Why do people like Gabriel?

Why do people like Gabriel?

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I believe in God Almighty so I naturally believe in one of his Angels

She's cute and fluffy I guess, nothing wrong with that.
The problem only arises when you say you like her more than Satania or Vigne.

because prone-boning her when she is trying to healslut and hearing her attempts at stifling her cute squeals sounds like fun

>I believe in God Almighty

You don't? Then what do you believe in, child?


>it's another episode of Satan (female) false-flagging

>not believing in God
>posting on a christian board

I want to kiss Hifumi.

Sup Satania?

Self insert human trash. Cute.



Vigne is an ANGEL

She's cute. I wish I had a Gabu at home to take care of.

People doesn't like Gabriel, people like Satania.

He shall redeem the despised and wreak vengeance in the name of the burned and tortured! Hail Adrian! Hail Satania!

oh shit, of course I believe in saten sama.

Gab's appeal is not for the faint of heart. I don't expect the normal poster, who merely watches and doesn't reflect on the nature, message, and production elements of an anime show to be able to understand my love of Gab, and why she is a fantastic and relatable character.
A warning, I haven't read the manga and have no intention to, so this is an analyzation of the anime Gab only.
Gab is essentially the otaku themselves. She 'lost her way', was 'talented', had friends, everything in her life was destroyed by the MMO. Yet, in the first episode she says, "I was really a slothful person all along." This isn't true. The viewer Gab is aimed at knows that they chose a life of seclusion and indolence, ever seeking the next novelty and instant gratification.
The future, for Gab, doesn't exist. She's completely reverted to her base instincts, the only reason she even left the house was because of her fear of heaven's(cruel reality or their sense of guilt at an unfulfilled life, for the viewer)punishment.
The trick that Gab pulls is a simple one. Make laziness appealing by containing it in the form of an attractive and honest girl. There's never a scene where Gab isn't the very definition of pursuing her desires, her small resistance to Vigne's treating of her mosquito bites is proof of this.
That way her pride talking. It's central to her character, and the one emotion Gab is shown expressing. Her open distaste for the mortal world and her desire to destroy it is a longing the otaku type feels. The otaku believes that they are genuinely worthless and base creatures that should die.
That is why Gab is the perfect opposition to that. She is not shown wavering in her position and new identity, in fact when Vigne cuts her cord she right away fishes for a new one.
It's the exact opposite of what an otaku is, they endlessly despise themselves and want nothing more than to feel 'okay' about their existence. Gab is the ultimate 'it's okay to be an otaku' character.

Better shirt than the "Fuck my ass" one

Part 2,
The anime has fully demonstrated they understand the importance of playing out this conflict with Vigne.
Vigne is the concentrated diligence in the show, her direct opposition to Gab is cleverly subverted by her friendly relationship with her. Vigne is show helping Gab clean her room and do homework, a comfortable, almost idyllic relationship. She's the otaku's sense of what is right and wrong, which Gab(the otaku, herself) bargains with and placates at times, even though ultimately Vigne appears to leave her alone. This is sending the message that not only is Gab fine where she is, Gab is able to do more in her life and triumph over difficult tasks through a segmented approach to her work. Vigne is for the otaku types who work, do manga, write stories, etc. Any of those seeking satisfaction are the ally of Vigne, and Vigne relationship with Gab is a pleasant representation of the inner conflict between pure desire to be lazy(gab, the otaku) and the desire for a satisfying life(vigne, the diligence). This further enhances Gab's appeal as a character, without Vigne, Gab is a simple loser and unenjoyable to watch. I don't think it is a mistake that the very next scene after Gab descends into MMO addiction that Vigne shows up and cuts the cord.
Then, what about Satania and Raphiel? Those two additions to the series are the direct opposites of both Gab and Vigne.
I expect that is why most fans of the show gravitate towards Satania. Satania stated she was the rival of Gab, but the internal reason is that Satania is a ball of energy and ambition, always failing always promising grand things. Satania is the otaku's vision of what diligent, normal people are like. She balances Gab's dense behavior, her total unwillingness to change and lack of vulnerability by being entirely vunerable and easily influenced. Satania is show wearing her heart on her sleeve at all points, and is just as quick to put on a mask.

Because if it wasn't for her we wouldn't have best girl Raphiel

Part 3
Versus Gab, Satania's apartment is show as modern and clean. Why is this? Isn't Satania a stupid type? No, she's merely always putting her best out there. A masochistic warrior enhancing her life at every step. When Raph teases Satania about her melon bread being missing, Satania tells her to shut up. It seems out of character, right? Satania is supposed to not understand these things, be over the top and ridiculous, but not only does she openly brave Raph laughing at her she rejects her entirely.
This is unlike Gab and Vigne's friendly relationship.
Raph exists only to hold Satania back. She's the representation of failure and pain that Satania has accepted into her life. Gab is shown being friends with Raph, but after they leave heaven Raph interacted with her once and only showed affection. This is because Raph's masochism is a stranger to Gab, and Gab's appeal comes strictly from her relationship to the otaku viewer.
So I think it's natural for the viewer who is less self-critical to enjoy Satania more as a character. She's fun. Gab is not supposed to be fun, she is supposed to draw you into the fantasy. There is no mistake in naming the series "Gabriel Dropout", all of the characters exist to further enhance Gab's appeal as a character.

user, please stop bringing real life to my Gab. It hurts.

user, my whole point is that Gabriel Dropout is trying to comfort people like you who think you're not enough as human beings. You consider Gab a character who is 'enough' as a human being because she's adorable, so whatever she does is fine because she's someone you desire? That is wrong.
The world is an undesirable place, and that is precisely why anime like Gabriel Dropout are needed more than ever, to allow us to get closer to our deepest fears and criticisms and dispel them for the nonsense they are.

So Vignefags are the true normies?

Who? Explain

I'm a bad catholic. Why wouldn't I?

Is this why I don't like the series? I don't want preaching in my escapism

Gab is a perfect character for self-inserting your wish to just let loose, tell every fucking moron to go fuck themselves while not only being a cute girl but also being friends with another cute girl who cares for you.

In general, asshole girl MCs are best, and usually they always get some karma back.

Relax, Satan. You don't need to reap my soul yet.

I dunno, lol.
Anons who like Vigne probably are the type who want a mother figure in their life to take care of them. Vigne herself in this series doesn't represent that, but for people who already don't find the appeal of the other characters promising she'll squeak in as the best girl for them because they are always searching for any girl that acts like that subconsciously.

That's depressingly true.

That's all well and good but the real problem with the show is that it's excruciatingly boring. I feel like all the jokes are just shitty versions ones that have been done better in other shows. I couldn't make it through the third episode. This anime is dire.

>all the jokes are just shitty versions ones that have been done better in other shows
You're just now realizing this? A lot of series are like this to the point where it becomes self parody even if it doesn't intend to be

>Satania is a ball of energy and ambition, always failing always promising grand things

So she's basically Trump?

Haven't been paying much attention, huh?

I like Satanya

Trump is already working on his promises though.

For the love of fucking god, don't start this shit here.


I wanted to find out if Satania means something but all I got was this moth and some strange website about christian fanfiction.

Gabu is one of us. Also best girl.


>world is a fuck

Thank you user, for writing how I feel about the series.

Because I like lolis.

>some strange website about christian fanfiction.
So a site about the Bible?
It was too easy I couldn't resist

She is cute as a neet but she is brutal to her friends.

Likes MMOs.

Only thing that's missing is decent size breasts and we got a winner.

Fluffy hair
Has beautiful legs and butt
Literally me in cute female angel form

Nothing in her life was destroyed by the MMO. Gab had the capacity for that kind of behavior from the start, all the vidya did was enable it.

Why does Gab always wear jacket ?

Standard hikki uniform.


Why is there two melon pancakes ?

I feel like I'm supposed to be triggered but I don't exactly know why.

have you had one before? shits good of course she would have two

The dog felt bad for her so it teleported a new melonpan so she wouldn't be hungry. Then it teleported it back.

That's even crueler.

Magical duplicating and subtracting bread.

Isn't she evil? why doesn't she beat the dog?

She tried in the first episode. The dog kicked her ass and took her bread anyways.

She can't, the dog is also faster than her.

Is this a motherfucking christian board?

Why the fuck would I think so hard about why my cute girls are so cute

is this some pasta from animesuki or randomc

I will never look at this anime/manga the same away again

Can't you see it's Jesus Blue?

NEET bait?


Why is Gabe such a lazy piece of shit?

Because of Vigne constantly mothering her.

Best girl, I wish she'd mother me.

People will like any shitty girl as long as she's cute

Uh, she can't be shitty if she's cute.

I rest my case.



Satania confirmed best girl

Her moe level is angelically divine and has the best body. Why not?

>Satan-sama, let me help.

Are Satan and Lucifer the same entity?

Theologically Satan may or may not even be a legit entity. Pretty sure all Satan does is play devil's advocate in which case his name probably comes from the name for a type of jewish judge whose job is to test your faith by asking you weird theological questions.

Good question. She sure is a cunt in the latest episode.

Pretty sure Gabe would become a camwhore on twitch before she'd consider working in a coffee shop.

She probably tried but Vigne exploded her ethernet port.

She is fun Archangel and like helping people a lot.
Power of God.

Gab isn't literally Archangel Gabriel.

She could be. Maybe.

I prefered her before she became a lazy little shit.

Don't spook me Satan.

I like to pretend that "Gabriel" etc are angel class with well-defined responsibilities. So there could be an actual Gabriel out there, but Gab is not him/her.

Are you sure? She has his horn, doesn't she?

Archangel Gabriel should be able to simply obliterate humans by existing near them if he wanted so Gab would've become a walking wasteland because of how pissed she is at humans.

Gabriel is a slag who sucks cock for DLC.


If she weren't a lazy little shit this anime would've been the most generic shit ever, that's just the truth.

I actually picked up on similar themes and I'm not sure if you're being ironic or trying to bait but I think all of this is so interconnecting and transparent that it can't mean anything else or be clutching at straws.

Though with that said, considering the industry and Doga Kobo's other work I would sooner believe this was in the subconscious of the writer rather than something actually intentional

Here's the thing - since Gabriel Dropout's characters are more or less complete archetypes who are only special because they're paired to the "wrong" characters, and the plot is so simple, you can read almost anything you want into it. You could make this a battle of the four humors. You could make it different aspects of the personality. You could make it show in how Vigne, despite being nice to someone who does need her help, is also actually being intrusive. Or you could see it for what it is - a simple comedy with cute girls.