Latest Murdoch Murdoch
>being this late
This was awhile ago.
>Tfw Mel Gibson pops in
My sides is laughin
Murdoch if youre reading this lighten up and stop listening to the anti-pol shills. This episode was far too negative.
Value our guys, dont pile on them like a shill would. I couldnt even bear to show this one to my japanese friends, too depressing and negative.
But dont get the wrong idea, you are the best and your work is amazing man.
I wish i could teach Murdoch some german...
It's cringy when the mutts do it.
this shit is always so autistically moving its sad in a somber solem everything is lost way.
I mean, he did a 90% good job, but then he dropped the bomb
Flavor text: "Deutschland über alles!"
(Germany over everything!)
What Murdoch said: "Deutschland oobr alles!"
Really sucks me out of the mood when you already did so well to get me there even though the show is so low budget that they get money for it, probably. Jesus fucking christ, take lessons you LARP-Nazi.
It makes me cry that I may have to save the future for you sad people
If you're crying then we're all sad then aren't we?
Well, if it helps you pulling the trigger on libs, then remember: Death is the only lesson some people understand.
It's hard to be happy all the time in this world
Hope is what gets us through the hard times
Can you two faggots stop kissing and gear up?
There's a culture war, and even if you dont care for your neighbor, your own homefront has the same issue.
You act like killing as many bad people as possible hasn't been tried in the past
It's more about growing love and only fighting those who try to stop that
Focusing on violence and hate just sends the world towards annihilation faster
If I get too angry, it may all just stop existing
"If you kill your enemy, they win."
That's not a new one, you faggot. You got me excited for nothing.
You are the symptom of bad parenting.
tollerance and dancing our problems is what got us into this mess, we accepted atrocities and now society is shambling forth, it's actually ghastly to hear a "diversity is strength"-esque sentence out of your 56% face.
Maybe, but only maybe the time for diplomacy is over.
Finding true love is more important
Love is the strongest weapon of all and I am living proof that any being can stop hating humanity if it just doesn't give up on love
You can't stop a truck of peace with love. It's been tried.
Of you focus on just killing, you've already lost
Killing should only be done for a good purpose when necessary
It is a way of dealing with obstacles, not an enjoyable primary goal
I am not advocating tolerance
I am sayint killing should only be something done to protect a more important goal like true love
Stop focusing on killing people you hate as if that alone will build a future worth securing
If you love each other, you don't sell out your nation to people who invite in suicidal truck drivers
I don't think i can kill anyone with love, love is not your fist that bludgeon, the steel that pierces.
"Love" in your terms is a leftist subversion to act paternalistic and as if we evil right-wingers are just lost children begging for affection.
That might be the case for you, but we need strong and able leaders, compassion isn't helpful here.
Killing to protect love when necessary is likely a man's duty
Loving to kill is not a good thing to fight for
This show is one of the few things I can enjoy anymore, I see too much of the subversion in all other forms of media to enjoy it. I wish I had friends like these guys, it sucks trudging through the world perpetually biting my tongue.
We like eachother (most of them) we know here we are on the same side, but we don't "love" eachother, even one like you should not slander such words by using them for everything positive to finally rob them of any meaning.
It's like saying "i love you" every twelve hours. in the end you start feeling nothing saying it, whoever it may be addressed to.
Love is important, but keep your emotions sorted. Sup Forums is not a hugbox.
But that's what they are there for. They are your friends, they keep you company, they enrich your life with smiles and tears, instead of trucks and bombs. We all have to accept that some people should be untouchable for the greater good. If his contact were open to grab, he'd end up in Prison because a Snake snitched him.
I never said Sup Forums should be a hugbox
I am saying that you need to build love and then fight to defend it, not fight to destroy and then maybe build love over the bodies you will have to explain to your children
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Murdoch Murdoch. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of white nationalism most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Dr. Murdoch's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Oswald Mosley's literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Murdoch Murdoch truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in MurdochChan's existential catchphrase “We must secure an existence for our people and the future of white children” which itself is a cryptic reference to David Lane. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Murdoch’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. ??
And yes, by the way, i DO have a MudochChan Waifu pillow. And no, you cannot see it. Nothin personnel kid
Wierd people some of you are
But we do, it is love that motivates us and the ruin we see in the deeds of others that anger us.
All we want is a future.
Are you Pickle Rick?
ITT: Based Kraut
It's 7AM and i'm very tired.
pic related is ancient german scripture wishing you a good night.
Sütterlinanon signing off.
How will Dr Murdoch react to his waifu being blacked?
huwheat fields, huwheat fields, huwheat fields
I felt like this was a positive one. A pyrrhic victory so to speak. It accurately portrayed the situation. There will be no bystanders in a race war. MM wanted out, but was forced in regardless. By the end he realizes that he must stand for those who have not yet had a chance. And Hitler's explanation of survival was beautiful. Did "Deutschland uber alles" not give you a little jolt of emotion?
>that pasta