Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon

This is a chorogon


Tohru has amazing eyes

Post Lucoa


Threadly reminder that anti-lolicon won again.

Lucoa's eyes are even prettier

just... fuck i paused the episode for minutes just to look at them

>Posting a rapist

No thanks.


there needs to be a webm of this

I really like the shape of Lucoa's horns. They're very ergonomic, providing the perfect shape for intensive long-distance riding.

I want to facefuck Lucoa

Agreed. I just want to gaze into those beautiful fiery eyes.

Lucoa's strangely arousing eyes are fine too.

Lucoa is probably fine with that.

>tits, ass or thighs?

She's not into old men

If you're allowed to post, you're too old

How old is kobayashi?

What if I'm an elf
Sup Forums is written assuming 18 is adult but for elves that's not true

>watch this because the pictures I saw of it showed an actual dragon
>it's another "dragon for 2 seconds and the rest of the season it's a loli with a tail" anime

Because not everyone has the same fetish you have.
Just be glad that you got some sweet dragon showering this episode.

she's got some nice handles for it

Loli of the season

why was this episode so fucking good?

Is there loli fanservice in the manga?

Because it had giant anime tiddies in it.

Old enough

They know how to do well the Kobayashi and Tohru's scenes.


Even I(male) have more breasts than Kobayashi.

A for Alcoholic

Best girl


But you aren't as sexy, are you?

Why is she wearing a maid outfit in the bath?

I bet my hips are still bigger and can do a better female than Kobayashit.

Boys make the best girls after all


its her scales

sniff sniff
do you smell it?

it's the smell of bLOWN THE FUCK OUT

I need webm of that.

Gonna flop harder than Nichijou

Shota when?


I want to feed Kana chocolate!

I want to eat that tail

Are you joking? Because they didn't show nipples? Fuck off retard

I want to get drunk and play Dark Souls with Kobayashi!

thx user


I bet she wouldn't mind you inviting friends so it's all three at the same time.

I don't know much about dragons, so I want to ask:

What does the tail do during sex?



Wraps around the other dragon's tail. It's like handholding, but lewder.

I always loose it when Ben Franklin appears.

What if...

What if there is no other dragon...?

Where do you want it to go?

This next week. I can't wait to hear Emiri Katou's overjoyed hnnnnnng.

>loli dykes
Is this even possible? Do children even have a sexuality before 10 or so?


pls do 17:30 too

KyoAni does do amazing eyes.

It bothers me that there's no window in their room.


/ss/ with Lucoa when?

What kind of programmer is Kobayashi? Does she make lewd games on the side?

I started getting interested in girls and jerking off when I was 8.


>mfw Quetzalcoatl is actually a feathered serpent and not a reptile like dragon

I believe someone made one already, but I think it was looping, so here it is.

Wut? I mean it's not impossible, but proof?
I still enjoy this show.

>Seven Seas

Makes her extra soft.

I hate that i get the compulsion to look of VAs when i recognize them.

I wish there was a quick way to cross reference VAs that have appeared in shows i've watched previously.

Mah diabeetus.
Thanks, user.


What's up with her forehead?


Anybody got the stitch of Lucoa



I'm just waiting for the oppai loli

These three need to be stitched together in a "wait a minute - oh, never mind" kind of edit.

I want to be her shota.


Can wait for those doujins.

Unfortunately she's a little too busty for higuma-ya to do one of her.

Another day of healing has passed.

tomorrow: for honor



You got the part right after that too?

Kanna is too cute.

Great episode, cant help myself but to make that kobayashi's "fulfilled" face watching this.

You mean this one but in a webm?

This one.

OnoD and Nakamura appear all the time in KyoAni shows.

Rough sex doujins of Lucoa when

Remember when Kyoani didn't have to rely on boob-grabbing to get barely mediocre sales numbers?


I like it. This show does eyes really well and I appreciate that.