Name ONE (one) anime girl that's not autistic.
Name ONE (one) anime girl that's not autistic
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Hajime is a literal womanchild, of course she's autistic
They're based on nips so of course all of them are autistic. I'm not even kidding. Did you ever hear how nips talk to each other? Those fucks are autistic as fuck.
Give me some empirical evidence
>japanese people make funny commericals
>therefore they must be autistic
I'm not convinced. Good compilation though.
Read literature abou life in japan. I'm not saying it's bad that they're autistic as fuck, it's just a fact.
Like, Japanese literature? I'm not there yet, I still have like 5500 kanji to go.
I think the literature I mean would hardly take more than 3k kanji. Most classic literature shouldn't have more than 4k kanji.
Oh okay cool that means I can read it in 3 years instead of 5 years haha you scared me for a sec there bro
Even if you only have one hour a day, 250 kanji a month should be easily manageable. It's all about patience and consistence. Do the daily grind and it's impossible to fail. Not to mention that it's ineffecient to learn kanji individually after 2k.
Yeah, I think mine's on 10 a day. I'll get there, I'm mostly focusing on learning words independent of kanji with my custom deck that I make from watching anime for now, but I'll get there eventually, it just blows having to wait. Learning is fun though. I'll shift over to reading more soon, I find it easier to learn kanji if I already know the meaning of the word so that I'm not memorizing two things at once.
I'm still mad that the japanese language is so retardedly designed though.
I just want to play Rance X on release, mate.
Good luck with that, I just want to watch New Game BD on release without having to pause every 30 seconds to look up a word and add it to anki.
Seriously though God fucking bless Anki, how the hell did people learn languages back then? Did they just make thousands of flashcards?
Nene is my wife and I love her, but she's pretty autistic, this scene in particular being strong evidence. Thankfully I'm a pretty cool dude and could show her my cool ways.
Yunyun. And Webm related.
>not understanding that nerds can exist
She's got a different sort of autism, but it's autism alright.
pic related unless being a total nympo counts
post anime girls so autistic that it gives them superpowers
This one