What is it about the older styles of anime in the 80s/90s that I find so appealing?
I'd like to think it's something more than just nostalgia.
What is it about the older styles of anime in the 80s/90s that I find so appealing?
I'd like to think it's something more than just nostalgia.
I don't think anyone else can tell you that.
This shit is always this
>it's the warmth
Well, there is that. Handmade cels have a certain quality to them, but that doesn't make them objectively better.
I think there's something that can be derived from the way the animation's workload is spaced out though.
Animation that spaces out the really complex animation work, contrasting with the less demanding parts where they could just move a few things and make it flow right, has a certain quality that truly makes a difference.
Whether it's positive is subjective, but I can see why the effect of which might lead someone to prefer the way it was animated back then.
I dunno, I just have a lot more fun watching older shows.
It's hot as fuck for one.
>Other people, please tell me what I find appealing
Is this the new "I just watched this, did I like it?"
No, it's "I like this, might there be a reason why that I don't know of?"
Stop strawmanning nigga.
Sharper, more angular drawing style, wilder character designs, spunkier personalities, catchier music, and more creative stories.
As a piggu disgusting newfag who only started watching anime when I came to Sup Forums in like 2009 I gotta say I like those older styles as well.
Big thick eyelashes are great
high contrast is another thing I like
I feel like this guy is probably wearing the nostalgia goggles when it comes to 'catchier music and more creative stories'
but I agree it seems like there is more spunk and zest to the character designs, both visually and personality-wise
It was still early in the waifu metagame, so they didn't perfect the formula yet. Waifus were still rough around the edge, that's what I like about it.
Modern characters are, for the most part, lifeless and brimming with insecurity and contrived uselessness, stumbling over their feelings. And it's reflected in the art style, soft lines, soft bodies, no hard angles, etc
It's very difficult to describe, but even more energetic archetypes of characters are written in a way than make them feeling neutered and incomplete, as if the writer is taking things as very tongue-in-cheek rather than honestly and naturally.