagan rune tattoos.
2.men should be forced to grow their hair and listen to black metal.
3.women should get as many piercings as they possibly can
4.the "arson is not a crime" narrative should be pushed
5.a neetbux program for confessed pagans should be installed (50% in cash, 50% in childrens board games coupons)
follow these steps and the west will be pagan again in no time!
Aren't you that Indian poo in the loo that hates a superior religion to yours?
No he wasn't. He was Christian in his early years but once he gained power he imprisoned many church leaders and founded the positive christianity movement which essentially sought to remove christianity of its semitic roots (jesus was an aryan european and not a jew, etc)
Furthermore Goebbels, Himmler and Bormann all hated Christianity.
Go away pajeet
Disgusting filthy kike religion.
A lot of christian groups sponsor thrird-world immigration into the US. They don't give a fun about race or nation. Only filling empty churches and taking money from dumb people.
Fuck off filthy christnigger kike.
wtf did i just type? lol
Cuckstianity is a disease.
>Your kike religion is meek and weak
>crusaders BTFO pagans and muslims
youre a faggot and a pussy. if I saw you irl id break your jaw
Crusaders fought and killed other Europeans more than Mudslimes you fucking idiot.
>all popular depictions of (((jesus))) came centuries after his death
Your Christfaggots are a blight.
Saul of Tarsus wasn't an apostle
can you recommend a good, pagan board game for me and my kids, based pajeet?
>Your Christfaggots are a blight.
As if you shareblue kikes are our friends.
Shit, mean wasn't one of the original apostles
>le deak kike on a stick muh pagan heritage lets conduct ritual orgies in the woods while bathing in blood
Hi there greatest ally. Slow day at work?
>get together with family
>hold Christmas church at home in the living room with everyone packed in
>sing songs eat and drink together
>tell stories about the past year
>have a bonfire
>sit under the tree and exchange gifts
>eat again
>play games and talk
>pray to Jesus at the end
>everyone goes home
This will always be the practice of my friends and family.
This is real, this isn't larpy garbage.
To abandon Christianity would be not only to abandon the truth but to abandon friends and family, and our real traditions.
>le european ancestral tradition
They aren't here, my family is here, gathering in the snow around the tree, that is here, the larping isn't.
Going to church is here, going to some sacred grove isn't.
You're asking me to betray my immediate family for the sake of my extended family.
>Crusaders fought and killed other Europeans more than Mudslimes
[citation needed]
>Crusaders fought and killed other Europeans more than Mudslimes you fucking idiot.
yeah and they did that successfully, the fucking destroyed those pagan cunts through the power of Christ
>b-but muh meek religion
Christians are the most powerful
>Shit, mean wasn't one of the original apostles
We know what you meant.
Look, I'm looking at the genetics studies here, and they tell us two things unmistakably: Egyptians were white and so were the people of the Middle East. Sand niggers took over later. This means Christ really was a white man. So who cares if Saul was a Jew. The people claiming to be "Jews" today are lying their asses off.
oh look ShariaBlue is pretending to be WN now
>tries his hardest to deny cuckstianity's kike origins
Cuckstians love Israel you fucking idiot.
Not being a dick, which studies were these?
Start with this:
Ancient Egyptian mummy genomes suggest
an increase of Sub-Saharan African ancestry
in post-Roman periods
Verena J. Schuenemann et al. 2017.
that's not jesus, that's indio from a few dollars more
>I'm so fucking stupid I assume that the sand niggers posing as the Jews of the bible are the same people because I'm unaware populations move around. I also believe Egyptians were Arabs for the same reason. I'm dumb as fuck. Please purge me.
Ok, I'll check it out, thanks user
Fuck off idiot.
First Crusade:
> pillage European countries to the point that most refuse to let crusaders through them without an armed escort and only a few at a time. Killed more Europeans than Muslims. Also butchered everyone in Jerusalem no matter if they were Muslim or Christian that Christians in the regions started siding with Muslims.
Fourth Crusade:
> Sack Constantinople and pave the way into Europe. Never actually going to the """holy""" lands.
Crusade 1-4:
Never free European held territories; instead, go to ME to create a business for Jews.
Boring little shill. There's a reason why both degenerate homosexual pagans and satanic talmudists hate Christ more than anything. Roaches abhor the light.
>>Crusaders fought and killed other Europeans more than Mudslimes
>[citation needed]
Wait, before he cites that, let me ask you something.
How did Europeans suddenly start believing in a desert deity? Tell me how you think this happened.
enjoy burning in hell faggot
Jews wanted to destroy christianity for centuries
Looks like they found an ally In the neckbeard pagans
Brother, this is Sup Forums, like all of you, we are here to stay. If you think insults will drive us away, you know nothing of Believers.
>Hitler was a lutheran
>No he was Christian
Are you retarded or just larping as a complete idiot
They know what the score is.
>those jews are not real jews!
You christniggers are thicker than pig shit.
>implying anybody said hitler was annatheist
He was a deist.
you're the biggest kike on this board
>the virgin pagans
>the Chad crusaders
u mad bro?
>Brother, this is Sup Forums, like all of you, we are here to stay. If you think insults will drive us away, you know nothing of Believers.
Shit, Romans used to torture us to death and we still wouldn't recant. He's fucking clueless if he thinks posting some kike-inspired anti-Jesus pic will get rid of us.
He didn't intend to say it as you took it. He was saying Hitler became an apostate in maturity.
Lying satanic kike piece of shit.
Doesn't sound very Marx to me, faggot.
Learn to fucking read moron. After Hitler came to power he oppressed the churches and imprisoned many of its leaders. He shittalked Christianity endlessly in private. This was documented by his close colleagues such as Goebbels, Himmler and Bormann.
>jews and christians worship the same god
commie faggot
>I'll pretend kikes have not always been the most bitter of enemies to Christianity, just like me.
All three desert religions fight over the same desert deity.
My question is, what do White people have to do with any of this?
Deists are just Christians afraid of responsibility and love.
>kicked out the kikes
>kept letting them back in
>protected europe from islamic hordes
Again see Crusaders killed more Europeans than whites. They didn't even liberate Mudslime-controlled European territories. They were utter chimps.
Cuckstian organizations are flooding the west with rapefugees.
>He shittalked Christianity endlessly in private.
>Holocaust survivors told me so.
>Crusaders killed more Europeans than whites.
[Citation needed]
>abrahamic religion
That's heresy.
>holocaust survivors
Literally the diaries of Goebbels, Bormann and other Nazi leaders.
>In a diary entry of 28 December 1939, Goebbels wrote that "the Fuhrer passionately rejects any thought of founding a religion. He has no intention of becoming a priest. His sole exclusive role is that of a politician."[81] In an 8 April 1941 entry, Goebbels wrote "He hates Christianity, because it has crippled all that is noble in humanity."[82]
Again see
you do realize that goebbels was jewish right?
Well it didn't happen via conquest, retard.
The levant isn't a desert, you mong.
In the Alemanni it was their women, among the Goths it was their men, with the Franks it was their king, with the Saxons it was the nobility, with the Romans it was the farmers.
>First Crusade:
>> pillage European countries to the point that most refuse to let crusaders through them without an armed escort and only a few at a time. Killed more Europeans than Muslims. Also butchered everyone in Jerusalem no matter if they were Muslim or Christian that Christians in the regions started siding with Muslims.
>Fourth Crusade:
>> Sack Constantinople and pave the way into Europe. Never actually going to the """holy""" lands.
>Crusade 1-4:
>Never free European held territories; instead, go to ME to create a business for Jews.
[citation needed]
>uhh but this infograph about baltniggers proves Europe was conquered by Crusaders
Can you stop memeing and actually have a discussion?
Sources PLEASE
>>Crusaders killed more Europeans than whites.
>[Citation needed]
How did Europeans start following a desert religion? Explain how you think this came about.
Reminder that Cuckstians only let Jews commit ursury and that's why they control all financial institutions today.
>Cuckstian organizations are flooding the west with rapefugees.
The Jews and Muslims are totally innocent in the invasion of Europe, right?
It's those dirty Christians who are... wait a minute, Europe is no longer Christian....
We still need a citation, faggot.
Here is Hitler literally saying he defends Christianity, unlike your bullshit made up quotes beside his name and picture.
How do you think it came about?
this guy has no real points, he is just a larping faggot
That was US living out there, you fucking idiot. How stupid do you have to be to think the people out there were always sand niggers? Do you think Detroit was always black, you fucking moron?
I gave you sources you fucking idiot. That speech was before he became fuhrer. None of Hitler's actions when he was leader indiciated a pro-christianity stance. He jailed a shitton of church leaders, founded the positive christianity movement to rid christianity of all its semitic roots and was documented by multiple nazi leaders to criticize christianity heavily in private. See
>Well it didn't happen via conquest, retard.
>The levant isn't a desert, you mong.
>In the Alemanni it was their women, among the Goths it was their men, with the Franks it was their king, with the Saxons it was the nobility, with the Romans it was the farmers.
The Middle-East isn't a desert? Christian armies didn't kill all Europeans who wouldn't convert? Is that what you are saying here? Know what other desert religion kills people who don't convert???
Charlemagne and the chi-ro
>In 1937, Goebbels noted Hitler's approval of anti-Christian propaganda and the show trials of clergy. Hitler's impatience with the churches, wrote Kershaw, "prompted frequent outbursts of hostility. In early 1937 he was declaring that 'Christianity was ripe for destruction', and that the Churches must yield to the "primacy of the state", railing against any compromise with "the most horrible institution imaginable".[16] In his entry for 29 April 1941, Goebbels noted long discussions about the Vatican and Christianity, and wrote: "The Fuhrer is a fierce opponent of all that humbug".[17]
In 1939, Goebbels wrote that the Fuhrer knew that he would "have to get around to a conflict between church and state" but that in the meantime "The best way to deal with the churches is to claim to be a 'positive Christian'."[81]
>In another entry, Goebbels wrote that Hitler was "deeply religious but entirely anti-Christian."[83][84] Goebbels wrote on 29 December 1939:[85]
>The Führer is deeply religious, though completely anti-Christian. He views Christianity as a symptom of decay. Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish race. This can be seen in the similarity of their religious rites. Both (Judaism and Christianity) have no point of contact to the animal element, and thus, in the end they will be destroyed.
You believe the kikes when they run up and give you these bullshit quotes, faggot?
Here he is saying he supports it:
Watch for yourself, then come back and apologize and admit you're a fucking piece of shit.
Oops, meant Edict of Milan
Hitler knew there was no way in hell he'd get public support of he went around talking shit about Jesus. If you think NatSoc is a "christian" movement you're dumber than a nigger. Read fucking anything about Goebbels, Himmler...and a lot of stuff Hitler said in private.
They were pagans or at the very least thought more of the old gods than judeo-christianity.
>Christian armies didn't kill all Europeans who wouldn't convert?
I can't imagine being that stupid. So you think Christianity just wiped out everyone everywhere who wasn't a Christian? So I suppose you can explain why the bothered taming the perverted holidays of the pagans like lupercalia (Valentines Day) FOR THEMSELVES?
Clearly you are full of shit.
>How do you think it came about?
They killed anyone who wouldn't convert. I see religion for what it is. A tool to control stupid people with fear. If they couldn't control those people, they killed them (very christian-like), just like your other desert religion counterpart, muslims do.
Again, you kike-cock-sucker, THOSE ARE MADE UP SOURCES. They do not have Goebbel's diary. The kikes FORGED it, you fucking retard.
>made up quotes
You are literally a cretin. These are from the top Nazi brass who documented Hitlers anti-christian remarks many times. It isn't from the kikes.
>links a speech before hitler came to power
Again, none of Hitler's actions indicated a pro-christianity stance. Why do you think Positive Christianity movement was a thing?
>(very christian-like)
Funny how not a few posts above pointed out your kike lies, sheeny
Spoken like a true liberal.
Pagan rituals are still real in europe under the guise of christianity though. Most europeans aren't even religious, but culturally pagan. it's only the amerifat. Christians were bullied in school when I was a kid haha.
>top Nazi brass
If you can't give me a literal recording of Hitler saying it, it's made up kike bullshit and you are their servant.
That's how it works bitch!
>the kikes forged it
>literally no sources
If kikes truly hated Christianity they'd portray Hitler as a Christian you fucking mongoloid. Multiple sources by people like Goebbels, Himmler, Bormann, Alfred Rosenberg, etc documented Hitlers opposition to Christianity in private.
if Hitler was truly a christnigger, why did he send church leaders to concentration camps,.oppress the vatholic church and found the Positive Christianity movement which essentially eschews the bible and removes the semitic roots of Christianity?
>I can't imagine being that stupid.
Well, you do live your life by the writings of a fictional book, written by men 500 years after the events, so I would bet imagination and critical thinking isn't your strong characteristic.
Christ is the Way, the Light, and the Truth
>source: Books written by Jewish people.
>you need a recording
Why would people record Hitler's private speeches to his close confidants retard? When you have multiple Nazi leaders documenting his anti-christian remarks, it isn't a damn conspiracy by the kikes.
Jesus was blondish red hair with greenish blue eyes, idiot.
Muzzie's already conquered 2/3rds of the Christian world and now the Pope sucks on muzzie toes.
Sup Forums will always be a christian board