
Kendrick Johnson's body was found at Lowndes High School in a rolled up wrestling mat, in the school's gymnasium. A preliminary investigation and autopsy concluded that the death was accidental.

A private pathologist conduct another autopsy which concluded that Johnson died from blunt force trauma

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Shit happens

Odds are another nigger killed that nigger

How do you accidentally get rolled into a mat and die?

Nigga we show y'all
We wuz all be like sushi n sheeit

Yeah I don't get this. If the other kids rolled him up and left him, they killed him its not an accident. Wrestling mats are heavy as fuck and stiff, you can't roll yourself in it like a rug. The only possibility I can see is that he tried to squeeze into an upright rolled up mat head first and got stuck. Nobody could hear him scream because of the insulating properties of the mat and he eventually died from blood rushing to his head and fluid entering the lungs from being upside down for a prolonged period.

First you have to be very tired.

>kendrick johnson

He did some ape shit and jumped into it headfirst.

The independent autopsy found, among other things, that Johnson's body was stuffed with newspapers.[5][8] The funeral home, which processed the body after it was turned over to them following the GBI autopsy, stated that they never received Johnson's organs from the coroner. Johnson's internal organs were said to have been "destroyed through natural process" and "discarded by the prosector before the body was sent back to Valdosta" according to the funeral home owner.[1] That left a void, which the funeral home filled.
A forensic analyst Grant Federicks enlisted by

CNN found that tapes from two cameras are missing an hour and five minutes of footage while another set is missing 2 hours and 10 minutes.

Classic case of rolling yourself in wrestling mats and falling asleep to death.

Yeah and from what it looks like in the pic those aren’t the light mats. Those are the mats that are like 3 pieces and each weigh about 200 pounds or some shit


(blacks can be and ARE, ANYTHING they want to be)


I had a hamster that crawled into a toilet paper roll and died like that. Shit happens

Yep, those blue ones by the door look just big enough for a nigger to get stuck in.

>Johnson's body was stuffed with newspapers
like up his ass or something?

why the fuck is this on jewtube

One less nigger, oh am I sad.

after the first autopsy they literally stuffed his body cavities with newspaper lol

what the fuck, also nice numbers

The cameras were motion activated, so no motion = no film. The mats were outside of the view of the cameras. The first autopsy removed the organs and didn't put them back in, so when the funeral home got the body and embalmed it, as per standard procedure they filled the empty chest cavity. While using newspaper instead of things like sawdust is more respectful, no wrong doing occurred. Students say they kept their shoes by the mats, which were stacked upright, and kendrick shared a pair of shoes with his friend. It was common for him to throw the shoes on top of the mats, and this time it fell in. Que stupid nigger Kendrick Johnson who dove headfirst into the mats, and got stuck. Nobody heard his screams and died from lack of air. Then his nigger family sued everyone and their mother, even suing two boys after they claimed their fbi father told them to go nigger hunting.

TL;DR A dumb nigger wanting his J's dove headfirst into a wresting mat then fucking died. Nigger jew family sued everyone which makes the case more interesting. Niggers just gonna nig.

kek, in the comments some nigger called someone else racist over nothing

who fuckin cares this was 4 years ago

>kendrick shared a pair of shoes with his friend
poor fuck

Yeah, if you watch the whole thing, his arms and head are exposed on the other side. I don't think he coulda crawled in, got stuck, and got out half a meter and died. I also am sure he wasn't rolled up as a prank and left there. He was rolled up in the mat after he was already dead, 95% sure. Maybe he was rolled up unconscious, woke up, tried to escape, and succumbed to injuries before he made it. But yeah, he was murdered for sure, and the fact the prosecutor didn't follow through with the case points to a cover up.

Which is weird.

Wait what happened?

Organ harvesting?

Why not just knock the mat over, and then pull the shoe out? Also, the shoe was on the outside of the mat, on the side he's feet were, and his other shoe was on. The video posted up above shows the death scene, it's stranger than your explanation. The shoe, and the placement of the body inside the mat is wrong. Plus, he wouldn't do something so stupid unless his friends were watching.

Are you saying it could be your nigger that done died? In a similar fashion?

the best nigger is a dead nigger

fuckin hell that gif is nuts