One Room

>immersive anime experiment
>the heroine turns you down, saying she's your second choice and that she doesn't want to 'settle' for you

Wow. I've been turned down plenty in real life, but this is the first time an anime girl's rejected me.

*you're her second choice

>tfw she tries to gently let you down

This is definitely pretty immersive, it feels like my heart's been ripped out of my chest.

bumping so others can rage with me

One Room. I can't blame you for being interested, the girl really is hot as hell. Hopefully you don't take being friendzoned as badly as I do.

I can already anticipate the rage. Thanks user.

I actually thought about watching this. Now I'm not so sure any more.

This is a pretty high quality falseflag but I feel I have to step in here before people seriously get the wrong idea.

She looked better from the back

I see.

Thanks user.

>it feels like my heart's been ripped out of my chest.

Because of a few 4 minute shorts where a girl just talks at the camera?

That's what I expected it was. The "tutor" combined with "second choice" made OP's claims suspect to say the least.

Ooookay, that's it, I'm off to 2D universe.

Wish me luck anons.


Can you watch one room if you're a girl?


This show makes me want to neck myself.



If I had her as my waifu I'd neck myself as well

Makura no Danshi is for girls

Are you a guy?

Am I the only one disappointed that OP was lying?

POV anime is creepy desu.

Because it's so shit.

Nice joke friend :D