Is it really as bad as we always hear in the mother country? Are there really Muzrats everywhere? How deep is the Muzrat infiltration? Are they only in London, Birmingham, etc? Have they also infiltrated mid-sized cities and towns? What is Britain's fate?
Muzzies in Britain
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We have a fucking muslim mayor for our capital and he said: "There's too many white people on public transport", for fuck sake, how can it get any worse than that? We're done. In 20 years time, welcome the United Islamic Kingdom.
How did this happen?
Allowing women to vote, the cultural marxists and the EU. Most of all, other british white men selling
out just to live comfy.
My dad warned me a paki will stab me in London, he isn't worried about that in India
i'm a based redpilled trump supporting muslim
>ID is poo
I mean they represent 5% of the population right now, but are normally in London and other Cities. You may get a small amount roaming around a suburban town.
I moved out of London three months ago and went rural for landscaping work, and I haven't seen a muslim, or a nigger since. Seen like 1 chinky chick at Sainsbury's last month but that's about it.
are you that muslim who votes tory?
>That fucking ID
as other posters have said, theyre pretty highly concentrated in a couple of cities, it just appears like they are everywhere because of the media coverage and theres no getting away from it, having 3-4million muslims is a big deal.
if you take out london and birmingham, the uk is about 95% white and even in that 5% theyre highly concentrated in about 5 more towns.
its one of the reasons there isnt more hate for them here, unless you live in one of these towns people just dont see what goes on. i mean since moving to where i am now i havent seen a single muslim (in traditional dress at least) and just 1 black guy in 5 years. theres a few indian and chinese takeaways, so maybe about 200 non whites in a small town of 30,000?
thats for now but its only going in one direction, the next national census figures in 4 years will make grim reading
Where I live has gone from >99% white to about 1/4 of school kids being non-white in about five years.
I was in London recently. It’s literally either Africa, India or some Islamic hell hole. It doesn’t feel like Europe or any Western country at all.
let me guess, the non-white are bussed in from a different area for ''diversity'' reasons?
Toppest of keks
I don't know how they got here. I left in 2009 and came back in 2014.
You never know. They might not live near the school. Where I lived was 90% white, but the local secondary school was probably only 70%. These non white kids came in from a nigger part of the city about 10 stops away
I dont know about muslims specifically but when I go to nearby cities like northampton or down to london its a sea of darkies
my village and smaller towns are still white british christian culture but certain cities are like some other country at this stage
i reckon london will try have secession from the Uk within a 20 years
london isn't the UK though. it's a "global city"
whatever that fucking means.
non whites dont leave cities, they can't get to the welfare office.
They usually congregate in the cities (London, Birmingham and Glasgow are particularly bad) - the infestation is slowly but surely spreading to mid-sized cities and towns, and eventually rural areas will take a hit.
>inb4 have more children
When you’ve got the media pushing the overpopulation meme and the destruction of the nuclear family along with feminist nonsense being pushed at every opportunity, it is easier said than done.
Take a look at South Africa right now. That is exactly how our country will be in the future.
Allahu Ackbar.
Your village won’t be like that in twenty years time. The councils regularly move foreigners into majority white areas to increase “tolerance” and “diversity”. There won’t be a civil war or a massive political pushback that will save us all, we will just simply vanish as a people.
Remember, Ofsted criticised a couple of schools for being too white.
They're not everywhere but England is completely fucked. Wales and Scotland are full of communists who love Muslims so they would be fucked as well if they could persuade Muslims to live in Wales or Scotland. Northern Ireland is fucked for other reasons. This literally leaves only one region of the UK (based south west England) for native non-commies, the largest cities in the SW are communist already, and internal migration means that pretty soon (20 to 30 years) the SW will be fucked as well. It's done.
Pic related.
You're right. People are living too comfy, they're lemmings, and they don't want to risk their wage jobs. We'll slowly just turn into a tech-corporatist nightmare with a little squeak just before the boot comes down onto us. I'll be out of this shit hole by then anyway. No place to raise a family.
Good point. Kent, Surrey, Essex, and both Sussex seem to be pretty based for modern standards. They should go for independence.
>Kent, Surrey, Essex, Sussex
All totally dependent on London.
Isn't the whole country pretty much dependent on London? I know that the home counties have the highest GDP behind London anyway
Didn't Immigration from the commonwealth literally start by accident? Your parliament passed a law giving citizen status to the whole commonwealth, and then A ship that was picking up service men in Jamaica wasn't full so some idiot wanting to make a quick buck filled the boat up with blacks?
Dude London is all faggots in pyjamas and shit, it’s fucking insane. We need to cleanse the sand-niggers from the first world.
Yes, but the home counties in particular are. They could easily be renamed the "commuter counties". South West England, for example, is not really dependent on London for gibs or for jobs, but they barely break even normally, and lately they aren't even doing that.
I know the law was called KUKC. Swear down. And it was signed by Atlee
>poo traumatic stress disorder
Such weakness itt
How did the IRA force your governments hand?
The IRA had backing from both the USSR and the USA (still no apology btw) at various times, remember? tbf southern Ireland was hardly a fucking asset anyway, so fuck it.
Tbf, they'd have a steep down economically if they left London but I think in the long term they could creep back up and have a better endgame than a lot of places in general. There's a few decent towns that could become cities
Worse than you could ever imagine
White boys be cucked
Yes it is as bad as you’ve heard, maybe worst, I’m 29 male and will be leaving this shit hole within 2 years. And good riddens, if they people who went to war for this joke of a country, saw what they fought for, they would not have even bothered
It's fucking shit, even up north. I'm from Leeds, and they're everywhere and they roam around together and live in little communities. So glad to have moved to the countryside in nz
The point is their gdp is so high because of people working high-paying jobs in London. All of these people would have to either leave or work shitter jobs in your scenario. The home counties are attractive to these people because they are near enough to London to easily be able to commute from, but, unlike London, they aren't full of blacks and muslims. A hard border between London and the home counties would completely fuck the home counties economically. It would be much more of a step down than you're probably imagining. It would also probably fuck London a bit too tbf.
>even up north
You mean especially up north, right? It's ruined up here.
You have high minimum wage and low income tax right over there, don't you?
Where are you flocking to?
Fuck man i hurt for you, Feels bad to have my brothers across the water so fucked
>based muslim
A familiar story, welcome to New Zealand. Although I fear that our current government is sowing the seeds for similar problems here for the sake of international virtual signalling.
If you were based you'd leave, this is not your homeland
I'll probably be leaving soon too, it's sad really, I love this country and my people but it's just too fucked now.
If May hadn't bent over for junker and we'd have left with no deal I would have some hope but no, she pulled a cameron on us, agreed to the most insane terms and got the worst deal imaginable and calls it good for the people.
This place is fucked, even the US would be better with it's majority subhuman populace
I live in essex, the people here are great but every day I see more and more shitskins, drove past the neighbourhood I grew up in in grays and everyone on the street was a nigger, paki or slav and when I went to fill up at the petrol station everyone in the queue spoke with an accent including the pajeet owner
Just read on (((stuff))) that there's 46,000 Muslims in nz, a 30% increase in 10 years
Better yet, let's just clense them from the world. What we need is a fine ol solution to this problem!
That's because there are no Paki's in India
It gets worse:
Been to England once, I took a bus from Liverpool to London with an Aussie cunt I met headed that same way. He woke me up when we got to London to like 300 Muslim Schoolgirls in the whole gettup outside the window just getting out of school .. Asked him how long had we'd been sleeping and who let us ride the bus all the way to Malmo.
Brits are cucked but at least they still have white majority cities such as Liverpool(90% +/-), we're all in the same boat any ways.
Good times
Allowed Churchill to manipulate you into doing the jews and commies dirty work.
>kukc law imports black bulls
Fucking jews have a sense of humor sometimes.
it really is worse than you can ever imagine. even in the quiet westcountry you don't know if the person you're approaching is going to understand english because there's a good chance they're either polish or romanian, or not even white at all.
the last of our nation's community cohesion was destroyed in one generation.
London is more islamic than malmo in my experience. And that is saying something.
even the chinks know what's up
>Are there really Muzrats everywhere
Yes, Paki here, I live in the countryside
pic related
there are 150 million muslims though, same shit, different street.
/tips fedora.
>Not Bangladeshi.
I know everything china does is propaganda and India is resisting it's empire but man that's another level.
>If May
Dude you are not really going to get very far if you don't understand when and how and by whose hands this all started.
Protip: it was in play long before WW1. The zionist Churchill (funny how he's held up as a hero because he fought le ebil nazis isn't it, funny how no one ever mentions his financiers were all Jews) only made it happen quicker.
Churchill cannot be touched because he led you guys to war, besides, jews don't want the truth to be revealed.
>communist potatonigger IRAfag majority
>Churchill cannot be touched
What I find weird is why brits (and even murricunts) kiss his ass while anonymous.
I guess it's the same reason they can't call out Trump for openly being a shabbos goy zionist, just because he said he would build muh wall.
Sure, irl Churchill tried to redpill people on commies and Jews, but fine. See here Also worth reading his memoirs. Not a fan of commies or Jews, and surprisingly quite open about the real causes of the war. Basically admits we were the bad guys.
No, I'm well aware of when this started, pic related but I had at least hoped that she would have had some integrity for the selfish reasons of her own legacy in doing this thing correctly.
It doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of these kikes
Blackpilled British self-deprecation aside. Muslims congregate in their ghettos in a few major cities and towns and nowhere else. In most of the UK you'd be lucky to see even one. In shitholes like inner London, Luton, Bradford and South Manchester they congregate and make up most of the population. It's no different from other western countries. France, Sweden and America have it far worse than us when it comes to our ghettos but Sup Forumsfocuses on the UK because it is an English speaking board with a large population of British self-hating sad acts. Visible symbols of cuckery like Sadiq Khan give off the impression that we love Muslims when in actual fact millions of English people voted Brexit under the belief that it would kick them out or send a signal of 'fuck off we're full'. Most British are fine with poos but dislike Muslims.
Where a girl was raped, picked up by a taxi to take her to hospital, he raped her?
right on the money with that one.
Women should never be leaders. Women should not even be allowed to vote, or even get the choice of who they will marry/breed with. Integrity matters as much to a woman as raising a stable family matters to a negroid.
still a massive sellout desu. if only brother wars ended back then and not result in a dystopian future we live in today.
It shows you how good or strong the programming is, people have the benefit of anonymity yet still continue with their assumed behaviour.
I have never understood if people are just being ironic in their anonymous love of worthless vapid celebrities or if they actually mean it. It's anyone's guess.
It's quite true, we're headed back down to the dark ages (with some kike overlords with incredible technology to rule over as) and no one will ever admit why, if the kikes were destroyed and we started again the cycle would just continue anew
>asking why his country is turning into a shithole
>aw gee, how do I solve this problem I have?
>guess I'll just solve it without trying to understand what the problem is!
Your flag is most apt. Dumb simian.
I grew up in west London and my hometown got completely overrun. The immigration statistics are bullshit because there are so many undocumented immigrants living here.
I'd say my home town is now 80%immigrant, 40% Muslim.
White flight is real and happening fast.Entire family moved to Dorset to escape the hell hole of London.
wh*te britons are the problem
>destroyed in one generation
Destroyed by one generation.
m8 i'm a paki and i fully admit and accept that "my" tribe and also niggers are the problem. If this was my ancestral land and not just my birth land, i'd have gone 14/88 long ago.
i sometimes feel the need to commend the bongs for their restraint and forbearance,
>Home of Brighton
Y-front flag says what?
If you self identify as an ethnic slur you’re part of the problem.
>ethnic slur
i'm taking it back
Not really, the Empire was fucked and Germany were going to be the big dogs in Europe. I don't agree that it was worth going to war over but it's just absurd to say Jews financed this or that, therefore this or that is bad. What isn't financed by Jews somewhere along the line?
By definition a slur is an untrue insult.
Paki is a shortened form of Pakistani.
Paki is to Pakistani as Brit is to British.
If your insulted by a statement of basic fact that's your problem not mine, you have to suffer in silence because nobody else has any right to care.
this also
It only became an ethnic slur because of hindus and sikhs not wanting to be identified as muslims, combined with the fact that it was basically a made up ethnicity in the first place.
Not even memeing.
Exactly. Pakistani is almost as much of a misnomer as American (and Han Chinese and even Indian for that matter) and just as artificial.
I always look at the school kids to get a sense of where the future is going. It's going to be Islamic. Teens tend to be somewhat mixed between whites and browns but the younger kids are 80 ~90% brown/Muslims.
With migration NOT ending (we still get tons of illegals despite what the media tells us) and native birth rates screeching to a halt, we are doomed over the next 15 - 20 years. It just takes one generation. Labour party is set to win and the infiltration of Islamists into the party is staggering.
Once they have the demographic momentum, we are fucked as a country. Liberals I know don't accept this, but once a large enough Muslim contingent starts going on about "this is what we want and we have the numbers", then democracy isn't going to save you. This is why a hyper individualist, liberal society will never succeed with migration.
Next census I predict we are at 68% white British (with maybe 75% white overall). Muslims will be at 8 ~ 10%, though I suspect the number is much higher in actuality.
All that cousin fucking has probably genetically differentiated the pakis enough for them to be a legit ethnicity by now though tbf
>it was basically a made up ethnicity in the first place.
Pakistan had its own internal ethnic problems with each group hating the other, Pashtuns, Punjabis, Baluchistanis, Kashmiris, are all different in culture, language, and even look.
Most of the pakis we get in the UK are Kashmiris, if I remember correctly.