Real Americans are descendants of colonial Settlers, Nu-americans get out.
You can only post in this thread if 100% of your ancestors were in America during colonial times
Other urls found in this thread:
Excluding the blacks
All of my ancestors have been in New Hampshire since colonial times, fuck Italian and Irish “Americans”
we're like 90% of the white Population, GTFO.
Where u gettin' your DNA analyses champ? THEY ALL SUCK!
don't be forgettin' MRS. ZUCKERBERG's site too........................
They were not citizens
my mom's side was though they were dumb illiterate farmers who started inbreeding because someone lazily signed their name and an a turned into a u basically making up a whole no surname.
Dad's side is Hungarian and it was his grandpa that came over with his wife and baby (eventually having 4 more)
Which is why our country is shit now.
We still represent most of the population of the Southern states though
What if they're 20th century immigrants from canada and slavic countries?
No you can't post in this thread.
Go back to Eastern europe or Canada.
Proud South Carolinian with colonial Palatine German and English roots
no body gives a fuck where you cumskins are from. Neo-colonization will make sure cumskins are going to be the minority within the next 50 years.
Give it back.
I had ancestors on the Mayflower, which has earned me the right to say "Splendid, when will you leave?" to everyone.
>tfw Scotch-Irish, family came in the 1740s
People on the mayflower were amish-tier religious fanatics.
My pure, aryan blood posts wherever it wants.
My ancestors were English Catholics. Not hard to guess which colony they settled.
Who were here before your ancestors.
eternal anglos need to go back to their homeland.
There are plenty of irl clubs for this shit
This is straight out of the vox day playbook
Remember, non whites on the periphery of the Pol movement do not have an interest in white solidarity, because any serious movement towards white identity will expel the non whites like Vox and McCarthy.
Understand that the population of whites in America is divided equally among 4 or five ethnicicties.
These ethnicities cannot maintain a western country against the rising tide of minority communism.
We need to work together to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
Sons of the American Revolution
Daughters of the American Revolution
Children of the American Revolution
"Real" Americans shed blood during the revolution. Prove your ancestors weren't redcoat-cucks.
America was named after an Italian, dumbass.
Colonial America wasn't just Anglos.
There were also Germans, Dutch and French who all contributed to the early American identity.
The problem is the later Germans, Irish, Italians, Poles and other slavs that came and ruined us.
I don't like this map because it calls us French Canadians an "immigrant group." We were colonists, not immigrants
Yeah it's mislabeled.
All of these groups are Settlers not immigrants, outsie of Blacks who were Slaves
Even if it said "distribution of major ethnic groups" it would be an immense improvement
Seven revolutionary war heroes. Multiple Bradford ship progenators.
>>see Capt. Titus Salter.
No, it wasn't just Anglos, but it was our ethos that founded this country. Interesting factoid: the year before the American revolution, 50% of Americans were descended from those original Anglo ships from between the years 1620 and 1637.
It's from a school textbook so don't expect them to be on the ball.
BTW what is the difference between the Scottish, the Scots, and the Scots-Irish? Aren't they all Scottish?
Yeah of course, English were the largest group, and Ulster Scots were probably second and could also be considered Anglo.
But there were also Colonial French, Germans and Dutch
>Thread ebbs up black
They found nirvana and spread the word. Still occurring to this day.
Scottish on this map are Highlanders.
Scots-Irish is the same thing as Ulster Scots, (who Northern Irish protestants descend from). They come from Lowland Scotland.
Highland Scotland is very Celtic.
Lowland Scotland is Germanic, or at least as much as England.
Blood relations to seven was heroes, one died at bunker hill. Family names: Cheney, White, Hill, Shipman, Douglas.
Would die for this nation and everything we once stood for.
>No Trumps allowed thread
So Lowland Scotland is Anglo-Saxon?
True. Just pointing out the majority ethos. Even as a kid we joked about being WASPs. Seems no one even knows what that means anymore - the morays, the culture, etc. Now it's about race percentages. It's bs. Time we took back our country's IDEALS.
My family came from Germany before 1700 on the branch of my surname. It's interesting to think what they might have done, how they might have shaped the country. I've had others fight in the civil war but I haven't researched it thoroughly.
can trace back to the mayflower
the fuck is up
also related to pic
Most oldest colonial ancestors were Dutch settlers in New Amsterdam and then they moved to the Carolinas a generation before the revolution. Feels good to be originally American.
Trump is the least American President we have ever had. Neither of his parents spoke English Natively.
Trump's mom was born in Scotland and spoke Gaelic
Trumps dad was born in America, but both of his parents were born in Germany. He likely spoke German natively
Kiddy fiddler joe bidens state
>TFW a couple natives in the tree
Piss off you Puritan prick
Large endowment that has been growing for some time. Chance to educate, serve, preserve or otherwise promote American ideals and history. Make instant connections in community, and nationally as you rise up in the org. Get paired with moral daughter/granddaughter of a fellow patriot.
Dutch were here first in any appreciable numbers....
My heritage is Dutch traders who settled, and branched out from new Amsterdam, which is now NYC....
We’ve been here since like the early 1600’s. Long enough that I don’t consider myself anything except full American. Not Dutch American, nor German American, not Anglo American. I’m not some potatonigger of pastanigger
so? the american republic was based on greek and roman republicanism. what's your point?
Breaking the rules here...
Who else is feeling D E V I L I S H
West coast Native.
That’s where you’re wrong kiddo...
Our last president literally wasn't American so, no.
They have been speaking English as long as England and was in the Anglo Saxon Kindom of Northumbria. Their dialect of English was called Scots, but it's usage declined a few hundred years ago and was replaced by regular english.
The reason we view them as celtic is because they happened to end up in the Gaelic Kingdom of Scotland.
obama was obviously less american on every level. his black side wasn't even colonial black, it was kenyan ffs.
On it. Already researched and pulled together my docs. And already paired up. Wife and I grew up together in a small town where most were patriot families. They taught us things like archery, orienteering, and candle making. Lived in log cabins. I shit you not. But yea. Career opportunities/biz with like minded people is why I started looking.
my family fought in every war until Nam. We don't fight for the ZOG. When the Glorious Revolution comes we'll be ready
i think all americans are americans that where in a"state" before it was called a state
so well whatever I dont fuckign know
Salem, MA - 1935, checking in.
Scandinavian, British fag here. WOOP
Richard Hutchinson - 1635. Salem, MA. From York, England.
Go back, thank you.
Interesting, I didn't know that
It's Scots-Irish you retard.
They are descendants of Scottish people, not Irish
mostly swiss german, but unfortunately some anglo blood got in there too
What state are you from
Agree completely though no one in my family has ever used the WASP moniker unironically. I people like those here in Sup Forums who, like you said, make everything about percentages and such things. Preserve the culture and perhaps we wouldn't have had such a sharp decline in power during the cold war.
You idiots bitching about which ethnic group is best OG American are all idiots. The point is it sucked for them all! Coming together despite their differences, forming a government by the people for the people, and revolting is what made them American.
I did C.A.R. and served on national exec board. Taught me public speaking, leadership, Roberts Rules of Order, and other great skills as a kid. Have your kids do it and it will set them up for college and beyond. Best of luck, maybe I'll see you at Nationals someday.
Pennsylvania, in an area with a very high concentration of Amish. Many of my ancestors were given their land by William Penn and his sons.
I'm 25% black, 25% native, and 50% white. So I have ancestors that were here thousands of years ago, hundreds of years ago, and recently with Irish immigration.
So if they didn't revolt there would be no such thing as an American? That's silly
>also related to pic
You and every other 'edgy' highschooler
I'm Patriarchally descended from the founders of the North Carolina Colony
Both sides of the family have been in the US since the mid 1650s. Moms side settled in Virginia colony and Dads side founded the town of Exeter New Hampshire.
>your family emigrated to fucking Australia and NZ instead of the US
Fucking convict, sheepfucking cunts
You mean Patrilineally
My apologies, in my tired state I misread your original post.
>Be from cozy Swiss/German enclave in SC
>21st century
>still cozy enclave
Feels good man
What the hell are you doing in Serbia?
I am 100% white and descend from James Crew born in 1630 in Northampton, Virginia.
A good portion of my family is colonial English with other mixtures (mom’s side of the family)
It split and got mixed with some French during the late 1700s the moment one of my ancestors went west, then another portion of the English got mixed with Swedish immigrants in the late 1800s (dad’s side)
Only downside is one of the people on the French side thought it would be a good idea to fuck an Indian woman, so that drop has been carried over for a couple centuries.
My ancestors were some of the original German settlers
We’re probably related.
From Columbia/Dutch Fork I imagine
The oldest coal mine in PA has my family name.
Not in the colloquial sense of 'American', no. Sure there would be people in the geographical Americas called Americans. The ethos surrounding the Declaration of Independence and especially the Constitution changed political thought across the world.
Maine French, never really looked into it, though. There wasn’t a ton of immigration from France after the French and Indian War, so my ancestors have probably been here for a while.
Nice to meet you cuz. Likewise decendant of Anne Hutchinson, here - familiar with her? The Antinomion split?Thanks for the info! And hell yeah.
topic said "in america"
German immigrants from the 1730s on dad's side. Mom's side is Native American, so technically I've been here since before history. Fuck u white boi.
Can't rule it out. Grew up in Chapin if you want to get specific. But I'm not from one of the bigger families around here.
Until you actually study history and realize science supports the Solutrean hypothesis ans whites have an older heritage on North America than your Siberian "native side".
two wolves fighting each other.
only redeeming quality
Ancestors on my mothers side moved to America in the early 1700's as German Catholics to escape religious persecution in the then increasingly Protestant Swabia (catholic again now), and worked as cornfarmers with the last name Kornmann, fought in the war of independence against the British (we have proof of direct descent and proof of their part in the war). Also fought in the civil war for the Union and the Spanish American war, and my grandfather in WW2. My mother was one of the first to move out of Pennsylvania for her job because my mom was born in the 50's so about the time she got a career, women were getting jobs. She eventually met my dad (from Croatia) and I was born.
>french settlers in the chart
As a quebecker am I welcome?
Yep, probably somehow related to you.
Is anyone in your family Lutheran?
There was lots of immigration from Quebec to New England in the early 20th century though. So your ancestors have probably been in North America for a while, and in the USA for almost 100 years
Lol, entire family is Lutheran. Fun fact, my dad knows some of Dylan Roof's family.