I unironically loved this show
I hate how quiet they said it. It was disappointing to listen to.
watched it a while ago, thought it was funny, all around decent
I only watched it for her
funny thing. because this picture is how i got into it. lol
I was kinda disappointed she doesn't actually say that.
But then I realized she isn't made for lewding.
I liked it too.
Eri did nothing wrong!
Karen a best!
Trips confirm karen best girl
>translation of related material apparently abandoned because the person doing it hated best girl THAT much
There's salt and then there's salt.
im cumming
As an anime-first viewer, the maid thing was very surprising.
>Best girl won
Thank you based god.
I know right? I wish they didn't just complete ignore it after going out of their way to show it to the audience.
Karen won? Good.
wait who won?
Best girl is subjective
user... I don't want to ruin your dreams but people already know who wins.
And shes not the one.
>Best girl is subjective
Maid won? Good.
I don't get the GETS thing. Is it supposed to be a ironic joke?
Japs are fucking retarded what else isn't new?
People really hate Eri that much?
Looks like best girls is geting gets.
The face of a winner
indeed user ^_^ hows your night/day going?
Please refrain from shitposting using Raphiel's image, thank you.
You got me mad now.
S2 when? Manga translation when?
didnt get it either
but yea its some jap joke thing
I still don't get the gachimuchi meme. is it just gay porn with billy herrington edited to be funny?
>let's asspull first girl wins because of a forgotten childhood memory
You could tell the author wanted to bail.
Wait, Aika won? I've been out of touch for a while.
It's a gimmick of some comedian or TV show or something I forgot Google it
The manga is a lot more fun
GETS is just the previous generation's PPAP. If you want a good idea of how it is.
I'm still not sure what this was supposed to meant.
What chapter this is from?
>mfw guessing the speed one right before the answer
get get get get got got got got
Gachi is love, muchi is life.
Gets what?
best girl
shame that the loli rarely wins
It was fun while it was about silly stuff, but I dropped when Eri made it trash. And the ending spoilers make it seem like it had a shitty conclusion.
nice gets
>when Eri made it trash
Anime viewers were blessed. And it's like, you see a late introduced character with problematic personality in the very end and you immediately think "welp, time to bail". Also, nice GETS.
Best girl gets gets
>all these GETS in this thread