The destiny debate

the e-celeb thing turned into CP discussion

but if the patient gets to the conclusion that if it's already done why not watch it, that's appliable to material done after whatever time line of old CP you decide to use for therapy, i am watcing this 1920's porn, and someone makes a recent tape, since it0s done why not watch the new one

It encourages the people to watch child porn,

i did not wanted to bake this bread
but whatever
here is a bump


it is pretty interesting, the point that destiny allegiates make is that using CP for therapy can make it so that there are less pedos around, the same way porn makes people not rape

What's his agenda.

it doesnt necessarily solve the problem and might create many new ones. The manlet just got this cuck study that said it might lead pedos to be less likely to assault children. well, one study doesnt prove shit, some might actually assault more childs. on top of that, if they get CP to jerk it pedos are heavily inclined to think theyre actually not that bad since even official institutions are ready to accomodate their desires. also destiny got raped by his dad as a kid and is now collecting moneys for that child rapists cancer treatment from his viewers famalam

that's the bullshiest shit i ever heard


exactly what i was trying to say
well that's why we debate them, to prove they're wrong

you act like rehab centers are going to become a cp industry or something, don't be ridiculous, that would never men would never figure out legal loopholes that would allow them to watch as much cp as they want in teh name of "therapy"


Do you feel like pedos come forward as it is now? Because what you're describing is the same thing. They would just act out their desires in secret, and do the Hollywood-approach of hoping they won't say anything.
>Second point why the fuck should I care about some pedophile who is acting out on his desires
The point isn't to care about the pedo, it's to stop them from wanting to act on their urges. If we can make them feel like it's a bad thing to want to fuck kids, while at the same time feeling like they can seek help for it without fucking up their lives, then they're more likely to seek help. They'd be more likely to stop themselves from acting out, which would probably be better then repressing it and just hoping that someone won't do something.

Cheers senpai, didn't see this before I posted


I feel like people are making what he's saying more extreme than it is
Point is that it's a possibility, not that it's 100% sure that it'd work.
Just.. If it worked and actually stopped more kids from getting fucked, then that's a good thing, no?
Talking about cp at all is extremely uncomfortable, I've seen it once in my life and I actually did the tumblr thing of "I'm literally shaking" for like five minutes, but if it stops more harm I'm not sure I can argue it.

Not bad taste... for a street shitter.

why should we bother ourself trying to rehab pedos?
what if he fallsout?
are you willing to take that risk?

That's why you are in Sup Forums , if the chances of it actually succeeding rather than failing due to enthropy were calculable and more importantly really high (more than 99%) then ot would be great but the risk is to big to try as it is right now

>I feel like people are making what he's saying more extreme than it is

yeah, but that's what he does to everyone else.

>If it worked and actually stopped more kids from getting fucked, then that's a good thing, no?

just like you are doing here, it might be a method but it might not be the best method. implying that people that are against this don't care if kids are molested is bullshit, and that's taking the other side to an extreme.

Because we want them to seek help, if it'd stop them from acting out their desires.
If we have two options
A) Pedo seeks help to stop himself from harming anyone, potentially gets to watch some CP (assuming it helps)
B) pedo doesn't seek help because everyone thinks he's a freak, and he's scared "seeking help" would lead to him getting killed/neutered/locked up
I just feel like I'd rather choose A, just because I think it (hopefully) leads to the least harm for children. I just feel like anything that makes them feel like it might harm them would lead to them not seeking help, which would lead to them taking advantage of kids, which I'm not comfortable with.

The risk is so high now though because we don't like pedos, we don't trust them to not be creeps which kind of means they don't trust us enough to seek help.
Not saying my version is perfect obviously, and that they would seek help in either way; I'm just hypothetically considering which option would lead to the least harassment of children.

>yeah, but that's what he does to everyone else.
Do you have an example? I don't feel like I agree, most of what I've seen it's just been him rephrasing the same argument people have made in different words
I might be wrong though

>implying that people that are against this don't care if kids are molested is bullshit, and that's taking the other side to an extreme.
Obviously. We're arguing the use of CP to change the ways of pedophiles vs not using it and hoping things just end up well either way though.
I wouldn't even call it an extreme though, it's just using something fucked up assuming it works to stop something from happening, or keep having it like it is now.

In Option B there's a harmful deterren for them to not do anything even though they want to, everyone things about how to get away with murder not many do it

Also we don't trust pedos becuase taking advantage of a child for primal desire is what defines them so it's asocial construction that makes sense

The opton might not be the best, the risk is high, the chance of it working is dubious at best, doesn't sound good

A or B is a fucking stupid way to put it. There are more than two options. We aren't in a video game. There are ways to rehabilitate pedophiles wouldn't involve letting them watch cp.

>Do you have an example?
see above

The thing is people don't have to accept something they have a moral objection to because it's shown to be efficient. That's the issue and it's why some people can't grasp why this argument is happening. It's ok to say you object to something and even though it might be ONE of the solutions, you won't consider it. Basically, it's ok to trump studies and statistics with morals. If you don't do this you risk being taken advantage of and manipulated by deceitful statistics.

>everyone things about how to get away with murder not many do it
Absolutely, people generally don't feel urges to kill someone though. Pedos have something wrong with their brain, I don't know about you but I've gotten pretty retarded as a normal straight person when I've been horny before. I've read plenty of people talk about how they're disgusted by what they were fapping to a few seconds after they came. For a pedo it must be like that, but worse.
>The opton might not be the best, the risk is high, the chance of it working is dubious at best, doesn't sound good
As opposed to how it is now? Do you feel the way it goes now is acceptable?

It is a false dychotomy, that's why me and the swede say it's not the best option, there are others
While there is a problem to be too practical is important to remember that morality is based upon a rational way of having a functioning society

Obviously it's a bit hyperbolic, but there's aren't really. All options more or less lead to the same.
The actually watching cp part is an option, that obviously should be tested. If watching 3d animated shit is enough then obviously that's a WAY better option. Nobody wants children to be harmed.

>see above
Fuck are you talking about

>Basically, it's ok to trump studies and statistics with morals
Are you retarded, christfag?

There are people that have urges to kill and to destroy deep within them, sex is not the only sin, the way it is now is not perfect but it's stable, the solution you have proposed sounds workable in paper but there is no reason to believe it WILL work, and if it fails it's worst than the present

How to 'negotiate' a movie deal in USA

What I want to know is how talking about that faggot turned into a debate about CP. Also, what about cheese pizza are we debating?

>here are people that have urges to kill and to destroy deep within them, sex is not the only sin
Absolutely, but I feel in general that sexual urges are WAY worse
> the solution you have proposed sounds workable in paper but there is no reason to believe it WILL work, and if it fails it's worst than the present
Nobody is saying to go 0 - 100, the point is to test it out if having porn avaiable keeps them from acting out, which is what Destiny said from some study he read.
Assuming it works, to me it's just way better than what's currently going on. It's just hard to accept, because I don't feel like anyone of us wants to accept cp in any way. I mean as I said, I've seen it once, and it's incredibly disturbing to me.

TL;DR for those that didn't watch the stream or was in the shill infested threads as it happened:


Destiny and the grill with big tits were talking about it

He generally discusses things people don't generally consider, like what is the actual argument against incest except "it's wrong", can cp stop more kids from getting assaulted etc.
This all started from him arguing against cp against Amos Yee, a guy who is pro-cp, though. Brittany Venti took a 30 second clip of Destiny a bit out of context to make it seem as if he approves of it.
What we're arguing is basically; can already produced content be used to keep more children from getting abused, and is it moral to do so.

Destiny is a fucking tool and thinks he's really smart, but he's pretty fucking stupid to everyone but twitch trolls.... the fact that people keep watching him is beyond me.

>Absolutely, but I feel in general that sexual urges are WAY worse
According to what?It sees you are arguing personal experience
>Nobody is saying to go 0 - 100, the point is to test it out if having porn avaiable keeps them from acting out, which is what Destiny said from some study he read.
Assuming it works, to me it's just way better than what's currently going on. It's just hard to accept, because I don't feel like anyone of us wants to accept cp in any way. I mean as I said, I've seen it once, and it's incredibly disturbing to me.
Even the tiniest change in legislation regarding this topic could be catastrophic specially with the media and mas hysteria doing what it does best, and no one knows if it's better than the present

If that is an accurate representation of that stream.. then thank God I wasn't present for that degeneracy. Gas those filthy "people".

Nah, I was just thinking from personal experience there. From sexual urges and urges to kill I've had, sexual ones have just seemed way more... uncontrollable? But I mean, I accept that that's just a personal experience.
Yeah I agree. I mean personally I just kind of view it as homosexuality, except the other person isn't able to consent. I don't dislike it the way most other people on Sup Forums do, it's just kind of.. Hard to accept? Not to the same extent, obviously.
As I've said though, to me it's not about being kind to the pedos, it's about keeping as many children from being harmed as possible, which I feel should be the aim for all of us.
And yeah, obviously no politican wants to be seen as pro porn, pro cp, pro drugs, or anything else that's morally seen as bad. Too big of a risk.

>Are you retarded, christfag?

Did you know about morals before we had this conversation? Why do you act like a person's morals should have no place in their decision making? You realize that does not jive with the reality you are living in right?

>Why do you act like a person's morals should have no place in their decision making?
Because it's "feels before reals"?
If you accept that you're fully on emotional, then sure, you do you. I just don't think it's a way to run a society, because people are retarded and get upset over everything.
I mean fuck, I live in Sweden, how many people do you think feel that it isn't acceptable to just ignore all these "poor refugees who have fled from war"?

>I have to fucking agree with destiny now
Can this mudshit get deported back to Singapore so he can go to jail?

You seem to be having problems with this because you are on the way to accepting it, you have watched CP once and founf it disgusting, but now you are wanting to watch more to prevent you from doing anything worse

The sexual urge of child predators is sexual urge and can be sated by normal porn or having sex with woman of age, nobody is exclusively into girls, it's a fetish

morality is not feels, morals are a way to interpret the complexity of the world not chemical reaction

>Because it's "feels before reals"?

now you are doing this
you are taking something i said and exagerrating it. I don't agree with the refugee stuff because i don't think it's helping anyone. however, if I thought it was helping people that actually needed it I might support it even if it was to my detriment. The same goes for why soldiers die in war, and why people might want to smoke cigarettes knowing they are going to get cancer. They don't have to always do what science dictates. You might think it's stupid, but if you want to argue you should accept that is how some people think. Destiny always tries to completely neglect this aspect by talking about studies. It makes his arguments seem intelligent but the reality is they will never be effective until they start considering morality.

Not only that, but studies are fabricated to dupe people. Sometimes a moral compass is all you have, and you have to go with that over the numbers.

>but now you are wanting to watch more to prevent you from doing anything worse
Me? No. Not sure why you're making this a personal thing, I'm not at all comfortable with it.
As I've said, I just feel like if it keeps more kids from getting abused, then I have to be okay with it.
I don't think that's true at all. To an extent I think I can see your point, since I know you generally stop caring after you've had an orgasm; but I don't think it's quite the same. As I said, I more or less view it the same as homosexuality. I don't think gay people would have less urge just from cumming to straight shit.

Pedophilia and homosexuality aren't the same, adults can consent and more importantly almost all people that are attracted to little girls are also attracted to adult women

Not all problems are solved by government intervention
I will give you a more personal solution, if you have a gf you should try to convince her to roleplay as a schoolgirl it will sate desires,

How is it exaggerating it?
You said you feel morally bad about something, you have no real concrete evidence over why it's bad. You just feel bad.
No, you're not agreeing with the refugee stuff because it doesn't fit your narrative.
I don't disagree that it's how some people think. I fully accept that people in general are feels > reals, which is why I in general don't just accept what people think on a subject.
Destiny absolutely ignores the feels part, from what I've seen the guy seems to feel like you always have to be 100% logically consistent about everything, I mean fuck, he even argued during a veganism debate that it should be okay to kill a human tribe if they're incapable of following the social contract. I don't think that's realistic.
However; I don't think having consideration of morality should mean you should just accept beliefs just because they are "immoral"

>Not only that, but studies are fabricated to dupe people.
That's just an easy way of disregarding anything you have a hard time comprehending.

>That's just an easy way of disregarding anything you have a hard time comprehending.

no, that's reality. plenty of studies are debunked, the big lie is that history has always been on the side of the intellectual authorities of the time. the truth is they were usually the one's pushing lies.

Ah, to clarify; I am okay with homosexuality. When I say I think they're the same I mean I think they're both something that's mentally wrong with you, but not necessarily that it's bad. I don't think of homosexuality as a bad thing, consent is everything.
Pedophilia can not ever be acceptable because children can't ever consent.
>almost all people that are attracted to little girls are also attracted to adult women
I've never heard anything about that before, are you sure?
I've heard about gay people who've had straight relationships and had kids, but haven't had the courage to come out, are you sure it isn't the same there?

The social construct of pedophiles= bad people comes form the fact that they are trying to get advantage of someone both pshisically and mentally weaker than them fro their own pleasure, thus a moral is formed, not everything that people think is wrong

Yeah, I don't disagree with that

Gay men can have attraction to females(is a scale) and all of them understand which women are hot and which ones are not, the difference comes from the gay men's repulsion towards vaginas, they think they are icky like a child would

then it is not feels over reals, it's practical to believe that is morally wrong

>and all of them understand which women are hot and which ones are not
I'd disagre with that just on the basis that I'm not capable of telling how attractive guys are
While I feel that's a fair point; at the same time, couldn't you say the same thing about females in general? They'll probably be weaker than you, as a man.

>I'd disagre with that just on the basis that I'm not capable of telling how attractive guys are
Do you know how attractive you are?
>While I feel that's a fair point; at the same time, couldn't you say the same thing about females in general? They'll probably be weaker than you, as a man
The reason you shouldn't hit women is that they are weaker than you

>Do you know how attractive you are?
No, but in general as a male I can tell how attractive someone of the opposite gender is (or well, the gender I am sexually attracted to), but I can't with my own
>The reason you shouldn't hit women is that they are weaker than you
I don't think that's an argument. I think think women should hit men either. (or weaker hitting stronger).
You shouldn't hit a person because subjecting them to violence over difference isn't acceptable, you're not winning any argument through it etc.

shorter men are less attractive, less fit men are lees attractive, wearing a suit makes you more attractive, google hot guys and ugly men
>You shouldn't hit a person because subjecting them to violence over difference isn't acceptable, you're not winning any argument through it etc
This is very limited and really doesn't work, a woman gets mad easily and might start hitting you, she isn't capable of doing damage unarmed without targeting really vulnerable spots,
>user, why do you hate me :( *starts punching your chest*

I mean... Sure, yes? I just don't see how that is related. People having traits that make them generally more attractive doesn't mean that someone without a sexuality to appreciate it would like it. I feel like a lesbian woman can say that a straight man in a suit looks nice without being sexually attracted to him.
I kind of disagree, I think. I feel like I'm not okay with violence in general, and while I sort of understand that a woman "punching" a man that doesn't have any lasting effects from it and a man punching a woman til she passes out aren't the same thing, I still feel like the violence in itself should be treated the same, in regards to the law.
I might sound like a faggot, but I feel like we can't give females any excuses to abuse shit without giving males the same options.

This is a whole other discussion, one about the nature of sexuality
And with regards to the other thing, women and men aren't and shouldn't be regarded the same way socially, that said, the personal is not political, what you do and what the law is arent the same

Wasn't that the point of the discussion though? My point being that pedos, while they might acknowledge that someone looks "good", aren't actually attracted to them.
Yeah, I don't feel like I have a real opinion on that subjects either way. I don't really feel like either position is bad in itself.

The discussion was about the solution of using CP for therapeutical purposes in order to reduce child molestation
Pedos get erections watching normal porn gay men (the really gay ones) have an exact opposite reaction

Well yeah, I'm just not sure about your use of bringing up males in suits then
>Pedos get erections watching normal porn
yeah this is just the part I have a hard time believing, not that I don't trust your word, I've just never heard of it before

Men are wired to find the most fertile women attractive, due to female biology a girl is capable of having babies from her first menstruation, and the fertility peak is at 18

Well.. Yeah. Not sure what you're getting at though. You're talking about being wired, and the point is that pedos would be wired different, so they wouldn't be like you and me, they wouldn't feel the same as in what makes logical sense.

if they are wired different, as in, there measure of attractiveness isn't mating prowess, then they have bigger problems and the therapy with child porn is useless.
They would be in need of displaying dominance, aggressive and turned on by controlling others who wouldn't get help by sating their desires because a physioloigical need can be sated, a psychological need is not

imma go to sleeperinos, bye

Well I'd guess their "mating prowess" is rewired to be to think about children instead
I think more or less the point would be to make them cum and make them move on and be normal. I mean if you think about how you yourself feel after you've had an orgasm it's.. Not as needy. You might still like women, but you don't care as much.
Not sure I agree, but I don't really know how it'd work, if it'd be enough
Night bud, was a fun talk

Pedo here, I don't think it's a good idea. I don't think CP should be legal.

For production and distribution, anyways. Possession should be fine. No point jailing people for eight years who have nudes from their high school GF that they never deleted, or getting user v& for not clearing their browser cache when visiting Sup Forums one day, or even - in extreme cases - when a third party gets involved and plants the CP on your computer to convict you for a crime you never committed, and having a (((vigilante))) target you even if you were found not guilty.

I mean, is it really hurting anybody if you just have it and it's not being given to anybody else? Shit, the FBI has the largest CP collection of all time.