How long did it take you to realize this is the best wall possible?
How long did it take you to realize this is the best wall possible?
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>best wall possible
It's about 3000 miles too short.
That's fucking garbage.
THICC wall or gtfo.
looks retarded
Caddell Construction made both
Make way plebs.
>cut through a couple of bars at the base
Where do you live m8
I'll fight you in real life
terrible optics. usual fuckspects will decry how it looks like a prison cell and the plebs will nod and bark.
we need THICC walls, no fucking about.
Yes, trump would look good behind bars.
nice get, but they will most likely use a mixture of walls depending on the area
>100 feet high
>50 feet deep
>20 feet thick
>sensory guns in towers every km
>300 predator drones constantly patrolling the sky
>30 million soliders manning the boarder
>5 trillion land mines
>2 gundams for good measure
Built it now.
Thats a sexy ass wall section, op, not gonna lie. Also check 'em.
not if theyre made of diamonds
You're forgetting that not everyone is as fat as Americans, and skinny gardeners can slip through the cracks to freedom.
4 is best, for maximum tears. The fencewall is just what environmentalists want so some fucking turtles can illegal migrate to our country. It's bad enough that armadillos have invaded America. Those tank rats aren't even from here. They have to go back too.
WHy even have a solid top?
I hope they also have walls on those narco tunnels because that's how people are crossing in
so liberals have a place to graffiti
Pic related is the only acceptable solution to the wall question.
then it would be a fence
So it's settled, varied lengths of thicc and freedomscope, alternating between the two occasionally.
>Anything but obese and caked in filth
Good joke, Mohammad, I laughed.
Virgin city soyboys voted for Hillary, rural and suburban Chads voted for Trump
That's what I'm saying, just make a solid fucking wall, linked up with security cameras & passive drone surveillance.
4/5 are both nice. 5 doesn't just have to come in blue, of course. You could easily put in red and white sections too. Make #kateswall patriotic as possible.
>not going with the Romanian proposal
>Throw rope or metal wire over the wall
>Attach it around one of the bars or give it to your friends so they can pull you up
>Land using the rope
>You're now in America
5/5 wall, I bet Trump will buy that.
>battery operated tools fucking anything up
ah, i see you've never done any real work in your life
At least they will have to be physically fit to get in
skulls for the skull wall
they don't start out that way, only when they're done running across the border. As I said, to freedom. There's a reason they're like 32% of your country.
Seriously, can't tell me we don't have the technology (area 51) to detect all forms of motion, size of the POI, location, etc.
Saudi arabia has the right idea, + the land mines, drones, etc.
Memes are becoming real
would be kind cool to create a razor-mesh wall 10 layers tall of fortified woven razor mesh network that's somehow embedded into the earth.
The narco tunnels and CIA airports will be shut down as well. Trump wills it.
>Throw rope or metal wire over the wall
>Get shot
Good job Olavi
Looks like an afro hair comb.
So all they need is a ute with a generator on the back then
>not being an island nation with no land borders with criminals
>Caring what leftist scum think
>not using gas powered.
Who even is paying for this?
It seems like a stupid idea
>he thinks about battery operated tools
>he has seen battery operated tools
Ah, I see you've never done any real work in your life
>tie fat mother on the rope
>kids pull her on top of the wall
>use same method to lower her on the ground
We can't keep a highway maintained, how we gonna keep mexicans from melting the steel beams with jet fuel?
Don’t make it out of metal.
They will steal that metal.
aesthetically i really like it, but i prefer the "bar-base" model because they can't effectively spray-paint their weird cockroach language on it and with the visibility of freedom-land they have to be reminded constantly how much they fucked their own nation
needs to be painted to match landscape so it looks good from our side to be best wall
>dig big hole
>fill with spiky rust-proof barbed wire
>cover hole with loose dirt
>Not forming your own island nation on the back of Kim Dotcom.
The bars go into the ground you fucking retards, it’s so they can’t dig under it
WHat if skinny spics just turn sideways and side step thru?
Argument I think is that it is easier to see through the wall, let animals through, let wind through, etc.
Being able to see through it very advantageous for patrol purposes, although in the future, drones and AI will be good enough to just gun down anyone approaching the wall.
i sure the coyotes and drug lords have some thermite
might as well make the best motherfucking "fence" ever built then
The Great Fence of America
i'll keep saying this until it's a meme - best wall is compacted earth - from the dirt that's already there. utilize the trench made as a moat - on the inside of US border. Make it big enough to support a large ecosystem. Mexicans can't tunnel under without being flooded.
With the border being between the pacific and the gulf of mexico - you suddenly have "ocean" front property. Sell or give away to americans like a homestead land grab for agricultural land. Rich, influentual land owners become important to the government to protect and monitor - as in any city. Southern states all of a sudden have an oasis on the southern border - greening the desert.
Intercontinental canal creates great shipping routes and gives a middle finger to panama. US creates a stranglehold on international shipping.
Cost to the US taxpayer is labor and construction equipment. No material cost required - reducing building cost betwen 50-90%.
Projected cost - 1 billion
Projected revenue - 100 billion+ per year, increases with capital investment.
If Trump was for the people - this would be the plan.
Bring military home from shithole countries. Place them at random spots on the border. Shoot anyone that tries to cross illegally. Word will get out not to fuck with the US border.
This is the best wall, but sadly people are faggots these days.
What if spics just bring some super jacks at the wall and break/bend the bars? Even medium sized guys could fit in then.
Ok then...
>Jackhammer through a couple of bars at the base
Can't they just landmine the fuck out of the border? Who would stop the gov? I mean some libs might try to remove them but that would just be fun to watch.
It's really not. You can look up videos of illegals crossing into America. In many areas it's literally just a fence that you hop over like you're sneaking into the trucker parking lot to siphon diesel.
The spics have other ways of getting in, and do use tunnels in certain areas, but for the most part it's just open season.
>one goes off
>the entire wall blows up
Because mexicans dont know how to dig... oh wait, they already make tunnels...ope.
>batteries are the only source of energy
Whats the sea level across the entire continent? They might have to dig hundreds of feet some places and also risk flooding.
THis is the best solustion , create a canal between both nations , that way it's easier to control the border. That is a permanent solution.
They will always find a way to get in.
This wall will do nothing but slow em down a bit.
Did KWR build an invisible wall?
The bottom part goes some amount ft deep into the ground
I think this is more of a measure that if any Mexican't crosses the border, Mexico will slide into the ocean.
>not knowing what pic related is
ah, I see you've never done any real work in your life.
>only 1 of the 8 designs being tested
>none or a mix of them might even be chosen
Also a canal needs minimal maintenance compared to a wall.
why don't we make a moat instead of a wall?
lacks auto-cannons
in the desert east of california to the gulf it's relatively flat. Crossing the mountains in southern cali from mexacli to tiajuana may be a challenge - but minor compared to the scale of the project.
look at the terrain map in google - the border is very lacking of elevation changes
Kek, that's not normally how you lay a mine field, but I like your thinking. Explosions are awesome. (especially in the mideast)
See-through wall for heavily-patrolled areas. Thick wall for remote areas.
All I see is someome using a shooting an anchor up with a rope. The climb is faster that way. Rather the round top.
A wall seriously impacts their ability. Tunnels cost money to build and maintain. We monitor the border with ground sensors too. The cost and danger associated with these tunnels will make the passage decrease substantially. My real fear is what happens in 2025 when Trump has to step down. You can bet your ass (((They))) are working overtime to find the right candidate.
I used to mock fences to walls, but fences like this are superior to thick walls in effectiveness and cost.
Just like people used to meme, a rope or a ladder beats any wall, but cheap double fence like that is easy to control and equally hard to climb.
>dig a canal through the mountainous border region of new mexico
Sounds good in theory, but it'd cost more than a billion to manage that.
>worlds longest canal with loadsa pritvate ownership
I mean, that's pretty baller an all, but they're called wetbacks because they CAN swim. I mean, they arn't blacks.
Furthermore, you'd still have to build a wall because a few anti-nationalists/globalists/narcos will just buy up some waterfront plots to set up a dock and ferry service.
Finally, I can't even fucking project what a canal like that would do to the Southwest's underground water. Saltwater infiltration is the real deal my man, that shit utterly destroys farming.
A canal also prevent liberals using the border as an art piece to make a message or some bullshit.
This, why would you risk getting murdered by the cartels when all you have to do to get in the US is run across the fucking desert? Even if they do start tunneling in it severly bottlenecks illegals and drugs entering from mexico, seeing as now they have to do some moleman shit to get in, and as soon as the tunnel is found they have to do it all again.
The real issue for wall is if Trump can find a way to make it so the next commie president can't just knock it down or otherwise restart the voter importation program
it may even be more financially feasibly of purchasing ciudad juarez and the southern square of "new mexico" east to the rio grande - to make the project easier.
CIA gets the support of the city and the Mexican state - we get some prime real estate
Yeah but you'll get those shitty crying through the fence photo ops about this mom got taken away from her kids and this is the only way for them to talk to one anther.
I'd like to see electricity worked into the fence designs somehow.
They could electrify random sections on a timer so the beans would have to keep guessing.
Demolishing the wall would literally mean deliberately letting illegals in. Even Obama gave lipservice towards deportations. No president could destroy it, only criticise it being built from a practical perspective.
what is there to manage? The management is given to the prospective homesteaders and local government which has interest in policing well to do agriculture and boom towns.
needs to be thicker - no room for machinegun turrets
NEET here. I volunteer to man the wall. You can build me a little shack on top of it and i will live there for an internet connection and weekly airlifts of tendies.