ITT: underrated gems
ITT: underrated gems
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Ocean Waves was pretty boring and the two main characters were kind of assholes. Whisper of the Heart is an improvement on it in every way.
I agree with you but Whisper of the Heart wasn't anything special itself, at least in the second half. Felt like it was meandering in what themes they wanted to focus on.
I don't really follow. It had a pretty clear story. Two stubborn Tsun's came together and realized they had feelings. The guy left to pursue a dream which gave the girl the encouragement to do the same. Both of them basically helped each other and showed their dere side at the end.
Besides the amazing animation and some of the best background art in anime, it was special because it was a Tsundere love story done correctly.
spirit circle
i was crying like a bitch almsot every 5 pages
That's not underrated in any way. Lurk more.
well whenever i see the author's works mentioned it's always lucifer and the biscuit hammer
Not really underrated but a gem.
Really an awful film. Badly written and directed the whole time.
>that epiphany scene where it spends like a minute with him figuring out he liked her the whole time
Physically painful to watch.
'those who chase ageha' from the author of doraemon
it's pretty short and a rather good gag manga.
I wasn't ready for that feel
>from the author of doraemon
What the fuck? It's not from either Fujio, nor does the art even look like theirs. It's the Those Who Hunt Elves guy. It was also pretty mediocre.
That ending though.
It pains me Sup Forums never has any Tamayura threads at all.
Every thread.
Eden: It's an Endless World is the most underrated thing on Sup Forums. If you bring it up these days every one whines because characters drop dead on a dime so "lol it's a japanese Game of Thrones".
rec thread?
>anything by ghibli
Are you even sane?
I've never seen it talked about on here much.
On Your Mark and Only Yesterday receive fuck all attention from normies who only know: Spritied Away and My Neighbour Totoro.
I liked because mc fuck a cake
Maybe because it's not really a gem.
If you want to get into it it's kinda thought provoking but overall it's boring.