What do the Europeans think will happen? The US has a large global presence regardless of what Germany feels like believing
Germany denouncing the United States
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Germany sided with the Ottoman Empire
It's funny, we don't even think about Germany at all.
>has a female as head of state
good. let yurp play world police from now on.
>gun is attached to a fucking table
Will Germany side with Russia? Expel us troops?
German will side with Muslims and rape all of Europe.
>implying Britistan isn't cucked beyond recognition
>I don't recognize that water is wet
Ok Germoney
then why do we have thousands of soldiers in your faggot ass country?
Well I rightfully don't believe "Germany" is German anymore. The spirit is dead and the people are being replaced.
>Implying we give a shit
If I could hang any one politician, it would be Merkel.
They don't remember what the word 'conquered' means.
Like I care what the Caliphate thinks
Deny the holocaust
This should work out real well for them.
Whether you choose to recognize power or not is immaterial.
You will know it exists when you feel its boot on your throat.
>Germany talking shit on anyone in the current year
the mighty eternal Anglo will once again destroy the treacherous German
>has a brit as the canadian head of state
I can hear rhe Americans shrugging from all the way here.
Fucking muslim loving commie scum
fake and gay
Does a lion concern itself with the opinion of the dung beetle?
She may as well start investing in a South American bunker in the jungle for after she fakes her suicide.
reminds me of when media was trying so hard to push merkel as "leader of the free world"
Lol have it your way, I for one say we leave Germany to the wolves they've let into their own homes
The German solution to not being able to take over Europe: fuse with Turkey and take over MENA instead. Digits confirm.
Just kidding these digits
Bongistan. Is. Not. A. Good. Example.
>regardless of what Germany feels like believing
100% honest, I forget that modern Germany exists in the same way I forget that Montana exists.
Reminder that while the German likes to project himself as strong - inside they are weak, scared and self-loathing creatures.
Americans are simply better in every way.
Just look at that shit eating grin that says everything.
Eurofags do realize they're making themselves the laughing stock of the world when they say shit like this right?
And you lost me. Why do I care what they think?
>has an Anglo head of state
Maybe I should get a nigger like you
>shit eating grin
That's the grin you get to make when you are literally the world hegemon. Germany can say what it likes, but the US is the global power and nothing they say can change that.
I came to Sup Forums because I loved hitler and thus germans. Now I hate germans and love only Rockwell. Has Sup Forums cured me of fascism?
He's a master troll and he fucking knows it too.
Tfw the puppet state doesn't recognize the puppet master
relax. prince harry's kids will be born soon enough.
>krauts don’t see us as a super power
This is coming from a nation that has never won a single war.
>his kid will be 7th in line for the throne
start recognizing Germany as a superpower now, or else
>Germany lost the Korean War and the Vietnam war
at least Germany isn't a bunch of half-french, half-indian metis mongrols.
LMAOOO who the fuck cares about Metis? Nobody even knows them except winnigers
>Being occupied by a "non-superpower"
What does that make the Krauts besides delusional?
Still mad Trumpf won lmao
We no longer recognise America as a superpower because the current leader has different ideas from mine
Stupid bitch would start screaming for Americas help if Putin decided to annex all of Ukraine lmao
you know things are bad when the only voice willing to defend you is a fucking leaf's
Germany, and Britain & America will continue to sour in relations. America will never win another war (as they haven't since WW2).
>Closes borders
we will deal with amerisharts by airborne invasion, it's simple and practical. leafs can be our allies and traitors to yankees if they want
Isn't the weather machine meant to be an American Superweapon?
>German will side with Muslims and rape all of Europe.
Not like they've been doing that since roman times
Sauce on mod?
if you don't count Canada as part of the UK then they have never won a single war
I hate Teutons, they're on par with Saracens they've allied with the Saracens. We should nuke Berlin and Istanbul
Hey Ahmed how's it feel when your curry shit splashes back on your brown ass?
Third time's a charm, eh krauts?
Dont know man im trying to find out myself so i can find another excuse to not work as hard as i should next week.
had to google this shit.
The headline is from that fake ass your news wire site but there was some actual news about Jinping meeting Cuntela Merkel in Germany recently. Some bullshit about how a China will replace the US as a friend to Germany because autocratic Xi is nice while liberal Trump is just aesthetically unacceptable. It's nonsense of course but what do you expect from culturally illiterate multiculturalists? The US is a civilization core state of the same civilization of which Germany is a part, in the broadest sense. China is a core state of its own foreign civ, the US won't get replaced by them. Much more likely the dog shit running Germany gets replaced first.
I especially love the picture of a loser and a traitorous commie
You're literally being raped by migrants on the streets every day
Nice superpower you have there Hans
Remember to keep your women a arms length away from mudshits on new years eve
Chek'd n rekt krautfags
Germany will never have influence in North America. Fuck off.
Confirmed. Krauts BTFO
Fourth you mean
>As a
America is the superpower.
Welp that settles it.
That's not an elected politician, user. Big difference.
Otherwise I agree.
I really like this image, can I save it?
Papist sympathisers like them have no place alongside my people. If they can get out from under the Vatican then they can come back.
eating a whole can of kraut makes my shit spalsh alright, no need for curry. kraut makes you thin, fatass
our muslims are integrating into society just fine. other countries make mistakes but we know how it works better
Of course my friend.
Merkel isn't elected either
Did our military vanish?
We don't recognize Merkle as the leader of Germany.
Better yet we only recognize the kingdom of Bavaria.
>mfw I made an almost identical joke in another thread and got no (You)s
Muslims are integrating all right, integrating into your mums pussy mate
To be fair, the police are always armed in the US. Then again, the freed slaves do make us fairly multicultural...
>The US has a large global presence
like a certain merchant class, which rules the US
We have transcended Superpower
We are now a SuperDuperPower
just convince yourself that 50% of your posts are randomly shadow banned, that's what i do
Thank you my fellow Anglo, here is some OC I made myself merry CHRIST MASS
Yeah especially those 50,000 troops we have stationed there propping up their economy and defense for free.
Perhaps its time to start thinking about stuff
Is okay fren. Have one.
Well, it at least cured you of your Nazism.
I know that feel...
Yes integrated, into the rest of Europe.
Excellent work, Merry Christmas.