Continued from last storytime thread
Yu-Gi-Oh! Manga Thread
This was very fun to follow. I once again cried at the end. No matter how many Yu-Gi-Oh series come and go I will always love the original manga and hold it in high regard for paving the way for the following series.
Yugi confirmed for Tony Stark of Yugioh and Seto is his Pepper
Isn't Kaiba's whole motivation in the new movie to find Atem so he doesn't have to settle for Yugi?
That picture is after the movie. He finds Atem, gets to say goodbye, and also finally realizes that Yugi is the real deal when he duels him and almost loses.
Only reason he didn't originally respect Yugi was because he never saw Atem and Bakura lose to him
Atem BTFO him again and he just settles with Yugi
Anyone buy the movie pack? Kaz drew all the art for the cards so I'm trying to collect them all even if most of them are not useful in the current metagame.
I bought 2 boxes of the first release some months ago
the cards are pretty sweet
Sounds like a very simple plot, how does it fill 110 minutes when it's just scenes about Kaiba trying to get Atem while the rest of the cast does shit probably unrelated to everything.
Are they distributing them to card shops and shit like walmart? I'd love to buy a few of them but I don't want to see the movie to get them..
>and almost loses
I wanted Yugi to kick his ass
Already seen it, saving up for Blu-Ray since you don't wanna go to theater, or you just can't stand the dub?
I really hope they make another Yugioh game, the one they are playing in the picture, with no power creep like fucking Pendelums that ruined the game
Aigami keeps fucking them up. Bakura and Shadi also appear to make up for the rush ending of the manga
Is that Scott Irvine near Mokuba?
Falsebound Kingdom was a decent RPG spinoff.
He was going to anyway but Aigami cuts down the energy
I dislike the dub but it's mostly going to a theatre. work and education consume my life idk how I would ever find time to go see it.
>with no power creep
Good luck with that. Even Magic and Vanguard has powercreep.
I like how both Yugi and Mokuba look different and shit yet Kaiba still wears the same fucking clothing since Battle City
what's with the huge-ass blue eyes white dragon outside the ship thing they're in?
Kaiba only got more buff and a six pack
Sphere room with projections on the walls of the game in the center.
>your penis will never be a dragon that shoots ancient egyptian laser beams
Damn, we 404'd?
im surprised
thats gay user
how does Kaiba even find Atem?
You know, it is a slight shame that the manga ends with Yugi thinking 'my story has only begun', but outside of very few cameos in GX that don't even show his appearance and the new movie, there is nothing else of this apparent story.
Since I didn't get in time in the other thread, thanks OP! This was something to look forward to every day.
yeah, honestly, I reallly wanted to see Yugi go on to become a champion of other games, or even see him create a new game or something.
At least by being king of games he wins any strip poker or blackjack he plays. The small things.
I actually teared up a bit at the end. Thanks OP.
Please Yugi looks way better after hitting the gym. Also Kaiba never changed his clothes for 10 years according to GX and never ages a day past 16.
He gets into the Duel Links (his new machine) and goes to the afterlife where Atem is. Then duels him and loses off screen you know the usual
GX is fanfiction user
Kaiba is my favorite autist. Dude goes above and beyond for card games.
>I wanted Yugi to kick his ass
He does, Kaiba acknowledges it. It's just the main villain interrupts the duel as Kaiba is about to lose
I wonder what kind of fun Atem is having in the afterlife.
The Egyptian afterlife is like "real world except youre dead", so theres plenty of room for more stories about Atem.
I wonder if Atem even misses Yugi and Anzu and Jou.
Even better---is Atem getting laid in the afterlife?
Yugi likes Anzu, and Anzu likes Atem...but I wonder if Atem is gay? He wasn't interested in Anzu at all. and I dont think he saw Mana as anything but a younger sister.
It goes into Bakura's backstory as well. The new villains are tied to the Egyptian setting, it clears up all the unfinished threads of the manga. The card game is a very small part of the movie
Forbidden Memories will be the toughest game since ET.
>-is Atem getting laid in the afterlife?
Nobody gets laid in the afterlife
how's the dub in the movie? I heard they replaced all the music with remixed English version tunes.
Meh I like to think it's sonewhat canon to the Yugiverse.
>Nobody gets laid in the afterlife
i dont believe it
That's exactly what happens in the movie. He becomes the Game King and makes a revolutionary new game.
>Atem getting laid in the afterlife?
He's asexual user.
There's no marriage, hence no sex.
I guess this movie is worthless?
still got laid in the afterlife
This movie was IMPRESSIVELY bad.
>I wonder if Atem even misses Yugi and Anzu and Jou.
He saves Jou's life in the movie
Think Atem possesses Yugi?
Watch DSOD instead.
>He's asexual user.
>a king
no dice, man, king do all kinds of kinky shit
fuck im so excited to see it
what do you mean?
He saves Joey and Yugi. Fuck god knows how
i was just thinking, in the ceremonial battle, Atem wears what yugi was wearing, their high school uniform, but I feel like he could have worn some Pharaoh stuff, idk
can't believe is over, the threads were comfy as fuck and i regret not finding them while you guys were reading the first volumes, i got in near bandit keith on DK.
jelly user
are they viable in the current meta?
i'm really surprised, that alot of the "clasic" DM era monsters and archtypes haven't been reprinted with new/stronger effects or as Xyz or Synchro or Pendulum monsters.
You'd think they'd go out of their way to keep the classic stuff viable in the meta.
ESPECIALLY anything Kaiba or Atem used
i here union summoning will be the focus of the new anime?
He wasn't even married yet and had no heirs and he was 16. At that age he would have been married to a cousin and had inbred kids like all Pharaohs at that time. Come to think of it, Atem might have been Aknamkanon only surviving child as all other died in infancy.
i always forget that Atem was a teenager just like Yugi.
>no Kaiba trying to shit on Yugi while he fights against Atem
>no three gods
I liked that Dark Magician got the main spot as it should but some of the anime stuff was very hype
No, the Magician Girls aren't. Powercreep went straight through them.
Kaiba not being there felt really weird. He seemed to fit in perfectly in the anime with how they need to remark about EVERYTHING that just happened in the duel.
supposedly Kaz plays duel links, anyone have his ID?
there's really not much of a REASON for Kaiba to be there though.
well shit
i just wanna role play atem goddamnit
reminded that Atem and Yugi look something like this irl
They really went all out with the blue eyes forms in this new TCG set didn't they? The cards all look pretty good though.
I thought Bakura is dead. Is he a ghost now, like Shadi
i get the 5 in the same pack
Japanese high school studen bakura is alive and well
honestly, Blue Eyes has gotten continuous consistent support the whole time.
Is the Ceremonial Duel the greatest final battle in anime history?
>no Deus Ex Machina
>fast play lets you enjoy the strategy without bogging it down with explanations like back in DK and BC
>actually invested in the outcome
>dat SKILL from Yugi
>dat thumbs up
Ah, so it goes into the actual Bakura's backstory, Ryu Bakura? With his father, the archeologist (or was it museum keeper).
one of the best endings in shonen yeah
the only other yugioh ending I liked as much was 5D's
and they can still beat your ass in a duel anyday
I just meant the cards are kind of out there in design. The slifer reprint looks neat too.
Do a favor to all the anons here and record it for us
when will the japs release the BD already
It shows how Bakura finds the Millenium Ring and how he gets possessed by Dark Bakura.
SPOILERS: It's Shadi's fault
>>no Deus Ex Machina
Plenty of Deus Ex Machina in the anime version, where Atem starts controlling his draws and Yugi gets a lucky draw to save the day. Surprised none of that was in the manga version, it was just a straight no nonsense duel
fuck thats so long, it released like a year ago already man
can you tell or spoiler, what the fuck is the problem with shadi?
i mean, he fucks with everything and he never gets his comeuppance.
i dont care about spoilering the movie for myself, its not gonna be played in mexico.
He was testing Bakura's father to see if he was worthy of the ring and he freaked out and dropped it. Thanks to this, the ring found Bakura and possessed him. Then Yami Bakura kills Shadi. 3 kids witness this, one of the kids is the main antagonist of the movie, so Shadi causes this movie to happen as well.
I guess he got his comeuppance by getting killed by Yami Bakura and again by Zorc, but it doesn't matter because he's a force Ghost who never dies.
>where Atem starts controlling his draws
How the heck did you miss that? It's a major plot point of the duel. After all 3 gods are destroyed, Atem starts drawing whatever card he wants to draw because of his powerful will.
Yugi defeat Kaiba and Kaiba find out Atem. According to BC, Kaiba wasn't going to defeat Atem until he was able to let the hatred of his heart go. Probably Kaiba defeated Atem in the afterlife or lost against him but learned to let it go. Knowing how autistic Seto is, he probably won and now wants to defeat the real king of games.
I didnt see the anime version of this so i didn't knew what the hell that meant.
>Atem starts drawing whatever card he wants to draw because of his powerful will.
So in the anime magic cheats is canon. That's hilarious but why
It's supposed to be a product of him havign his memory again. They also suddenly revert to using Duelist Kingdom and Battle City monsters for no reason. Yugi busts out Buster Blader and Curse of Dragon, and Atem uses Bephormet, Gazelle, Chimera, Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight, and Celtic Freaking Warrior.
Then it switches back to their proper decks for the final round of the game. It's weird.
Gotta milk dat nostaligia I suppose
Also Yugi uses new variants of Gaia and Celtic in the moive
>your bro Gaia will never be good
If they knocked him down to 6 or 5 stars he would've at least been a bit relevant in vanilla
thanks, have a kaiba kissing his waifu.
Yeah I heard his movie deck is a mix of his original deck with updated versions of Atem's deck. But mostly it's a Dark Magician deck
>>your bro Gaia will never be good
>If they knocked him down to 6 or 5 stars he would've at least been a bit relevant in vanilla
My man. I tried to run Swift Gaia but even that isn't really good. I also used to run Gazelle even though it was garbage just because I like the design
his xyz version is pretty decent and I've ended up using it sometimes
the new Gaia is retarded
Same stats except with an effect of adding 700 attack points if the opponents monsters gain ATK points till the End Phase
Its also called "Lord Gaia the Fierce Knight"
I used his Syncro but the problem is I really only like the original Gaia's, and Swift's, art
I dig the lances moreso in the manga art and really like the purple horse
It's more likely to be 360-degree images than literal space.
>he doesn't know
Kaiba built a space elevator in DSOD
definitely, kaz should write the rules for this new game, we might not have Hologram technology, but we have smartphones, more than enough to be able to emulate the experience of such a game.