Don Jr. 2024 - Start the memes now
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Virgin city soyboys voted for Hillary, rural and suburban Chads voted for Trump
i am pretty sure i saw this stat the other day
holy fuck
* Virgin city soyboys, niggers, ahmeds, kikes and illegal immigrants voted for Hillary
Ooh, that's gotta fucking sting. #rekt.
>Implying there will be 2024 elections at all
Man I wish my nation's leader wasn't a fucking faggot and was like Trump and his family.
DTJ 2024- Make America greater.
This fags face triggers me like Trump's triggers SJWs
that can't be helped dude, "le tough austrialian" is just a meme, aussie is very pozzed and will become a Chinese province
>Jr has even more powerful bantz than his dad
Baron will literally bully leftists into killing themselves at this rate
You're right. Trump just declares himself King and then Jr. will inherit the throne
What was Admiral OhMy referencing?
the best part is no one even knows who runs that dump
is a boomerang your king or whatever you do there?
a wombat maybe?
I dunno
Is he the Kim Jong Un to Trump's Kim Jong Il?
>mfw we are entering a new golden age of public shitposting
Big Dick Donnie Jr. always brings the top level bantz. would vote for
I'm absolutely fine with it, clearly having elections doesn't mean shit anymore when niggers and soyim can vote, then they go and find some beaner to go vote ten more times
A wombat?
nigga thats the rock
Oh shit that was savage. Fuckin rekt
his dad was rocky
or the original rock
where the rock got his name
I dont know why I know that shit
Link you fucking faggot.
Why doesn't anyone post links anymore?
I'm guessing the false tree lighting ceremony picture.
I fucking KNEW I liked Trump.Jr.
>can't find twitter accounts via images
shit it's early as hell but he's got my vote
DTJ putting faggots into their place. Goddamn he's awesome.
>2016 - Don
>2024 - Donny
>2032 - Eric
>2040 - The Expert
I be willing to bet less than 10% of Americans could name the Australian head of state, myself included
I only know his name because of the stories about his phone call with Trump earlier this year.
I just wish Shats would get in on the act and fuck with Takei a bit
that fucker gets NO RATINGS and his cornball show is painful to watch.
the next step is feeling no emotion, then the destruction of his "character" is complete and no one will care any longer.
i have aussie friends
funnest motherfuckers i know
but if youre not a superpower or an immediate neighbor to a country you wont know the leaders name
or if your leader is a meme they are known too
i am with you user
i have no clue
Needs to refine his shitposting
cant waste time on anything but direct hits, cant leave yourself open, all the ???? hurts him more than it helps
i wish trump was our head of state desu
He's got 7 years in the hyperbolic time chamber
he will learn
his dad is master shitposter
hell get it together
you cant grow up around the best troll of all time and not learn
Tone & Trump would have been a story for the ages.
>his name
>Queen Elizabeth II
Fuck you leaf
Felon's can't be president.
Futures looking bright
you motherfuckers need an aussie trump
it would be trump on steroids
trump plus aussie bantz and crazy not give a fuck all mixed in there
the plant wouldnt know what to do
Someone please explain this to me. I’m seriously lost...
i keep hearing americans say that they love female australian accents, i cant fucking stand it
the future looks so bright i need sunglasses just to look at next years calendar
life is good
why can't the trump family just rule the anglosphere as God Emperor?
Australia has been ruled by the Emu junta since the 30's.
Oh snap!
(((Malcolm Turnbull))) is our PM. His electorate has the most Jews in the entire country and his wife works for Goldman Sachs and he used to also, so yeah. This country went to hell in a handbasket in less than two decades
i dont know about all that
australians know about being legit as fuck
people here think aussies are crazy
i enjoy their attitude and not give a fuck attitude
and not some cringe not give a fuck
legitimately just dont care about some idiots bullshit
I'm guessing either that Turnbull fellow, or that horse faced commie jacinta cunt
What’s it mean? I’m lost :(
Yeah, DT jr is definitely one of us.
Did your guy say he was going to jersey putin?
i like the fact that Australians are regarded highly all over the world
i am pretty sure a lot of people are wondering the same thing
we are fortunate as fuck to have trump
the great emu war still haunts them
old wounds wont heal
that sucks user
you motherfuckers are neat as hell
What does this mean???
>australia the post
if any other nationality said this you would just stare in disbelief
an aussie says it and it makes fucking sense
you motherfuckers are wizards
Did Don jr misspell a word?
spicy banter
very uma
Hey, can someone tell me why Jr. hangs out with convicted child sex traffickers? Kthnx
guise, what did he meen by this?
He's going to be sued for libel now. Drumpf Jr. fucked up bigly.
Idk. No one will tell me either. Trying to figure out if Jr misspelled words or if I’m just retarded
Nah, only implied, not accused.
sorry but the son of a whore from Ontario can never be president
how to greentext in public:
troll like a master
he is referencing a news story
but since the media isnt fake news it must be real
so he is in the clear
Did jr mean ply, or play? I’m confused
Checking those trips.
>a wombat maybe?
fucking kek
Fucking kek nigger
The trumps know all the secrets in Hollywood and are the ones leaking everything. Trumps hits back hard
Does Donnie mean ply or play????
Sulu allegedly got a male model drunk and molested him in the 80s. Another guy said he woke up to George trying to give him hand job. Of course, being the poster boy for obsessing over and criticizing every single thing Trump does, George just denied the allegations and the media and lefties just took his word and ignored them.
Fucking retard.
it means to supply
but that gook faggot can play with them after plying them with shit
Ty. That’s all I wanted to know. I already admitted I was retarded. Congratulations to you for being pointing out the obvious. Want a fucken cookie you stupid cunt?
*being able to point...
No holes barred.
I’m proud that that MF is from my generation. praise KEK for generation X