Why Catholics baptize Babies?

You do know that baptism works if that person knows about Jesus Christ, right? Babies don't understand the Bible as they are illiterate. so Infantile baptism is pointless.

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John the Baptist was baptised before he knew Jesus. The bible as we know it hadn't even been written yet.

It’s better than cutting off foreskins.


It must be some sort of mistake. I'll let the pope know.

But he did read the Isaiah Scritpures.
Isaiah 40;3
A voice is calling, "Clear the way for the LORD in the wilderness; Make smooth in the desert a highway for our God.

To wash away their original sin.

It's similar to final rites, which wash away your final sins.

A baptized baby that dies, still goes to Heaven.

An unbaptized baby that dies, goes to purgatory. That is, it is denied entry into Heaven. It is not sent to Hell, because it itself hasn't committed any acts as a conscious being against God or God's law, but it is still dirty with original sin, so it is barred from Heaven.

>Still holding old Catholic values

It's changed now. The current Vatican doesn't really believe in purg. anymore. Well, at least not full-heartedly. Catholics I know (also a convert myself as of 1 year) don't believe purgatory. You're right in every other place though.

Modern Catholics believe that unbaptized babies still go to heaven because it itself hasn't committed any acts as a conscious being against God or God's law.

I'm a baptized Catholic but studying theology I came to the conclusion that Martin Luther & Calvin were better Christians than the Papists.

Still though I don't understand why God even wants us to sprinkle water on ourselves. Why is this primitive ritual required?

No, an unbaptized baby that dies goes to heaven
because Babies can't sin.

Christianity loves primitive rituals. It gets us closer to God and what Jesus did while he was alive. It's odd looking in, but I think it makes sense for the most part.

It's so if the baby dies it goes to heaven and not purgatory.
Unbaptised babys go to purgatory before heaven.

It has to do with purgatory.
There are unbaptised babys in purgatory.
Look at the "Bernie baby" that died it was unbaptised probably still in limbo somewhere

But purgatory doesn't exist

That doesn't mean he somehow instantly learned about Jesus. And for your baptism question, baptism is simply an act that can be performed by anyone with some water. Even a non Christian can baptise someone, but preferably you get a priest to do it. Baptism doesn't just happen when you learn about Jesus, it is a physical act.

It's to give you Grace and to cleanse veneal sin from your soul

you doesn't exist

Purgatory exist
Alot if catholic saints visited purgatory
And seen people getting their souls cleaned and priest with their hands on fire.

John was Jewish and mostly likely knew the content of the Torah, but the people he baptised were most likely illiterate peasants.

The Catholic church still accepts purgatory since it is in the Bible according to them. Purgatory is the place where you are judged, and in Catholicism the place you may have to wait before going into heaven. What you are thinking about is Limbo. The Catholic church got rid of limbo, a pace where unbaptised babies go.

>before he knew Jesus.
He knew 'of' him, which is why their encounter was important. He recognized the king for a position they'd not yet assumed.

> The bible as we know it hadn't even been written yet.
Not necessarily relevant, you don't need to read through random books like Judges, Numbers, or even necessarily be literate to grasp and affirm a knowledge of Christ. However it seems safe to assume that John the Baptist WAS familiar with a significant portion of the Pentateuch and the works of the Prophets, which counts.

However, the OP may consider that usually parents offer their children for baptism as a sign of their own faith and as a promised dedication of their family and this child to the faith (essentially confusing Baptism with a more general dedication/anointed blessing.)

However, I understand the frustration that Baptisms biblical role seems more to be a personal statement and record before the Church body that you have made a choice to be cleaned by Christ and infantile baptism somewhat undercuts that concept.

Pray for the poor souls in purgatory

“Eternal Father,
I offer You the most precious blood
of thy Divine Son, Jesus,
in union with the Masses said
throughout the world today,
for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory,
for sinners everywhere,
for sinners in the universal Church,
for those in my own home,
and in my family. Amen.”

There is no such thing as Purgatory, Where in the bible does it say that? There is only Heaven and Hell

>You do know that baptism works if that person knows about Jesus Christ, right?
you're retarded as that's not even close to how the opening of the third eye works, you dumb little nip.

>unbaptised babys in purgatory
they are in limbo which is circle zero of hell.
huge difference.

>Purgatory is the place where you are judged
purgatory is the place where you are purged of sin if you were close enough to being sin free during your worldly life.

earth is where you are judged.

It's not just Catholics. It's orthodox and most Protestant groups as well(excluding baptists and anabaptists). Because baptism cleanses the soul from sin and Christians understand that proffession of faith before baptism is only necessary for adult convert catechumens(most of the converts from the bible) but babies and children before the age of reason can also be cleansed with baptism because the apostles baptized whole households of families.

And japanon I implore you to stop with your streak of blasphemy for the sake of your own soul.

Believing in the bullshit peddled by the completely usurous whore on seven hills.

Baptism, same in line as in eating the retard biscuit and wine is meant as a taunt and a brainwashing ritual to indoctrinate cult members.

All the rituals of the church are meant to enslave people in material, teaches absolutely nothing about spiritualism or self and acts as another material cartel siphoning the wealth of the masses for nothing tangle in return.

>true way, True Protestantism

No material god. Your spiritual connection is 1vs1 with the almighty

>you seek to learn the essoteric teachings without the corrupt whore on seven hills in the way
>A church filled with gold, operas and repetitive cult chants, also they anchored themselves like parasites and corrupted natural law by inserting themselves into marriage
>Rome tried to murder them off

There is no good in the whore on seven hills, just a evil as deep as the demuirge, the pit where Lucifer was expelled, the hole the Roman Catholic Church occupies and has been trying to undo the essoteric reawakening of man from material slavery,

Jesuits, Knights of Malta, and all the pseudo cult/secret societies all lead back to Rome

Pic related, the whore who controls the Crown Corporation and its userous London banks

>if you look through photos you see lots of Nazi's sporting the Cross of Malta, even Hitler's chancelor received its title directly after WWII

They also hate what Jerusalem will stand for, no more divisions of the races of man, as Rome has been pushing for the last two millennia

It's in the Bible but never called purgatory

Can't God clean it without using water?

lmao, what? Did the Pope patch Catholicism in the latest update? If ancient rituals can be phased out willy nilly like that, doesn't that call a whole plethora of other things into question?

This UNBAPTISED baby was touched by a TALMUDIC/communist Jew.
Don't let Jews touch your unbaptised babys.

Picture of baby

You need to go to confession to cleanse greater sins or do alms giving.

So is the unbaptised Bernie baby in purgatory or limbo?

Man is purged from sin on Earth. That's kind of the reason for confession and baptism. The bible is unclear about purgatory, but it does suggest a third temporary place in the afterlife. When you stand before the gates of Heaven you are not in Heaven, but you're also not in Hell.

If you’re going to be catholic can you please use a different flag. You’re kind is not welcome in the south


This doesn't make sense. It's stupid Catholic doctrine. The Bible never says you have to go to confession.

Catholicism is an evil religion worse than paganism because it is anti-Gospel, it teaches you that you have to wash your sins over and over and in that way it destroys Christ's sacrifice.

Christ died for our sins once, you don't need to repeat that cleansing over and over. As soon as you accept Him as your Lord and Savior it's over.

All Christians do this do not pin it on Catholics.
Jap Heathen, why are you speaking on matters that don't concern you, I might come over there and wrap your eyes with floss and blind you.

why not both?

Finished by getting sucked off by a black communist rabbi.

We shall call it a cathojewish tradition.

Whole families were baptized in the new testament.

Based holy orthodox church baptizes and communes babies.

Some fixed age of accountability is the unbiblical and theologically incoherent position

Do you think literal retards all go to hell because they can’t articulate concepts from propositional protestant christianity?

Confession is in the Bible
Modern confession is style is very European visigoth style
But but the catholic church is Peter's church Christ gave Peter the keys to his kingdom.
But confession is in the Bible same with purgatory and baptism.

What's up with the anti catholic threads lately?

Early styles of Christianity did not baptise people untill later in life but child and baby deaths changed tradition.

You're wrong. Papism is not Christianity.

>modern catholics believe...

This is why anything but trad catholicism is a meme form of “traditional” christianity.

Well to start:
>Worship a woman
>Pray to saints
>Jewish puppet papacy
>Child molestation
>Anti America
>Not White

Peter the apostle is the first pope.

When did salvation become a multiple choice test you have to study for?

because youre on a judeo communist run website.

I still respect orthodox Christian's I see their priest as valid priest.

Evangelical Protestants also do this, at least in Brazil.

Jews and commies fear the catholic church

It’s done as a celebration and tradition type thing, but the child will be baptized again if/when he accepts Jesus as a young adult

Protestcucks pls go and stay go, you're no more Christian than the kikes or mudslimes are.

Most transgendered children are not baptised and full of demonic possession.

Why do you want unbaptized dead babies to go to Hell user?

I don’t consider child molestation very Christian, and Catholics do it systematically. Your churches are the home of the Devil. Neck yourself Papal cuck

It's cargo cult Christianity

>Blabbling about usury
>Be protestant
Pick one dude.
Once guys were baptized when they were older, then ther was the idea that to protect them from evil (like protestants and such, and garantee heaven) was better do it soon.

>As soon as you accept Him as your Lord and Savior it's over.
This is one of my problems with the Prostants: faith alone gets you into heaven. You must believe in Jesus to get into heaven. You could stop world hunger and still go to hell if you're an atheist.

Into the oven you go, Rabbi, along with the other judaized Protestant """Christians"""

>If you commit sins it's cool as long as you love Jesus
Why do Pr*ts have a fundemental misunderstanding of the purpose of religion?

The catholic church traces back to.peter the apostle

Because they're kikes, user.

Have you ever actually read the Bible? Jesus died for our sins, thus having faith in him gets you into heaven.
>John 3:36
>Matthew 7:22
>Luke 5:20
The word of God superceds the word of your mortal preacher

>You could stop world hunger and still go to hell if you're an atheist.
and this is the problem with cucktholicism, did you forget that self-proclaimed Christians are also going to hell?

Communist antifa types became priest in the 50's and 60's to destroy the catholic church from the inside.
That's how we ended up with those scandels
Bella Dodd signed up a bunch of communist homo's to become priest.


James 2:14 - 26

I’m sorry you were so unfortunate as to be born with the disease of catholic heritage. Lucky for you you can renounce it anytime

Why does this Jap keep making these off topic bait threads?

Wrong, wrong, you're confusing
an infallible dogma, with
a bit of speculation the Magisterium never endorsed
Purgatory is temporary and it is for the saved

>1 Corinthians 6:9-11
>9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men. 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

>Revelation 20:12-13

>12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. 13 The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done.

woah, it's almost like the purpose of religion is to enforce an ordered society, in addition to uplift people... and that if you let people do whatever immoral thing they want as long as theyre 'saved', you haven't grasped the point of religion...

Technically, if God created the baby/its soul up i heaven, the baby dies know God.

>sudden infant death is a possibility

raising the child Catholic is a prerequisite commitment made by the parents

baptize your child ASAP

The Catechism of the Catholic Church gives us the most important reasons why we must baptize infants:

Born with a fallen human nature and tainted by original sin, children also have need of the new birth in Baptism to be freed from the power of darkness and brought into the realm of the freedom of the children of God, to which all men are called. The sheer gratuitousness of the grace of salvation is particularly manifest in infant baptism. The Church and the parents would deny a child the priceless grace of becoming a child of God were they not to confer Baptism shortly after birth (CCC 1250).

Original sin is a reality from which each and every human person desperately needs to be freed. Biblically speaking, Romans 5:12 is remarkably clear on this point:

Therefore as sin came into the world through one man and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all men sinned.

Even if nothing else was said in Scripture implying infant baptism, we could conclude it to be necessary just from this simple fact: babies need to have original sin removed from their souls.



>You do know that baptism works if that person knows about Jesus Christ, right?
No, I don't. What is your source, it certainly isn't the Bible.