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Yunyun deserves good friends.
>doujins of drunken chuuni demons
This is my KonoSuba face.
>hfw he graduated from "fap fap fap"
I'm loving this already.
>tfw preordered Vol 2 of the LN, Vol 2&3 of the manga (I don't care if it's shit), and that Megumin Nendo
Would you be Yunyuns friend?
I can't stand the lonely birthday with expected guests trope ;-;
Dude, let her in
>Wanna fap to all the girls in this show
>Mental blockade because deep down i think they are to cute (in Aquase case dumb) to fap too
wtf? i love aqua now: the episode
So Aqua is officially best girl right?
No, she'd probably be too clingy.
Has been since Day 1.
Don't tell me you were a dirty memegirl bandwagoner?
Oh no I'm just making sure that everyone is aware of their goddess
She used to be best girl when she was a charming retard. Now that she's competent, I don't know anymore.
After that birthday scene, there's no turning back.
No way in hell am I going to leave all that food to rot.
>magnet for the undead
Useless goddess. You don't get points for fixing problems you cause.
Let's turn this thread full Axis!
Aqua is competent, maybe, once per two light novels. You really do not need to worry.
I mean her butt is cute... that's all I can say.
Megumin pls
It's time to duel.
That's a big mug.
This smile is for ___
Oh it's ON
thats why I don't celebrate birthday
>Kazuma's panty steal has become one of the guilds' favorite tricks among male adventures (he did it, he did the thing!)
>Even female adventurers have warmed up to it
This truly is fantasy Australia, anywhere else this shit would be a mark of shame for the MC.
Megumin practicing her Chuuni lines was great
Abandoning in the dungeon
What's this one for?
Marrying and worshiping
aqua is the best when she's crying
Here hope this is not the only thing they will show about yunyun(only wanting to duel). It be boring quick. Got to show fail making new friend and adventuring alone on quest.
Friends with benefits.
If only she didn't go for the face...
I know the dungeon sequence happens way earlier and their behaviour feels right for that time.
Seems out of place after everything else.
Very nice
Sorry Aqua, but I ship these two.
Anyone got any info about v11?
I need this in my life
Megumeme is just jealous of Yunyun's big yunyuns
They fucked up by skipping chapters in season 1. I'm just glad they actually gave it an episode instead of ignoring and pretending it happened anyway like the Wiz and Dust chapters.
She belongs to Vanir.
Stop posting shitty tumblr gifs you reprehensible disgrace
What's Vanir like and when do we get to see him?
God damn you
The part swap chapter was fucking amazing, I'm still mad they skipped it.
Also more Wiz would've been nice too.
So many girls I want to bully this season.
This episode's Aqua was truly great. Way superior than LN's Aqua desu
She was perfect today
Vanir is a ruse elemental. He's a duke of hell who thrives on butthurt. He should show up in episode 5 as one of the Demon King's generals, and then in episode 6+ he hangs out with Wiz. He's tsundere for her like Kazuma is tsundere for the party.
He also has clairvoyance and the ability to read minds aaaaaaaaand he's really good at scaring crows away from the trash. Pic related is his harem.
global rule 6
Eris best goddess
Someone has to do to this that interpolation thingy they once did to the megumin rubbing her staff webm
They one of whom they were trying to grab the prize. The dungeon master. The masked man...
No one cared about who he was before he put on the mask.
10 episode adaptation for a LN they never thought would catch on like wildfire. Gotta cut them some slack.
Kill yourself out of Sup Forums.
Fuck off and die
>I will never fuck Megumin
Not with that attitude.
Do we ever get to see the qt succubus again?
unlike most anime chicks Megumin has real life counterparts
If they keep animating spinoff/short story-related material and there's a third season then maybe. The party won't be in Axel for the next 3 books' worth of material, though.
Why was Aqua's God Blow animated well? I thought they didn't have a budget for this show?
Yunyun would do anything for friends
Budget is a meme. Scheduling and effort are more important.
I've never heard of a real life girl who can cast エクスプロージョン though.
Aqua is the kind of girl you can go out and have the time of your life with.
Unfortunately for her, Megumin is the kind of girl you want to settle down with. Sure, her explosions are out there, but it's been proven that she is extremely passionate, is able to compromise, can look for food with nuch success and knows when to rely on someone.
Aqua is for one night stands.
>What's Vanir like
Do you like big titty demons?
I'm a fan yes
Too bad! It was me, Vanir!
Is that Subaru in a mask?
he's not tsundere for wiz, he actually gets mad at her. with good reason
I really like the music in this scene, it's comfy but also sad, sad-comfy. Really, everything in this anime is comfy even the sad music
The fact that everything in the show is such a joke makes moments like these actually have some kind of feel to them
I liked Aqua a lot this episode. It was kinda nice seeing her be actually useful.
Megumin is still best girl.
I believe the OP is also a realistic depiction of a trip to the bottle-o.
Is it me or did the drawing suddently improved a bit except for the Lich Keele.
Certain scenes were above average quality.
It's still Deen we're talking about though.
Aqua-sama brought the budget back.
How do you even get a screenshot this shitty
>Girls wearing panties
why do I have the feeling I've seen this guys before?
Was this episode adapted from the first two volumes? I've started reading from volume 3 this week and can't remember anything like that. Only that they talked about a dungeon adventure they had, so I assumed it was in the previous volumes.
It's a pretty comfy world and everything outside of town wants to kill you including chests
This episode is vol 2 chapter 2