Christians want to save this because it's """"""sacred""""""
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>Le 56% height face
Is there a way to detect this during early development?
Should've aborted this when it was a fetus because it will suffer more until it dies early.
Look, we keep millions of niggers alive in Africa so we can afford to keep a few of these in diapers and nuggets
>this is Sacred life
>imagine how much more Christcucks value Niggers, Spics, and Jews
How's about getting your dirty Christian hands out of Africa and leaving them be, Christcuck?
You people are sick.
that is really sad
Why keep either alive? Besides most abortions in the US are performed on Spics and Niggers.
Shes hella cool faggit. Fuck off. They are making the best of it. Quit blaming god for satans deeds. It's such a played out shilling.
You posted a halfway normal picture of her.
Not even religious but yes.
Who are you to deny this person the right to live?
It's not up to us to decide how life begins. It's not up to us to decide when life ends.
> It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves. Psalm 100:3
She's going to kill herself the moment she has the chance Kraut.
wheres that videio of her jumping like mario
This shit is so frightening. My wife is 29 weeks. The doctors had no idea these girls would turn out this way. Now I gotta worry my daughter might come out like this. I think it's bad luck to make fun of these poor beings.
Probably not.
Odds were 75% of having another child with microcephaly after they had the first girl. would you rish it with those odds? I certainly wounldn't she found out 4 months into her pregnancy that this girl also had it.
Pretty sure shes barely conscious if at all and the undeveloped brain only manages basic vital functions
Why are atheist hellbent on killing people?
She's only this ugly because she has a disorder.
Niggers look this abhorrent anyways, disabled or no.
they are a satanic death cult
I see this face all the time but I never know the history
Who are the parents? How old is she? Howd she become the source of many memes in the past (not why that much is obvious but how)
Face it, you couldn't pull the trigger yourself. As long as others do that shit you will make threads like this. Coward.
it's not my fault you keep getting blasted on drugs/ booze and creating more retarded but not actually retarded people
maybe the problem is actually you?
Liberals wants to abort it until it's born. Then it's """precious""".
>da democratz r da reel racistz!!
All life is precious. Kill with kindness.
The thought of being stuck with a child like this terrifies me.
I would want to abort it, or even kill it as a newborn.
these creatures are an abomination.
Is she inbred or what?
No, microcephaly - among many, many other things. Dwarfism, cerebral palsy, et al. Google Hartley Hooligans. It's a truly sad story.
Poor thing :/ I hope she has some happiness and love
This is the most fucked up thing about this, the only reason people don't abort them is just so they can feel good about themselves or even use the poor thing to get attention and "compassion"
They see the birth of people like this as a blessing in India. They bring them to sacred places, ancient places and decorate them in flowers and nice clothing and people donate to the family.
In western society they are seen as a curse, they are hidden, put away, killed, etc. Broaden your worldview and you might learn a thing or two.
spotted the baby boomer
>Christians will defend this
>You people are sick.
and what great gift have you bestowed humanity that allows you the right to life?
may you never procreate and live a long miserable life.
No and it still isn't human.
With my life.
Ethiopia was the first Christian state you fucking faggot.
Yes, they also thought a conjoined kid was the reincarnation of a god
Have you seen the "happy" families that keep these children? They just use them as live moving dolls
You people are fucked up, it's something to abort a normal kid but keeping these children just so they can suffer for the sad year or two years they are alive is beyond apalling
>22 posts by this ID
Your memes are shit man. I would kill these unsightly cretins with my bare hands regardless of if they were already born or not.
Or, you know, they grow attached to something is still a living offspring and don't want to murder it for the sake of convenience?
Crazy I know.
And they parade them because...?
If they were smart, it would have had its; head bashed in against a tree immediately after birth.
Deus Vult my friend
This is one of the countless reasons I don't take Christians seriously. It should have been culled the moment this was noticed.
>she has literally everything
omg god's gift, so precious
>sneaks in loaded concepts of personhood
No, that isn't a person.
This was the most fucked up one of them all. Lola had chicken pox, very high fever, near death and the mother thought it would be a good idea to dress her up as a lobster and put her in a pot for the LULZ. Fuck this mom.
I wonder how many people I can piss off with this
Fair enough, but what about the parents who aren't attached to their retarded offspring? Birthing one of these abominations is basically like a death sentence, because you will never EVER have your old life back. You're trapped taking care of a brainless retard for the rest of your life and there's absolutely no recourse offered by society whatsoever. No help, no sympathy. Your one and only option is to abort it before it exits the womb, because that is the only socially acceptable time to kill it.
This CHILD's affliction is unfortunate, but this case and others like it aren't an excuse to terminate ALL pregnancies.
They are giving a witness of their faith you dumbass.
THey show others that they can do it too.
WE are not (((animals))), (((OPie))).
the parents are just awful people. They had a second child, knowing it had a high probability of also being born with microcephaly
So your point is that if we start seeing the birth of retarded and disfigured children as a positive thing, we too will become a a society like India where the average IQ is somewhere in the 80s and half the population defecates in the streets?
This is no different than putting an animal out of its misery, or euthanizing your sick cat. This is a blob of flesh that doesn't rise to the level of sapience, it is a barely conscious biological machine. Objectively a waste of space and a burden on those around it.
They are vain.
See it how you want to, it's undue suffering.