New thread, new chapters.
Today I'll be dumping Chapter 10 (aka Vol. 1 pages 89-96) and Chapter 11 (aka Vol. 1 pages 97-104), because Chapter 10 has no dialogue.
New thread, new chapters.
Today I'll be dumping Chapter 10 (aka Vol. 1 pages 89-96) and Chapter 11 (aka Vol. 1 pages 97-104), because Chapter 10 has no dialogue.
Other urls found in this thread:
Building No. 10
Box: Building Blocks
> Door: *Click SFX*
> *firm grab SFX*
Right side, Last panel
> *shake SFX x3*
Left side, Last panel
> *shake SFX x4*
Right side, 3rd panel
> *shake SFX x2*
> *trembling SFX*
> *Bump SFX*
> *Scatter SFX*
> Album
> Mutsuki 5 years old
> Haruki 4 years old
> Yayoi 3 years old
Forgot image.
> Book: Human Failure
> Book: An Idiot
> Paper: Goal
> *Katatatata SFX*
> *SFX for the sound of plushies hitting each other in a domino effect*
> *teetering SFX*
> *basasasasa SFX*
> Mutsuki: Grin
Let me know if you can't tell what goes where, since there are no text bubbles for guidance.
Pretty sure I included the image, or maybe I'm just bad at dragging and dropping.
Anyways, Chapter 11 coming up next.
Building No. 11
> *sliding door SFX*
> D...Don't just shut the door on me... *cough SFX x2*
> Hey! You can't just open the door to a maiden's bedroom!
> *door rattling SFX*
> What are you doing here in the middle of the night...
> ...Can't...move...
> *Raspy breath SFX x2*
> Uwah!
> ...Stop that with your foot...
> You're burning up! You're sick!?
> it...
> *cough SFX x2*
> I thought something felt weird the moment I woke up to use the toilet
> think my strength...would give out here...
> (small text) Huh?
> *Raspy breath SFX*
> ......
> It can't be helped...
> I'll lend you a pillow
> G'night
> ......
> *Raspy breath SFX*
> *shallow exhale SFX x2*
> Thanks for carrying me...
> *cough SFX x2*
> Well, it can't be helped.
> You have school tomorrow...
> I'm... alright so hurry back to bed...
> Mn...
> Morning!
> Ning!
> Good morning. Can you go wash your faces?
> Huh? Where's Haruki?
> Haruki?
> He caught a cold, even though he's an idiot (TL Note: The Japanese have an idiom saying idiots can't catch colds)
> When a usually occupied seat is empty, it feels awfully lonely
> Lonely
> ......
> Is what's written all over your face!
> Face!
> I-It's not!!
> We're heading out!
> Out!
> Haruki, if anything happens call us!
> ... *shallow breath SFX x2*
> The girls have all left
> (mini text) Daddy!
> It's so quiet... I can hear the neighbors so clearly...
> (mini text) Daddy! Why are you wearing a maid outfit!!
> I...I'm sorry... There's actually a veeeery complicated reason for this...
> *long silence SFX*
> H-Hey! Old man next door! What's the reason!? Go on! Go ooooon!!
> Oh no... I need to use the toilet
> *cough SFX x2*
> ...It's no use
> I can't move...
> *raspy breath SFX x2*
> *fidgeting SFX x2*
> ......
> I'll just sleep instead
> *cough SFX*
> I don't want to use the toilet. I don't want to use the toilet.
> I really hope I don't wet the bed...
> *raspy breath SFX x2*
> *raspy breath SFX x2*
> Huh...?
> *hazy SFX*
> *raspy breath SFX x2*
> ......Yayoi?
> *startled SFX*
> Don't open your eyes so suddenly!!
> S-sorry...Yelling makes my head ring...W...What is it...?
> *cough SFX x2*
> I fell asleep... What time is it?
> It's just past 3
> You...What about club? Did you not go..?
> N-No way! We get breaks every now and then
> Right before a game?
> ~~~~ *sweatdrop*
> I'm happy you came home early...
> *grin SFX*
> *raspy breath SFX x2*
> Uh...Uhm...
> Take me to the toilet
> Ack!
> *cough SFX*
> S...Sorry about this...
> It's nothing...
> Nee-san and our little sisters aren't home yet
> So I'm the only one who can help you right now
> You can just keep sleeping...
> W-What are you doing!? (mini text) kyaa~~~
> I...I was just going to wipe your sweat
> If you sleep drenched in sweat, you'll just get worse
> *Awkward SFX*
> This is so mentally exhausting, it's having the opposite effect...
> I'll do it myself...
> Wait! There's only your back left
> We're home!
> Home!
> Kyaaaa
> *Startled SFX*
> They kissed!
> Kissed!
> Stupid! No!!
> Gah!
> They kissed!!
> Kissed!
> (mini text) Haruki's naked!!
> (mini text) Lewd!
> I'm saying that's not what happened!!
> *loud footsteps SFX*
> *slide SFX*
> Oh no...
> Kyaaa
> Waaah
> *loud impact SFX x2*
> This is it...
> *head hitting mattress SFX*
> Waaah
> Waaah
> *footsteps SFX*
> Hey!!
> The ruckus is causing trouble for the neighbors and the sick!
> *startled SFX*
> N-Nee-san! I'm sorry!
> (mini text) Welcome back~
> How is Haruki doing?
> He's still having a hard time
> Right now he's asleep-
> With the power of Yayoi-oneechan's kiss-
> Enough of that already!
> Gah
> *firm SFX*
> ...Kiss...?
> ...O-oneechan?
> Come with me!!
> What? Nee-san!?
> ...Ugh...I've gotten a bit better... Huh? Where's Aneki and Yayoi...
> Over here!
> If you kiss someone with a cold, you're going to catch it yourself! Go to sleep so we can prevent it from getting worse!
> But I didn't do it~
> ...I don't know what's happening but I guess I'll go back to sleep...
And that's it for today.
Forgot to link the previous thread in the OP, but here it is.
Here is the mega folder just in case too.
I'll upload the translated chapters later.
Would you let her teach you?
T-teach me what?
How to be a slut to your brother?
These two somehow reminds me of misaka and touma if they were ever siblings, especially Haruki's VA.
>no S3 ever
any kisses yet
Thanks for the dump
Their faces were much rounder in early chapters
Top left panel Yayoi says 'o-onee?', not onee-chan.
She constantly alternates between 'onee', 'Mutsuki-nee', and 'nee-san'.
I hope Haruki would just once lose it and fucking hit her back or get seriously angry, its starting to get annoying how she is always hitting him for no reason, but i quess joke must go on.
>Top left panel Yayoi says 'o-onee?', not onee-chan.
Good catch. I did the thing where you assume what's written before reading.
I'm sure she secretly feels bad about it and will one day make it up to him.
Thank you!
I'd like to imagine Mutsuki is jealous here
She does regret it and apologizes immediately on several occasions unlike most tsunderes out there.
Having her lose to Mutsuki would be enough.
Are these chapters going to be uploaded onto another site any time soon?
Things always get uploaded everywhere.
pls do upload the translated, humanity is on your hand.
Waiting typesetter user a.k.a danchiguy1 to dump chapter 8-11 first user
Thanks for the dump
It would be interesting to see how the sisters would react if Haruki gets a girlfriend. But I doubt this manga is going to have much drama in it anytime soon.
>She suddenly comes out of your geimu
What do you do?
Danchiguy here, working one the shimachigai prequel, will take a couple of days probably.
Catch them all
Today I have chapter 12 for you guys.
Building No. 12
> In the middle of playing a horror game...
> I feel a presence!!
> Haha, no way, it must have been my imagination
> *stare SFX*
> A ghooooost!!
> EH!?
> *startled SFX*
> A ghost? Where!?
> Yaaaa!!
> O...Oh, it was just them...
> What were they doing?
> *drawer rattle SFX*
> *door rattle SFX*
> !?
> I feel a presence!?
> Peeping!?
> Could it be Haruki!?
> HEY!!
> *Startled SFX*
> ...Huh?
> *paper hitting the ground SFX*
> Paper: Yayoi-oneechan's bras have pads inside of them. She actually has tons of pink
> Heeey! What are you writing!!
> Waaaah
> Sob sob
> She hit us~
> (mini text) rub rub
> That's because you're writing weird things!
> Violence is not the answer!
> Answer!
> I didn't even hit you that hard!!
> What is this all commotion?
> Listen, Mutsuki-nee! The girls were-
> Doing homework!
> Work!
> Huh?
> Our homework is to write about our family
> So, observation
> So why were you writing about my underwear!?
> Uhm well, actually
> XX-kun is so funny!
> *hahahaha SFX*
> We want to be popular!
> You shouldn't be dragging your family into this
> Don't tell me you're going to write gossip about us
> We're still gathering material
> Material
> This is something you should write seriously!
> You don't have to make it funny!
> Eeeeh~~~~~~...
> Do it properly, okay?
> Okay!
> ......
> Then let's write it seriously
> Mn
> I... From today onwards, I'm going to try to become a more respectable older brother
> ... Me too...
> We're going to read aloud what we write
> Listen
> Alright
> Uhm
> My family
> Mom and Dad are always busy with work
> They only come home once in a while
> But we have big brothers and sisters, so we don't feel lonely at all.
> All.
> .........
> Our big brother Haruki is the only male among us siblings
> He's a game otaku, bad at sports, and is a coward
> Okay, stop!!
> Write about how I'm cool! Can't you!?
> How your're cool...?
> This wicked god sealed in my right hand aches!
> I'll never let you resurrect!!
> Background SFX: Menacing
> Is what Haruki occassionally screams out. I think he is very cool for fighting to defend the world.
> Noooo Stooop iiiit~~~~
> ...I don't really get it but you're one embarrassing guy...
> Game otaku is fine, just stop it!
> *laugh SFX*
> Next is Yayoi-oneechan
> *doki SFX*
> She's very good at sports and is the basketball team's ace
> *Nod SFX x2*
> But she is a violent girl
> I think it is wrong how she always uses violence on Haruki
> However, that must be her way of expressing love
> In other words, she is the so-called tsundere
> I think she should be more honest...
> *Firm grab SFX*
> Honest German Suplex!
> Gyaah!!
> *Crack SFX*
> The two of them get along very well
> Mn
> Finally, Mutsuki-oneechan
> ?
> Chest SFX: Boing
> Waist SFX: Tight
> Butt SFX: Boing
> She is too perfect. As a girl, I envy her.
> Mutsuki-oneechan is scary sometimes but is usually very nice.
> She is very good at cooking and studying and sports. I respect her very much.
> I love everyone in my family
> I'm done!
> Me too
> We're home!
> Home!
> The writing teacher gave us a flower mark!
> Oh! That's great!
> You have a very nice family. However, what is your brother fighting? What is this wicked god?
> I forgot to erase it
> (mini text) Tehe
> When we read it aloudin class everyone really liked oniichan...
> (mini text) I'm jealous
And that's it for Chapter 12. For the record, that was Vol. 1 pages 105-112. As always, I'm open to corrections and suggestions on my translating. Thanks for reading.
Thank you based translatorfag.
Since the other translator missed that, could you translate the title for the prequel?
~ Danchigai Extra Chapter ~
[ Danchigai of the Danchigai* ]
The second Danchigai is written as kanji that means "outside the apartment complex". In other words, the title is a pun.