When can we ban guns and finally stop the bloodshed
>but..but muh gubment
o yeah because your assault rifle can stop a drone
the military has so many guns and tanks.
When can we ban guns and finally stop the bloodshed
>but..but muh gubment
o yeah because your assault rifle can stop a drone
the military has so many guns and tanks.
it's okay, we all know you changed your flag from Canadian to american.
Sage as well, fuck you.
Let's have more guns so we get more bloodshed. It's been boring lately and I want some entertaining news. I always love when there's a mass murder. The memes are fantastic.
ok guys let me finish laughing then I'll start acting like a father who lost his kids
I would be convinced but you forgot to post Obama poling his eyes
All of them
And Sandy Hook was fake newfag
Cover up for pedos plus attempt to ban guns by communists
Thats a terrible idea if you want more bloodshed. If everybody carried guns then mass murders would fucking get blown away the second after they fired their first shot. Maybe bloodshed would rise initially but in the long run the law abiding citizens vastly outnumber the criminals so eventually the criminal population would be depleted to nothing. It's best to keep the availability of guns but have most people not carry them for maximum bloodshed as we have it right now.
We can ban guns as soon as every nonwhite and foreigner is dead.
Better get to work.
Here’s a better idea. Outlaw gun grabbing scumbags like you.
You are not a tank, faggot. You are an annoying bag of salt water. My guns can definitely stop you.
I have a cousin who attended Sandy Hook Elementary School and I can assure you it really happened.
>How many Americans need to die before we fix this
130,530,408 so about 44% of the population
If the military starts attacking its citizens I can assure you that there is a much bigger problem on our hands, if thats the case then I will fully support arming people in a tribal sense to protect our rights and freedoms as well as our lives in hopes we have a fighting chance.
Except all of that shit is completely insignificant when you put into perspective. An order of magnitude more people die due to (preventable) medical error every year, not to mention automotive accidents and the like. If you really want to save lives - campaign to get better training and certification for doctors and nurses.
>How many Americans need to die before we fix this
Mawds please nuke this crapflood thread.
All of them
Shut the fuck up faggot. My cousin lived in newton and was at sandy hook and died.
I’m sick of you false flag retards always shitting this board up any time somebody brings up smart gun control.
Nice b8
>duh gubmint tanks and drones
Kiss more police-state ass, but we won't be sending out the military to attack US citizens for observing a constitutionally protected right. Stop using statistical anomalies to try to feelz our way into cuckhood. The fact of the matter is US murders have been dropping for decades alongside rising gun ownership. The 2 largest sources of "gun death" are criminal-on-criminal and suicide, which are irrelevant to lawful gun ownership. The largest source of these mass killings that you seem so obsessed with is unchecked mentally ill folks and brown people who don't eat pork. All we need is mental healthcare reform and some sane national security practices.
Sandy Hook was a literal desaster. This Hoax resulted in the US federal government losing all its credibility.
Come and get them, faggot
Can't even shill properly.
These victims seemed to have awfully many cousins. I met like at least 10 of them on the internet.
>How many Americans need to die before we fix this
All of them
Not even good bait faggot. 0/10
Was your great grandpappy Chaim Silverman gassed 5 times at Auschwitz too? Gtfo. Nobody believes that false flag shit anymore, Shlohmo.
So I see you are a bored you faggot op. But it's cool, I'm bored as well. Want me to say sandyhoax was real. It's was as real as me saying I have a hot blonde with DD tits laying next to me. Most of you would consider her a 15/10 qt 3.14. I lost my Virginia to her about ten minutes ago in my mom's basement. Protip: This is real, because you read it on the internets.