Kazuma's a saint just for being able to endure Aqua's bullshit
Kono Subarashii
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I mean at least she was cool with him Jerking next to her.
Okay that was pretty cool of her.
I mean, if you were a goddess you'd get used to people worshiping you and fapping to you. It's nothing out of the ordinary to her.
Is that why she doesn't wear panties?
What, did you think she'd just forgotten to wear them?
I was told they were invisible.
This episode proves that Kazuma and Aqua carry this show.
I thought Aqua was busy carrying a lantern.
So question, are Aqua and Kazuma a thing or is the author gunning for another girl?
IIRC the author sets Kazuma up with disappointment most volumes.
If anything it's going to be megumeme though
I can deal with this.
Aqua and Kazuma are bros. Time and time again anything that could even hint at romance between them is dashed by one of the many flaws either of them has.
So does Aqua realize he was fapping or not?
In season one, the way she brought up that 'rustling' seemed like she new what Kazuma was doing and tried to blackmail him with it.
This episode makes it look like she had no idea what he was doing because she just looked away.
Which is it?
the rustling implied he was grinding on her
it just implies he was jacking it you sperg
it just implies he was jacking it you sperg
it just implies he was jacking it you sperg
Best episode so far? The steal at the end was some primo stuff
No, you are autistic and have a degenerate mind.
Why were they acting like Aqua did anything wrong? If Aqua wasn't around Kazuma would've died to any monster and never would've found the lich treasure.
She knew but didn't care, Kazuma was grateful she didn't look.
That's just Kazumas character, he is just a giant douche.
The author is a troll, so yes, they will end together somehow. (or at least I wish, just imagine the shitpost, TWGOK would be nothing in comparison)
But Aqua was apologizing as well. Shit writing.
I think it was more Kazuma realizing that Aqua was bringing even more unnecessary trouble into his life
Kazuma would have stealthed his way through pretty safely without the massive waves of undead being lured to him. He probably wouldn't have gotten much treasure from Keele without Aqua helping though.
Aqua attracts the undead. Kazuma's skills let him hide from all non-undead foes just fine, so he'd have been in no trouble without a beacon of divine light bringing every undead and their skeletal mother down on top of him.
it seemed to suggest she can control her 'aura' that attracts them
Kazuma was stupid enough to choose her over all of the OP weapons. He deserves to suffer through her bullshit.
But they explicitly mentioned that he can't stealth past undead. Even just one skeleton would've killed him.
Stockholm syndrome.
Best episode of both seasons. I blame perfect godess Aqua for that.
She just didn't want to be abandoned
No doubt
Best girl won. Called it on the first conquest of her.
more like armpit goddess
I want a pet damegami!
wrong cap
It was a damn ride.
I feel'd
I laugh'd
Then it hit me with the super comfy thanks to ED song. Super good
Wtf I love armpits now
I can just look at this and drool
I can't take it anymore. I want to rape something so bad when watching this show. I might drop it for the sanctity of my health.
>kazuma goes in with aqua
>pulls every mob
>aqua one-shots every mob with 'turn undead'
>meet lich
>aqua purifies lich
>get treasure and leave
>kazuma goes in alone
>hides from every mob
>some undead still detect/kill him (based on what aqua said, maybe a lie?)
>meet lich
>kazuma can't do anything to help
>no treasure
Anyone that agrees with Kazuma's non-stop bitching about "useless Aqua" is scum, just like him.
Just fap to some of the great doujins we got from S1 and pray for more this season.
Everything points out to either Megumin, Darkness. Even Eris has more of a chance than Aqua.
That said, I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up together near the end, after not noticing each other for long or some bullshit along these lines. The fanbase would implode since very few people like Aqua as a romantic lead though.
Being the nice guy that he was, Keele might have still given Kazuma his treasure. Death aside, the worst case scenario would just be making a second trip with Aqua to help Keele.
Tru, I think aqua is turning into my favorite character in the show.
Hopefully they'll explain why a girl is named Chris.
That's not how girls names work for god's sake
Isn't her name Christina?
No it's Criscilla.
Why did they literally copy + paste this joke from season 1? After already semi-repeating it during the episode 1 recap?
They need some new material already.
Their entire relationship is them bickering and bitching. They (subconsciously) like that about each other; it's fun.
sounds like a summary of Sup Forums
>Why did they literally copy + paste this joke from season 1?
Why doesn't she wear panties?
She is a goddess. She is above sexuality.
Because it's Kazuma's popular gag in the guild.
She does but only virgins can see them.
She watched other Earth and shit, it's nothing she hasn't seen before a thousand times.
No one is responding to your other shitposting thread, user. Just give up already.
to remind me to fap to that chris doujin
Why does Kazuma buy onion ducks instead of skill point potions?
I get that stats are important but his main gimmick is being able to use any skill possible. He's played enough games to know that he should be looking for to skills to cross class from two different classes that are broken to combine.
Aqua-sama is a saint for being able to endure Kazuma's uselessness.
Weak shitty hikkineet should go die.
>cropping screen cap of entire monitor
holy shit really?
I wonder who's behind this post.
The undead only woke up at all because Aqua was there. Without her only the gremlins would have been there and he could have lurked past them.
>“Kazuma-san Kazuma-san, what about me? Do you have some gift for me?”
>“As for you, I have this rock that looks like it’s blended with gold. I discovered it during our Dragon subjugation in the gold mines.””
>I handed the rock that looked like gold ore to Aqua. She accepted it without any complaints, and wordlessly stared at it. Was she pleased?
He gave her gold, that's pretty much as good as a wedding band. In term of how much love his gift contain: Aqua (gold) > Iris (shitty kiddie ring, probably plastic) > Megumin (a fucking rice cracker) > Darkness (No gift at all)
I'm not the shitposter. I like season 2 and thought the episode was great. I just think they could've handled that callback a bit better.
Like instead of Chris bursting through the door, have Kazuma steal the panties and then be confused about where they came from (since he was aiming for the handkerchief that guy was holding). Then cut to Chris outside with her hand shaking about to open the door.
Or maybe replace Chris with Yunyun (who finally decided to try going inside after being lonely out in the snow).
But the lich would have remain in the slumber too. He have awakened only because Aqua was near. Moreover Kazuma had no way to find and open secret door where the lich was dormant.
>Nobody posted a gif/WebM of Dust (or Keith?) walking away while trying to hide his boner
>(or Keith?)
Nah it was clearly Taylor.
Hai hai Kazuma desu
Would Aqua make a good mom?
Undoubtedly yes. She is a goddess after all.
I think she'll make her child and husband miserable.
Zeus' half deity kids are usually fucked up though.
Aqua is yet again best girl of the season after this episode
I just finished S1
I got the impression the anime was missing a lot from the manga.
Should I just read the manga?
Light novels.
Out of ideas, if there ever were any to begin with.
This episode was fucking amazing and renewed my faith in DEEN and Konosuba. It really made me want to find a good RPG with dungeons and a house you can fill your loot with, or better yet actually live the adventurer life.
Also I'm normally not an Aquafag but I loved their chemistry this episode. Truly the best of bros.
No you haven't, you just want (you)s after the last 20 times people have posted about it.
I won't give you my precious (you)
Aqua is the most useless character in the entire party, though. She causes more problems than she solves.
Once upon a time there was a samefag
But I like looking at pictures.