Nanbaka Thread
What cute girls
You can't trick me into watching your homo(male) show
Do the boys kiss?
i'd fuck both of her pussies
This show is an excellent reminder to clip my nails to prevent them from getting long.
Also, 25 is the best. Such an entertaining idiot.
The only good thing in this show besides the bald dude.
Tbh the characters are all very colorful but this merely distracts from the shit everything else
Jojo operates on the same premise
Fuck you, I got excited thinking this had cute girls. It's just homos
You mean cute homos?
So, how's the drama lately? I liked this but stopped watching during the way too serious arc when Hajime destroyed the main character and he got locked up in solitary.
The dick just makes it better user.
Full on prison rape
That sounds too dark for me.
Don't worry it's consensual rape.
I just wanted a cute SoL with jokes, not this.
Announcer guy is obiously elf right?
>Both have elf ears
>Both have shark teeth
>Both have a wicked sense for humour
>Announcer does a lot of questionable shit
>Announcer is obviously strong as fuck but he just keeps hiding it
I don't want it to be true so I'll pretend too not have read that.
> drama
it keeps getting better and better
I like to think he's the guy with scars on his neck.
>Has perfect observation of the prison
>Didn't do a thing to stop Elf from attacking Jyuugo
>Knows damn well what's going on in Building 5
He's the fucking dungeon master of this wack game of D&D. There's no way he's not the actual main villain.
How do you manage that also sounds dark.
why does this arouse me
I'm not gay or anything but that druggie is really cute, and I would like to do him
in a non homosexual way of course
Dub is better than expected
Let's not forget announcer wears shades to hide his eyes. He's obviously evil as shit.
kek this.....2hu reference....?
>no homosex
>no homo kissing
You don't know what homo means then
Wait I correct myself
It's actually parody of porn doujin page
I just remembered I'm sorry
It's not a doujin, just a porn oneshot with terrible art.
Looks pretty bad to be honest.
Yeah, Mitsuru is pretty shady. It's too bad cause he's one of my favourite characters.