This shit is tumblr tier delusion propaganda of Paganism had no set law or criteria.
Paganism is the worship of emotions, objects and the environment, in the form of human characters.
Rituals are nigger tier barbarism evolving degenerate sexual acts, gluttony and dancing and ulluluing around fires like subhumans.
If Christmas had any pagan origins, those are now obsolete, because Christianity made it better and immortalized it across the entire continent, it is impossible Romans and Vikings practiced the same holidays during that era.
When Europeans made first contact with niggers and abos, Christianity is what made us any better then them, or else we would have joined them in their religion, which is near identical with European paganism.
In the Byzantine Empire, Jews couldn't hold Christian slaves, in Pagan Rome, there were no religious or racial restrictions to holding slaves.
Aside from that, Armenians, Copts, Assyrians, Syriacs, and Even Indian Orthodox Christians celebrated Christmas before Western Contact.
Therefore it is impossible Christmas has Pagan origins.
Christmas literally signifies the Birth of Christ, but nowadays the Jews have us confused with the Feast of Saint Nicholas, which is the Christmas whence you give gifts.
Stay aware Christendom, and away from the bewildering tactics of the Jews, which try to discredit the True Faith by lies on it's beauty, origin and aspects.
This shit is tumblr tier delusion propaganda of Paganism had no set law or criteria
>Rituals are nigger tier barbarism evolving degenerate sexual acts, gluttony and dancing and ulluluing around fires like subhumans.
You've watched one too many Jewish movie, kike worshiping faggot.
nordcucks literally destroyed rome
Asatru - A Native European Religion
They are just not dancing, worshiping objects/fire regardless. If that is not worship they did to those horns/fire then this isn't a religion and just a community gathering, because there would be no religious part.
I also see barely any children, and adolescents of child baring age aren't wed yet, all things Christianity solves.
Seems like just people having fun and socializing, explain to me why can this not be performed under Christianity?
I also see a lot of obesity, gluttony...
Trips of Truth
>If that is not worship they did to those horns/fire then this isn't a religion and just a community gathering, because there would be no religious part.
You'are a fucking idiot and typical Christian retard. Thank you for confirming it.
Sun, trees, rivers are more worthy of worship than some invisible Jewish deity.
What was the worship part then you retard forward me to it. I'm not wasting time looking for pagan worship in a 6 minute slideshow, the only thing remotely close to it I saw was what I described.
Christians do Prayer, Pagans hold horns???
It's a community gathering then.
Jews are winning, this isn't about trust it's about besting them.
You'd also think Europe would have fallen Earlier if Christianity was so bad, not after 1600 years(which were also it's 1600 best years).
Pagans are degenerates.
Can't argue instead insults.
I would rather cut christian heads off than argue but that isn't legal.
Here's the reasons why neopaganism will not last long.
After reading all these screencaps or just knowing the background to this religion, how many parents are going to look into this religion with all its sex cults and drug cults from traditional paganism and think: "This will be appropraite to bring to my children, I want them to be part of this world.
Most pagans these days are just athiests they don't believe in hell, and most of the time hell is what keeps people in line doing the right thing. Whats here to suggest the children will have any fear from doing evil?
This is a small group of people, their children are going to be isolated in almost everyway. They will be outcasts and wierdos. So they will most likeley rebel and leave their upbringing.
Whos there for them to go to in times of spiritual crises? Even Mudslimes have their demolitions experts and the Jews have their rabbis.
And even if they become pagans, devout traditional actual theist pagans, whos going to marry them? Only the Religious and the Jews marry, and the religious and Jews marry their own.
And if they do get married, it will be unlikely they will want kids or their spouse will since most pagans are liberal athiests, who almost never have children. This religoin will not last more than a generation.
Couldn't agree more. What is your denomination?
Thanks user Traditional Roman Catholic
Then what you are trying to do falls flat on its face.
>It's about beating the Jews
>So let's be better Crypto-Jews (AKA Christians...)
Maybe you didn't think this through?
>Therefore it is impossible Christmas has Pagan origins.
Are you stupid? Of course pagans didn't celebrate Jesus' birth. Everything in Christmas that isn't about Jesus and Santa being St. Nicholas has pagan origins, however
Everything interesting about Christianity was taken from Paganism to make the Jewish worldview palpable to the European man.
I wouldn't say this an exclusive Orthodox thing. According to very early Tradition in both branches, Paul and his successors and James went to spain and Converted the spanish and it was extremely successful, and we all know how early the Church in Rome is given Paul's letters, that it was established before the 55-60 AD mark. And those places did not have the "Yule" memes or any of that. And Philip went to Egypt and lived there his whole life. Egypt also no way didt have the "Yule" thing. Also southern Spain also largely Christianized in the big cities on the coast and at Lyons/Lugdunam where Irenaeus oversaw. Those French locations would not have it since those areas in France were heavily Romanized. They wyould not have had a "yule" meme. Basically I think people just like Christmas decorations and so peoplewent with it
>so southern Spain also largely Christianized in the big cities o
Same applies in our direction, blame it on nukes making it impossible for anyone to rebel or wage warfare.
I see you as a mere pawn to the Jews and you see me in the same light.
I would rather we could put aside our differences and get rid of Jews before we do this, but doubt you would trust and co-operate with me.
One true faith. Sometimes wish anti-popes were still around tho...
If we are crypto-jews, why do jews keep trying to destroy us. Wouldn't they their vassals to thrive?
No I a'm not stupid my man, I just don't like people tarnishing my faith and therefore provided the heathens with every argument in my head as to why Christmas being a pagan holiday is impossible.
This also applies, but Christmas in it's correct definition is the celebration of the birth of Christ.
The one most widely observed today is the Feast of Saint Nicholas (which is supposed to be December 6), and it is observed in a way with all religious meaning taken out of it, and also to distract from the true Christmas, which is the birth of Christ.
Are you saying Pagans allowed Jews access to information about their faith?
Hail Odin, hail Thor!
Europe will never be free until semetic religions are removed from positions of influence, at the very least. All their wealth can be given to the Volk of the land, or invested in community rebuilding after we remove all the fucking invaders. Their mess will take much clearing.
They already are and you can see how "free" Europe is right now.
The power rests on the shoulder of the people, who are at maximum 10% truly Christian.