Pizzagate: James Alefantis what was he hiding. DUMP THREAD
His depravity
Bump. This gets under Skippy's skin; like it's crawling.
Trump loves a good cheese pizza.
is that shopped?
Of course it is. Orange fucking frames don't appear out of no where faggot.
nothing, why?
he just has great friends, that's all.
He was part of a multinational pedophile ring with yuuuuge servers on most continents to provide a dummy proof way((think pedo youtube)) for these sick humans to get ((their)) rocks off, this was his day job, by night this man was part of a cult that litterally bred acquired and ritually abused and sacraficed in human children. Law enforcement and alphabets all knew and ran interference for ((them)).
Child porn and money laundering for human trafficking rings.
Imagine if you will, those tasked with putting these type of humans away, being complicit not only in coverup but partaking in these inhumane activities. Even a spider protects its young.
Hes an illegitimate Rothschild like wjc, probably under satanic mind control himself, because that is literally the only excuse to,be so retarded to not have your child trafficking Instagram set to private from the get go.
pizzagate isn't real
if you believe in pizzagate you are literally dumber than the average nigger
when the server was hacked, the contents were spread far and wide, but not properly archived.
you can still find them if you look in the wrong places, but you'll never be able to verify their authenticity.
its ok, though, the authorities have them.
This is correct, and why he moved with impunity in his actions.
#Pizzgate inbound
Raviolli, Raviolli...
What part of authorities were complict do you not understand my man, dig. Also what kind of meat is this hanging in ((his)) kitchen, look closely.
just watched that doc on YT.
the fuck? Why? This is gay as fuck
what were the contents exactly?
Kids being fucked. Divided into folders by category.
If 666 the pedos will hang.
Shit, someone roll for me
fuck off john podesta- you are not hot shit
i heard alefantis was hiding his sausage in little children
mental health is important
I seriously need these ducks to go down hard, for my mental/spiritual health, for the poor children worldwide and so I can tell my peice of shit brother and his faggoty hipster friends that I told you so.
Totally normal to have ppl call a freezer a kill room, right guys.
That is one fucking creepy look Danny boy is giving.
If what you say is true then what chance do you honestly have at taking them down?
These are most powerful people on the planet.
They've had people killed for less than what you are accusing them of.
He is eating it backwards. Symbolic of anal sex with little children
Rolling Rolling rolling
Totally normal to have 3 pizza shops in same block vicinity , comet, besta, and goathill pizza, nothing funny there.
Is he with us?
Holy fuck!
Guess who owns goathill pizza guys, Nancy Pelosi, totally a coincidence right guys, right.
but how would anyone know that came from comet pizza website/server
>always thought cheese pizza was just a Sup Forums meme
>it was actually an fbi meme and fbi niggers were using Sup Forums to trade cp
Stop fucking reiterating everything and let's come up with a way to stop them.
You're not helping.
Pizzagate was a hoax retard get rekt
It was bruteforced and voila.
>>he doesn't know.
This job was to set up all of the purchasing and storage and transportation of children for the elites. He made a lot of money doing this.
When the time comes you'll be shown no quater.
the original hack was handed over pretty quickly.
we can't verify anything, but we don't need to.
Someone actually doing something and not relying on a broken system.
Like the witches of old. Frontier justice.
Has anyone looked at the CEO of Mondelez (formerly Kraft and Nabisco)
someone posted her pic in another thread and reminded me of someone who brought this kike up a while back, maybe 3 months
Pizza related map? I just learned the other day a MAP is a Minor Attracted Person in the pedo community.
right but you said the contents were spread far and wide, how do the people other then the hacker who saw the contents know it came from the comet ping pong website/server
whew. Well that's new shit
I hate and love these threads man, its reassuring that there are others who believe but then also little kids are being fucked right now and it makes me sad
Fret not little brother as light has already won, ((their)) vain attempt at undermining Source only brings out the really really good guys.
the original hack was handed over to multiple authorities right away, and also disseminated to the public.
there is no good way for us to verify anything on this Tibetan raisin appreciation forum, but the circumstantial evidence collected legally after- the- fact is overwhelming.
ultimately, it won't matter, the conspiracy theory ravings and attempts at "debunking" was all a smokescreen.
pieces are in place, james. there's a reason that some of your friends aren't answering their phones anymore.
Is this legit?
It’s honestly making me sick looking at the meat
Pizza slut
so the authorities have it and aren't doing anything about it? how long should it take after authorities receive evidence like that before they take action like a raid?
Im afraid so, praying helps.
Why are people gross...?
when the target is:
deeply embedded
in the business of blackmail
and had advanced warning
it can be difficult to properly arrange the services.
little by little.
sound familiar?
Justice when?
when we have martyrs
one more you for you from us.
who is "us"?
Pedos will hang
Re -Subvert an already subverted Board.
Hang on desu, Hope.
All I know is that I want John C. Reilly to play Alefantis in the movie...
Confirmed. Blessed be the Chosen.
Any idea what map means?
Jimmy Comet Rothschild Alefuckids is a simple pizza-flipping art lover guys, that's all.
Dumbass forgets that there's a difference between powerful people abuse they're power to molest kids and far reaching child raping and sacrificing satanic cults that have somehow managed to avoid being exposed despite the fact that such as far reaching conspiracy would result in a ton of forensic evidence.
They aren't even the same symbols you retard. Why is it mostly the master race that believes this shit.
They use the bear as a symbol for pedophiles.
Justice for Victoria.
you are imagining things user, aren't you getting sleepy?
Because it was downloaded straight from their servers - the same servers that the "vigilante gunman conspiracy theorist" shot with his gun... Which were the only things shot. Interestingly after being shot, the Comet Ping Pong website didn't go down - but the password protected section did and soon after that was pointed out they redid their website layout.
lol I wish
If ONLY Trump were a wincest/pedophilia loving freak, I'd support him even more. Make loli legal!
Pizzagate is very real.
It's just overture to a huge evil work that the army of faggots and lesbians and jews is preparing for us in our slavery.
Connecting the dots, user
Fuck. I seem to recall one theory that it was code for semen but min attracted person would make more sense