Which one would you choose and why?
Which one would you choose and why?
Fuck off.
Why are you doing this even?
Are you really expecting this thread to take off if you just post it often enough?
Ulimited Imouto Works
I would choose the gokigenyou option. My favourite hobby as an ojou would be stepping on commoners and on whoever picks Yes Ma'am option. The flower would be a Juliet Rose as poor people can't buy it.
You don't have any reason to pick anything other than imoutos or hentai MC.
Shit graph/10
>picking hentai MC at all
>basically a pig that talks
>can't be loved
>but with the ability to get free rapes
Would it be a straight up upgrade from what you're?
>basically a pig that talks
>can't be loved
That's basically all of Sup Forums, but also gains police immunity, which would be a pretty kickass power on its own, can also summon any bitch you want and mindbreak her into becoming a slave.
Just summon the most powerful moeblob you can think of and do whatever you want, you can't be punished.
Shit's way more overpowered than any of the other options, so there's no point to them.
Suffering loli. Being an immortal loli is my dream so I'm willing to give up some happiness to achieve it.
>Would rape his own waifu
>become the little girl
I don't even have to read the rest. This is it.
>I have no interests in life other than sex
what a dullard
The downside is you'll be an old hag after just a few years.
>you can't age
Oh, didn't see that. Clearly the best choice then.
I'd rape you motherfucker
C'mere, prepare your anus
[dmail_header arrival_mmddyyyy:"03182014"]
Don't let imouto swim alone tomorrow
El Psy Congroo
I chose to become the little girl, so I'm immune to rape. Checkmate.
I'll take the butler option.
I half wish I could combine it with genderbending for a maid option instead because maids > butlers on the whole so why wouldn't I want to be one of them instead of their slightly inferior counterparts, but I'm more than happy with it as-is.
Is the ojousama you're serving a lesbian?
I dunno. I didn't have any particular ojou-sama in mind. I just figured that being a butler (Even to a generic, relatively nondescript ojou) would be most fun out of the options given. And then had the thought that maids are better than butlers, so that would probably be even more fun.
These options are pretty shit.
I'll be a butler; get to blow my load and get paid well.
Hard choice between loli or hentai MC.
Lolis are a counter to H MC.
They can't be teleported because of kidnap immunity and also can't be raped.
So, what could counters lolis?
Tough choice with genderbending, lolis and ojou-samas, but I'm gonna have to be the suffering loli. Being a kitsune who needs headpats, hugs and handholding to survive should be pretty good.
not even hard
My otouto swimed alone too
Sorry to hear about that, user.
Being the loli, I guess.