They were showing Ghost In The Shell in my local cinema so I went and watched it.
I really liked it, although the dubbing was a bit wooden sometimes. What do you guys think about it? Do you like it?
They were showing Ghost In The Shell in my local cinema so I went and watched it.
I really liked it, although the dubbing was a bit wooden sometimes. What do you guys think about it? Do you like it?
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This movie is what got me into anime.
>you guys
Don't you know we are all little gynoids here?
Are you telling me it took you this long to watch Ghost in the Shell?
i pirated and watched it on my teeny thinkpad about a year ago, but it wasnt the same
is it playing in canada or just the uk?
UK for now, US release is in Feb
Mine was a subbed showing, a little messy at parts but at least they weren't yellow ones. Hearing that OST again but in a cinema was godly.
Is a great movie, also the local weeabos at my neighborhood town
tend to show movies in a made up cinema, they show from Dragon Ball
movies to more niche stuff like Angel Egg, shit is comfy.
>tfw no Beautiful Dreamer, Do You Remember Love?, or End of Evangelion ever plays anywhere in my whole state
I check like every week
Burn your cinema for showing it in dubbed version.
Watched it subbed last year in the cine.
Are you looking forward to the hollywood one?
I'm not smart enough to understand it.
I've watched it twice, the dub (which was terrible, you give it too much credit but calling it "wooden"), and the sub, and didn't really "get it" either time.
This movie is so damn boring compared to sac
What exactly do they use at these special engagements?
The only time I saw anime in theater was Eva 1.0, and that was some 1080p copy that didn't even take up the whole screen or make proper use of the sound system.
Was it the original or the 2.0 shit?
When is Masamune Shirow going to make more?
Hopefully never, he already did too much.
I like his style.
why would you watch the dub
>paid to see a dub
Ouch, man, ouch.
>only showing within 60 miles is still 45 miles away
Why can't funimation pull through and give me 3 theatres within 15 miles like they did with shin godzilla?
You got robbed user.
Now go watch the proper movie.