So apparently, Marvel wants its own shonen manga and possible anime series

So apparently, Marvel wants its own shonen manga and possible anime series.

Judges include Hiro Mashima and Vice president of Marvel.

>Hiro Mashima
>official Marvel anything


Good luck making Captain America not look like shit in black and white.

I don't think westerners can into manga.
Look at what happened when Stan Lee tried to make a manga. Granted it finished over there but I don't it was ever full publish in english, at least off the top of my ehad.

>Good luck making Captain America not look like shit

>Comic book company comics presents:
>The Assholes (tm): earth's greatest heroes
>Featuring: flying cape man, gun toting man, strong exotic womyn who needs no man, robot man, asshole man without pupils who always floats and speaks in riddles and masked gimmick man
>One billion people dies in every page! except for the genuinely monstrous evil dudes because if you kill them you'll be like them even when every time they escape they murder like ten billion innocents
>This time The Assholes face their biggest challenge yet: The Assholes (tm) from parallel universe No. 321987341987334897432897034097834209783409783248097342078933214789432923807342 are invading! Meanwhile Cosmic Asshole Villain Man is trying to destroy the multiverse! And the government through its secret agency D.O.U.C.H.E.B.A.G is trying to get rid of The Assholes (tm)

Fuck western comics.


They already did the mangaverse and those shitty anime adaptions of Ironman, Wolverine, X-Men, and Blade. If they do have a new manga it'll just be boring meme ridden SJW shit like their comics are now. Marvel and capeshit in general are way past their glory days.

Some of the MCU movies and Netflix Daredevil are pretty good though.

a little random here but anybody remember ultimo the manga stan lee was involved with

>Best prize winner win a right for the series to appear serially in shonen magazines.

Seems they're serious.

At least you'll be getting more big stonking tits than your modern Marvel comics

What's the point they'll turn Tony into a beta Mc with a harem

capecomics and manga just don't handle their stories or characters the same way. It'd break the fucking brain of a comic writer and artist to write and panel the way most manga do, and vice versa.

At least if they're going for a shounen kind of audience anyway.


>putting Mashima in charge of judging anything

They could simply either make it a parallel universe or 616 canon but separated enough from the rest of the world. As in: not set in New York city

Don't be a fag, japanese comics also have their own annoying cliches.

Nah, last volume came out this month.

Can we just have Japan take over Marvel in general?


>Marvel girls drawn by Mashima

Yes, but they are expected and popular pieces of cultural heritage instead of the unwanted garbage that is now sold as "All-New, All-Different" every four years.

Japan make better capeshit that america so maybe they can finally learn something and go away from the SJWs bullshit

Sup Forums has gone too far this time.

So Marvel is so creative bankrupt that they have to go to another country to fix their shit? That sad.

I just had a nightmare of Marvel connecting with BnHA and the whole cast ends up transgender and gay and Shigaraki gets changed to an MRA.


>but they are expected and popular pieces of cultural heritage

You're fucking delusional

Keyman isn't actually cape shit, though. It's more the kind of shit that'd be edited by Vertigo.

>they are expected and popular pieces of cultural heritage

This is what weebs actually believe

>It's more the kind of shit that'd be edited by Vertigo.
I don't know what that meant

>not knowing what Vertigo is

Literally a DC branch with a huge focus on publishing more adult stuff, mainly paranormal thrillers. Keyman wouldn't look out of place next to Constantine or Fables.

does that include series like spawn? I honestly could see spawn in keyman

Spawn was Image Comics, the le-edgy publisher of the 90's

Anyone remember pic related?
It was a pretty fun series which makes me slightly optimistic about MAHVEL anime

rip? Idk if you know this but bnha academia sells better than marvel comics atm. If not losing by a little bit

They should take over DC too, BvS would be amazing as an anime.


>want a super hero manga judge
>don't get ONE or Horikoshi, the manga authors of Japan's biggest superhero themed mangas

I don't remember the pussycats being mind controllers

The hilarious thing is that out of Mashima, ONE/Murata, and Horikoshi- Mashima's work is flat out the most "problematic".

Like I can't imagine a shitty writer like Bendis reading one random chapter of Fairy Tail and being on-board with this.

This Project is a cooperation with Kodansha's weekly shonen magazine, not Shueisha's JUMP.

"Problematic" as in all the sexualized stuff with the female cast going against Marvel's attempts at being more feminist, or "problematic" as in just the series is poorly written?

Manga usually has a narrative worth following throughout the years without retcon and asspulls each issue. Those are the biggest issues with comics. I can't imagine anyone actually following comics for the lore.

About time the west started polluting the east

> I can't imagine anyone actually following comics for the lore.
you be surprised.

>Hiro Mashima

Both but especially the former.

Like almost every member of the female cast has a nude humiliation or torture scene, some several.

Even fucking Mavis is sexualized and she quite literally has the body of a 13-14 year-old girl because she cursed herself on accident.

One of the final badguys is a cum wizard.

They should get the Kenshin guy, Watsuki. He was already barely able to contain his X-men boner

>World Breaker Hulk will never be used because it'd solve all the Problems
>Rune King Thor will also never be used
>Nor will Tony's Sym Suit
Why even bother. All the good shit will never be used because manga arcs tend to drag. I mean FFS the original 52 over on DC told multiple full complete and good stories, while even One Piece takes 2 years to write Dressrosa which is a crap arc

>Implying Kohei won't finish BnHA so he can finally live his dream

>Only reading marvel and DC

You know what? Fuck you too.

At least the girls will be guaranteed thick as fuck

>>Day of the Week Magazine from Famous Editorial Conglomerate Presents:
>>Underdog(not really) Shonen Story:
>>Featuring: Totally not choosen one, rivial that might or might not become an antagonist, Useless female #1 (might or might not be love interest), Old Badass and lots of more interesting side character that won't get panel time(we might or might now realse LN's about them latter)

>tfw becoming an adult is realizing how much better DC is than Marvel

I guess being the shittiest publisher in the western world just wasn't enough anymore..

Was, DC has gone SJW harder than Marvel

Could be cool, Disk Wars was an okay series but those Marvel Anime from Madhouse were terrible.

How is that even possible?

Not even in the same fucking galaxy. Yes, they tried to pander with DC You last year, but sales were so godawful they gave up and making comics people wanted to read again.

You forgot
>Featuring: character development, actual narrative arcs and an ending!

Wait, really?

It's a shame hero stuff has plagued western comics for so many people, there's some really enjoyable stuff and literally god-tier waifus in there.

*started making
Seriously, Superman, Titans, and Deathstroke are amazing.

Sandman is overrated.

I don't read comics but that superheroine Ms.Marvel's modern costume never fails to make me giggle like a mad man. It looks like when you're playing a RPG where equipment changes your character's appearance and you equip the pieces with the best stats.

Meanwhile that one she used to wear, the black leotard + hip scarf, I think that one was great. Simple and sexy.

What a lol

>Japanese equivalent to Bendis

Make it so, Marvel; those nips need to suffer like Sup Forums does

I unironically enjoy Crossed.

That's what you get when you have dozens of people coming up with a story, it turns to shit fast.

The quality of the stories are variable and there is quite a bit of wanking over it but you can't really deny it's a solid piece of work overall. My point about stuff beyond capeshit in western comics still stands, though.

Two different characters. The current Captain Marvel is the former Ms. Marvel, and the current Ms. Marvel is tumblr pandering.

>liking Gwenpool
>pot calling a kettle black

He's more the Japanese equivalent of Todd McFarlane, Mashima doesn't take three months to get a story going.

I didn't say it was bad, just overrated, much like everything else Gaiman's ever done.

Ahhh. Thanks for the clarification.
I though it was weird that a blonde tall woman suddenly turned into a scrawny brown girl.

>>Featuring: character development

This actually raises a curious question. Who's the nearest equivalent to Bendis in manga?


Tite Kubo

Marvel's flagship book is about Mark Waid using legacy characters as mouth pieces for voicing his agenda.
Only selling 45k right now.

I don't think they could realistically make up a brand new universe and characters, so they would have to reuse shit Japanese people are used to. So Spiderman and shit like that.

Ontop of that would they just release like 50-60 issues, end it and just immediately reuse the same character but entirely different characterization etc like normal comics? Would they just do one fucking long manga like 200-300 chapters?

Oh joy. More endless shounen with no end in sight.

I consider Sandman narratively one of the best comics ever made. It has heeps of problems artwise and doesn't really use the medium beyond illustrations too much.

Kinda like the opposite of watchman. Like Watchman's plot is kinda simple when you get right down to it, but its use of comics as a medium is fucking top tier.
>the first time you notice the Rorschach chapter is symmetrical
