>lose control of your inhibitions
>destroys your body
>become addicted to it
>wake up with headaches and pains the next day
>no achievement out of it besides embarrassing yourself
>make mistakes whilst drunk which could drastically change your entire life for the worse (getting some strange woman pregnant)
>makes you think bad music is good
>expensive, complete waste of money
>biggest factor in violence and accidental deaths like car crashes
>becomes an end in itself, people only drink to get drunk
Is there anything more degenerate that drinking Alcohol?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Is there anything more degenerate than drinking Alcohol
Yeah; buttfucking, cutting of your genitals, heroin, meth, fucking niggers, not having white children, voting for women, listening to rap, thinking egalitarianism and multiculturalism are good for any society or country, believing veganism is morally correct, believing polls, etc.
alcohell is disgusting. It turns people into worst of themselves.
your mind on alcohol
>tfw quit drinking because of trump
>tfw havent had a drink in 49 days
'yep. The Fermented Jew is the least degenerate of all vices. Making good beer and wine is an art unto itself. All notable civilizations did it. Even minority-aimed alcohol didn't start that way: Manischewitz is stolen from typical sweet wines, and malt liquor used to be aimed solely at upper class whites.
You might say...they culturally appropriated it from us.
>your mind on faggotry
I don’t drink, nigger.
Alcohol should be reserved for celebrations
It leads to many regrets when abused regularly and children follow parents example
There's a difference between having a couple of beers and getting fucking hammered, mate.
You're not gonna be blackout the moment a drop of alcohol touches your lips.
I only drank a few times because I thought i was abnormal for having no interest in it. I’ve barely drank in my life. I don’t understand it at all. I get that people develope a taste or it’s just learn to down it. Maybe my system is unusual. I don’t get it at all.
PS Omar’s friend, if you’re out there I’m concerned about Omar’s urine color. Have you convinced him to start drinking more liquids?
Look at all you virtue signaling fucks in this thread.
Alcohol has been the white mans drink for 1000s of years.
Now you drop it because a few Jews told you about "ill effects". Fucking laughable You are not white men. Your just beta soyboys.
What is the point of having a few beers?
You sound like people when they ask if I drink coffee and I say no. You wouldn’t believe how angry they get. It’s because they don’t want to drink as much or at all, and are pissed that someone doesn’t have their problem
Same with you, probably.
This. There is no point in drinking alcohol unless you’re going to feel the effects. A few beers does nothing but add empty calories.
>anti-science retards ITT
Alcohol in moderate consumption is literally healthy for you, reducing the chance of several types of cancer by ~30%.
Bottom line: Moderate drinkers live longer than no-fun-allowed subhumans.
see Ahmed.
This, just like cannabis in moderation is actually good for your body depending how you ingest or inhale.
Drinking beer makes you a soyboy
Again with the butthurt because I don’t drink. It’s hilarious. I don’t go around telling people I don’t drink, or telling them not to drink, or saying alcohol is bad. But if someone asks if I drink, and I say no, they fly into a rage.
Not true. Certain drinks THAT HAVE ALCOHOL are healthy for you, like RED wine having antioxidants, but the alcohol itself is always a poison that gives no beneficial effects.
I love drinking, but even a single beer now gives me hangover effects the next day at this point. Doesn't matter if I drink water or not, gonna feel like shit. It sucks.
You hang around some fucked up people or a liar. I know plenty that do not drink. What fucked up 3rd world shit hole to you live in redneck?
your mind on Sup Forums
I'm on my second glass of whisky
Coming to one of the most degenerate places on the internet and virtue signaling so that you can get verbal hi fives and other such accolades from anonymous shigbags such as myself.
Hahaha!!!1! You are so right OP! You are such a fashy goy.
It’s more if they ask why and you say I don’t like alcohol, they flip out. It happened twice here, butthead.
OP most likely has no slavic genes. Goddamn southern european milk drinking wine nigger.
Case in point.
>hard drugs
Enjoy your soymilk
Being a Trump supporter.
Like i said, you hang around shit people. maybe because you're a shit to, and those are the kind of peeps you keep.
this is a bot. saw this exact post a few days ago.
itt: deluded fat fucks
alcohol makes you fat and die 20 years early
Let me clarify; there is no point in social drinking unless you are going to feel the effects of ethanol. If you’re some health conscious person who is trying to maximize the health benefits of moderately drinking red wine then yes, there is a point.
But how many people and what percentage of drinkers is that?
>work shitty construction job
>body constantly sore as fuck, dont want to pop pills
>just drink a few beers and relax
Look Achmed youre not gonna turns us into fucking muslims.Alcohol is part of western civilization.
>People replying to meme flag or one meme flag with proxies?
>weed worse than booze
Ah! But not of cancer. Check mate
If you like alcohol, but do you care if someone thinks it’s terrible for you? It’s like when those westboro Baptist people say you’re going to hell, and people who say they don’t believe in hell get so angry. If you don’t believe in hell, why do you care so Much? It’s because you secretly do believe in hell, and that you’re probably going there. Same with these people flipping out here because someone thinks alcohol is bad.
Alcohol is pretty whack. I went full alcoholic for about a year. Put me off the whole thing together. Now I literally only drink at real gatherings. (New Years, Weddings etc.)
Drinking for the sake of drinking though is stupid.
>I'm on my second glass of whisky
I can tell.
My grandfather died of liver cancer from 50 years of drinking Albanian moonshine. He was like 75 though, so I guess him making it to 95 would have sucked alot.
I really wonder if these people would dare call a Norse berserker (who used to get roaring drunk before battle) a cuck for drinking mead.
It's the same with everything.
When people find out I don't eat meat because it's unhealthy, they sperg out in defense of it.
When you're skinny and don't eat your whole plate at restaurants to avoid getting fat, people practically bully you.
They don't like having their unhealthy habits being questioned in any way, so they attack people without those habits to convince themselves they aren't affecting them.
To someone like myself with little tolerance, a few beers is definitely enough to put me in a better mood, not fully drunk but definitely buzzed. I suppose that probably isn't the case for people who have been drinking longer than myself.
Regardless, my point still stands, you don't have to be totally wasted to be drunk, and there's a lot of difference in between those two points.
>MFW ill never be able to drink and party like a Gopnik. youtube.com
They didn't get roaring drunk before a battle, they weren't that fucking retarded. You need your wits about you before battle. Some cases mention them taking some psychedelic mushrooms that fucked with their stomachs and pissed them off while kind of tripping.
Uh there aren’t any horse berserkers around. All you pol retards are fat and just sit and watch anime all day. Not a comparison.
currently working on going full alcoholic since willingly subjecting myself to hell reality is the only way to fully move past it.
How about this, don't drink to get drunk?
>no achievment.
Say that to my childs face.
Fun fact: Mayans butt chugged, then puked, butt chugged, then puked, etc.
Being cum drunk.
Tonight ive decided to quit drinking. Its unironically taken over my life in the last year and i can feel myself spiralling out of control but i can not stop. No more i say.
Yes, it's called Heroin you dumb underage
Alcohol is a depressant. Any alcohol will lower test production. And beer is even worse, the hops have estrogen.
Better be Jameson and not that shitty Crown Royal
i always thought that the Norse and their reputation for drinking "during" battle came from the fact that they for some time primarily attacked isolated villages and monasteries, both of which would contain a supply of the local brew. so i reckon they didn't get drunk before battle; much rather they would get drunk during the rape and pillage on their victims supply.
It's fine in moderation. It's also cultural.
I think taking loads in your ass from strangers and spreading the word that its fine and should be accepted is more degenerate.
Raising children to be trannys is more degenerate too.
Letting your kids do drugs is more degenerate.
Stop looking into fucking everything cunt.
>Is there anything more degenerate that drinking Alcohol?
being a tranny
being a commie
being a furry
being a footfag
cuckoldry as a fetish
do it for trump
do it for the wall
posting on Sup Forums
Nothing I say will change it. You need to hit rock bottom, but also appreciate rock bottom once you are there for how shitty it is. It's the only way out of the rabbit hole.
meant for
You've never enjoyed a good glass of wine with a meal, a quality beer, or how about a single malt scotch that is old enough to vote? Personally I get a great deal of pleasure from alcohol if consumed in a civilized way, preferably with good company. I rarely drink to the point of drunkenness, and don't recommend guzzling down Budweiser or other swill like some kind of slob, which I agree is kind of pointless and self-destructive.
Observe How Habits Are Formed
Without freedom from the past there is no freedom at all, because the mind is never new, fresh, innocent. It is only the fresh, innocent mind that is free. Freedom has nothing to do with age, it has nothing to do with experience; and it seems to me that the very essence of freedom lies in understanding the whole mechanism of habit, both conscious and unconscious. It is not a question of ending habit, but of seeing totally the structure of habit. You have to observe how habits are formed and how, by denying or resisting one habit, another habit is created. What matters is to be totally conscious of habit; for then, as you will see for yourself there is no longer the formation of habit. To resist habit, to fight it, to deny it, only gives continuity to habit. When you fight a particular habit you give life to that habit, and then the very fighting of it becomes a further habit. But if you are simply aware of the whole structure of habit without resistance, then you will find there is freedom from habit, and in that freedom a new thing takes place.
It is only the dull, sleepy mind that creates and clings to habit. A mind that is attentive from moment to moment, attentive to what it is saying, attentive to the movement of its hands, of its thoughts, of its feelings, will discover that the formation of further habits has come to an end. This is very important to understand, because as long as the mind is breaking down one habit, and in that very process creating another, it can obviously never be free; and it is only the free mind that can perceive something beyond itself.
The Book of Life
I don't even like the effect. It slows me down, make me feel stupid. When i come home after drinking a few beers I don't even want to do anything, the cozy evening at home is wasted. I just want to sleep.
But if my father misses his 3-4-5 shots of vodka during dinner his evening will also be ruined. Also trying to peddle same bullshit that alcohol is good for your health like anons itt and gets mad when people don't agree with it and note that he should drink less. So pathetic.
Threesomes? Even if two wives?
There are options for more viril men...haha.
Probably the case. But getting drunk before a battle is dumb, it wouldn't benefit anyone. The vikings rarely engaged in battle, they were just terrorists. So them getting wasted after murdering the shit out of a bunch of peasants and raping everything in sight makes more sense.
Taper off or you will relapse
>Is there anything more degenerate that drinking Alcohol?
Brittany venti's face ?
Thanks. Im doing this for myself though. Alchohal is truly sinister.
Bad = Bad.
Alchohol is bad (I'm an alcoholic and know).
Sexual sin is bad.
Drug addiction is bad.
Pride is bad.
The list is endless. Sin is bad. Each sin carries its own repercussions. Each sin can be escalated to the point of being the most degenerate for each person because Satan knows how to pull your strings.
The test obsession this board has is ridiculous.
The key is moderation, drinking every day is fucking retarded, and will have health detriments, (Including lowering test levels, apparantly) of course, that doesn't mean drinking on occasion with some friends is going to make your dick fall off and turn you into a chick.
I have enough testosterone that I don't need to compensate by minmaxing it.
want some advice from a dude that quit smoking? Cold turkey or not, don't be hard on yourself if you relapse. But be careful, it's easy to view relapse as permission to relapse again, you must tell yourself it isn't, and I mean look in the mirror and literally tell yourself in a stern voice it isn't. To err is human, but that is not permission, you know what I mean?
Good luck.
>Is there anything more degenerate that drinking Alcohol?
ok faggot. learn moderation. when i drink AT HOME, i have 2 captain and cokes TOPS. decent buzz, good vidya, goto bed, wake up fine. done faggot
1 fifth a week if i drink each night
I grew up in Waterloo and lived for a time right around the corner from the distillery. So many tours lol. First serious job was working for the barrel factory across the street.
True words
>drinking everyday is healthy goy
yes i know all to well how degenerate my alcoholism is... but you basement locked neets don't really understand how bad things are outside of your mom's house
drinking is the only escape from this waking nightmare
Why do you need to drink with your friends?
Protip: if you have to drink to have fun with friends, you're a boring person and/or are friends with boring people.
Instead of trying to justify your drinking, work on your personality and find some hobbies.
Thanks for this and your kind words. The craving really kicks in at about 330 when ive got about an hour till im done work and i cant wait to get drunk. But then everynight i end up looking at old photos of my life and crying at what ive become. Then i wake up and go to work with no craving and i think im good for the night, then 330 hits. Rinse repeat.
Alcohol is garbage yes but the alcohol and cocaine combo is without a doubt objectively ten times worse. The shallowest waste of money there ever was
I become insanely productive when I'm drunk. It dumbs me down enough to be able to bang out assignments and study like no other. I also clean and organize shit a bunch too. So, really OP you're wrong.
Thanks for the PSA OP. I'm 90 days sober (was drinking a 750ml of vodka/day +/- a few) Feels good to sober. Family a lot better off.
It also turns you into a soyboy. Hops are extremely high in phytoestrogens, even moreso than soy and almost as much as flax.
Stay away from the beer jew if you are going to drink. Wine is the only one that's actually somewhat beneficial, but still shitty for your liver. Grapes increase test and are high in antioxidants, and wine has higher concentration of alcohol so you don't have to drink as much then end up hungover, yet not too much alcohol like hard liquor so you can actually enjoy drinking it.
>getting strange women pregnant
happens to me every tuesday. damn non-descript strange women.
>relying on a substance to do basic things
Sounds pretty degenerate to me.
>thinking booze is better than weed
Why do you have a complete and utter inability to fully comprehend an entire statement?
Drinking *on occasion* with my friends is fun, it doesn't mean we drink every time we hang out.
Protip: Instead of finding a fucking strawman to win you arguments online, work on building some self control, not just so you can drink, but to perform any task (such as making terrible posts online) in moderation.
>One cherrypicked example of something bad happening
>Thousands of deaths and crimes as a result every year
Really Kenny Logging my nogging there buddy
>>lose control of your inhibitions
who cares
>>destroys your body
who cares, so does milk
>>become addicted to it
too late
>>wake up with headaches and pains the next day
you are doing it wrong
>>no achievement out of it besides embarrassing yourself
and? dont have feelings
>>make mistakes whilst drunk which could drastically change your entire life for the worse (getting some strange woman pregnant)
wouldn't that be a success?
>>makes you think bad music is good
na, still like classic music and death metal
>>expensive, complete waste of money
you are a poorfag. Get rich
>>biggest factor in violence and accidental deaths like car crashes
dont drive
>>becomes an end in itself, people only drink to get drunk
nothing wrong with that
>tolerate your wife
>be a charmer and lick up pussy because you forget the jew menace
I don't know. It works for me.
You are the woman and Muhammad is the man.