Demons are the good guys

>Demons are the good guys
>Angels are the bad guys

Ayase a shit

>I can't into fantasy
>I can't be imaginative
>I am posting terriblely obvious bait
>I guzzle cock like its water in the desert
>I should probably just kill myself

>I have only read 2 manga

Best girl

and the pope is the big bad guy, of course

Why is this so common in anime? I understand not all demons being evil because Japanese "demons" (yokai) are more a various collection of spirits of varying degrees of malevolence and benevolence. But what's with Japan's obsession with making angels evil? Hell, in one of the Final Fantasy games the Virgin Mary is literally the final boss.

This is way too weird to be coincidence, there must be some kind of reasoning behind this.

Western mythology is foreign, exotic, and spooky to them

white devil bomb japan

Same works in reverse

Christianity came and converted everybody.

Japan wants its shrine maidens back

Japan treats its shrine maidens like shit and doesn't deserve them. They should become nuns and remain unbullied.

What is Gabriel Dropout?

God, and by extension, Angels want to force restrictions on humanity and have them behave in a specific way.

Satan, and by extension especially Demons, wish to remove those restrictions and allow humanity to do whatever the fuck they want.

It's not really much of a leap, honestly.

Yup. Just human nature. If you've lived your whole life with angels as a constant symbol around you, they're not really all that unusual and kind of played out.

No one uses christian mythology right outside of symbolism.

What is it?
I've never seen it but a lot of people talks about it

Really sick of this, honestly

Where did you get this bullshit from? Satan's goal is to misguide humans and spread fear and evil. More often than not he is just literally a symbol of evil in the bibel.

Lucifer also isn't a fallen angel, that's just a mistranslation.

So, basically you want the jealous God back?


Just like real life!

They generally always use the same fucking watered down inspiration in anime, I'm fucking tired of it. It's always half assed. Fuck if I see Joanna d'Arc in another anime.

Any kind of mythology or reference is always represented poorly in anime. It's literally just the author going "wow it's so cool to have this in my work" without any thought behind it beyond that. You never get the feeling that the author has deep knowledge of the references he uses. It always comes over as some kind of weird popculture shit that developed in japan of things that should have deep historical roots, be it fiction or not.

I don't think that works here, user. It depends on which books and works and whatever you consider canon.
>Satan's goal is to misguide humans and spread fear and evil. More often than not he is just literally a symbol of evil in the bibel.
Maybe for The New Testament.

Only the bible, the quran and the torah can be considered canon and in all those works Satan is represented in the same kind of way.

Depending on the alternatives, I think I prefer it this way. Nothing is worse than a writer drawing a parallel and trying too hard to make it obvious.

European man's christianity was pummeled into them. Of course they'll be salty about it.

>having faith in a god that creates a world with the capacity to be evil
>makes it possible that a "demon" such as Satan/Lucifer/whateverthefuck can exist and behaves the way it does
>this somehow means that Satan/Lucifer is bad and god is not
>this also means god made them intentionally that way because lol god doesn't make mistakes

He didn't seem so bad in The Book of Job. He only fucked with Job because God told him he could.

Satan barely shows up at all and in two of the three instances he does he's just calling out God's bullshit.

but which version famalan
I like the KJV so we can be like the good old puritans that started america

If you have faith it doesn't need to make sense, now go tip your fedora somewhere else.

I don't know about the reasons you guys are trying to pull out of your asses but they only use this dark is light and light is dark trope because it's cool and edgy, there is nothing else behind it.

He also banters with god really well

God/Satan manzai when?

Satan doesn't even really refer to a specific established character, mate.

Why should I put "faith" into a being that does consistently awful things?
It tests us for faith and then gets mad when we fail?
That's not benevolent, that's malevolent.

>Show introduces a religion
>Leader gets power hungry or was the big bad all along

Read Kawakami's stuff if you want a autist writing a novel.

I'm trying to think of an instance where a priest was an important character and didn't end up corrupt, disillusioned, or dead, and I'm drawing a blank.

Satan never existed in the bible, it was a medieval church creation to scare peasants.

I am too, salty nips hate filthy gaijin religion, of course the crusaders and the forces of heaven are always the undisputed bad guys

They really like nuns, though.

I'm sick of nips and their hatred of organised religion in anime slanty eyed scum

An angel bullies a demon girl
>Oh my fucking god Raphiel is so evil how is she an angel!!!??.
She's literally doing gods work

To be fair satania is so stupid it would be a sin NOT to fuck with her, I think even Jesus would agree with me there.

It's pretty funny that even in Highschool DxD where Angels, Fallen and Devils are all friendly the Catholic church is the most chaotic, easily misled and fanatic group.

Satan is just another name for the concept of evil in general. The bible is barebones as fuck and everything popular in it like Lucifer is loosley based on a few lines of misinterpreted text and bloated up with romanticism.

The only way I can rationalize god is by imagining that god is a culmination of the entirety of the human spirit throughout all time, like a massive disco-ball of fantastic colors and innumerable facets, in which every facet contains the life of some human, past, present, or future
God doesn't necessarily have a will because of the immense clash of interests.

But what the fuck do I know about spirituality? I'm fucking stupid.

Dunno, all the fanfiction is a lot more fun than the canon so far.

"Fanfiction" huh? Here we go again with the bible is just ancient fiction meme.

Reading comprehension, buddy, he didn't call the Bible fanfiction but said that the fanfiction is more fun that what's in the Bible.

It's to fool yourself and accomplish your goals before recurring to suicide

Take your own advice before you offer it to anyone else.

>Both sides are equally shitty
>Demons are just following their basest nature
>Angels are experimenting on anything they can get their hands on, and consider themselves above morality and judgement

I miss AS

I wanted to read this manga but all of Sup Forums said it was shit.

I went in for the incest, and was disappointed when I found the majority of it was about cringey angel shit. Brown loli a best, though, and i'm glad it had a happy ending


>the church is evil

Really? Every single time?

I am familiar with the verses you are referring to and am curious about in what way you believe they have been misinterpreted.

Honestly I'm fine with it, but it is retarded when they go with the stupid "angels are just humans with wings" aesthetic.

If you're going to do the "angels are evil/amoral bastards" route, either go full on Old Testament with it, or don't bother with it at all.

>the church wants to control the people's thoughts

ts not hard to figure this out, I did when I was 10

It's almost like religious organizations are incredibly corrupted and hypocritical.


You might also add that their understanding of Abrahimic religions is probably pretty low.

>A large organized group of fanatics who have a bad history of crimes for the sake of their God
It's not a bad trope, but it is overused.


>Only the bible, the quran and the torah can be considered canon
The torah and the "new testament" are in fact compatible, but the quran is not. So calling all three "canon" would be an error. I'm not going into detail here but this is clear from the contents of the books.

Lucifer is misinterpreted as a name although it is just latin for star. This misinterpretation was only possible because people interpreted a translation of the original to begin with.

Go back to whatever shithole you came from.

the times Satan are mentioned in the old testament can be simpy be translated as "adversary" or "accuser", simpy evil that is present in everybody.
one time he is mentioned is actually a mistransation on a babylonian king's name.
in the book of job he takes a more individualized form but still far from a the modern concept of "Satan".
In all the times the word is mentioned it never directly states that there was a "fallen angel".

Sorry, I just picked a webm out of my silly hat may may folder, hopefully this one is more relevant

I don't even really believe in God, but I like Christianity in general, no reason to hate all religion

Do you know Zechariah chapter 3?

My memory of these things is dim, but if I recall correctly (with the help of google) then the beginning of Genesis, Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28, and Zechariah 3 are the only places where satan is mentioned. There's also a mention in psalms which could just as easily be interpreted "adversary".

Don't apologize. Just stop posting that shit.

What's strange about it? Even in the Bible they're like that.

Too close to home?

>all of Sup Forums said it was shit
I didn't read it, but that means it's actually awesome.

>creates a world with the capacity to be evil

Yes you fucking nigger, it's called free will. Which I'd rather have than be brainwashed to be good and have to sit and read your trite bullshit with a smile on my face.

Not every angel is a fucking Throne or Seraph.

>free will is more important than happiness
Whatever you say.

And yet it damns us for deciding against its wishes?
Worshiping a deity is exactly the same as being a puppet.

then you wouldn't REALLY be yourself, then. You'd just be a doll that god plays with for all eternity.

Yeah, I'd rather be free and miserable than a brainwashed drone.

trolling is a art sir

>if you're not a fedora-muching atheist then you must be a mindless evangelical moron without any individuality
>because there is no such thing as balance
>because all the geniuses who were religious were just brainwashed drones

I mean, at least you idiots aren't as dumb as the religious idiots, but you're still idiots nonetheless.

No, it's the same as being a child.

A parent will trust you with the house. You throw a party.

>Wow, I'm getting punished for throwing a party even if you were the one that left me alone. What a shit parent.

Also, Jesus died for your sins. Like that friend that that convinced your parents that it was his idea to throw the party and you were just pressured.

Satan is tossed in the lake of fire in book of rev.

Well user I agree with you. After having experienced many things I can say, fuck free will. To me free will + suffering is meaningless. I'd rather be brainwashed and happy.

>In all the times the word is mentioned it never directly states that there was a "fallen angel".
This is only true for the Old Testament. The Epistle of Jude blatantly states that demons are fallen angels. It doesn't say anything about Satan specifically, but if one is to believe Satan is a demon then, consequently, he would also be a fallen angel.

Although yeah, all that stuff about Lucifer is just a weird interpretation about some verses referring to the king of Babylon, who is called the Morning Star (Lucifer) fallen from glory. But then again, it was just some figurative language for the king. There's little reason to believe it was about Satan.

While I agree with you user, this is Sup Forums and we don't go to parties or throw parties.

I hope you realize you just admitted to being weaker-willed than Shinji. Even Shinji accepted that pain is necessary.

>You'd just be a doll that god plays with for all eternity.
I already am a doll. Everyone is, if god is real, and rebelling against him eventually results in becoming someone you're not, as you lose the ability to repent when you end up in hell. Or so I was taught at Sunday schools.
That's too bad then, that's exactly what you'll become when you reach heaven. Or hell.

Wow, how big of a puss do you even have to be, might as well just shoot yourself at this point.

To add on to this user, that portion of Isaiah (chapter 14) is extremely suggestive.
>How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn!
Setting aside whether "morning star is a name or not, stars in the bible are symbolic of angels.

Right on the dollar, the only manga where I enjoy this is Helck, because both sides have their evils and their goods.

Though you could argue it is more towards demons being the good guys, but I would say because they would be the focus group.

>working hard and suffering is better than achieving happiness in an easy and ideally reliable way
Wew lad.

>he doesn't like challenge

I know man it's fucked up. Your comments don't even faze me.

The fact that we suffer makes the reward WAAAAY much better in my opinion user, but you can live in your shell if you want to.

Nothing worth having is free.