>he reads manga colored
He reads manga colored
>posts a picture in color
>replying to his post in color
If it was originally meant to be in color, I don't see the problem.
Who are you quoting?
I feel you OP.
Colourfags are gay, go read comics. ;^)
How do you know if a manga was meant to be in colour?
>he reads
If it's a fan colorization, kill yourself.
Yes, that includes "official" colorizations. If the artist of the manga didn't make it that way then it's shit and shouldn't be preferred over the original by default.
Otherwise there's no problem with it. If the author intends it to be read in color then there's no reason not to.
Why are most newfag jojo fans such plebeian shitters? Rhetorical question, the answer is obvious.
how are you supposed to kill yourself with a 10k yen bill
Use your eyes, user. If there's shitty dithering all over and you can see alternate versions that aren't in color around, then it probably wasn't intended that way. There's a fair few doujinshi with variants like that.
>not using braille
Fags, all of you
The worst is the series that have a couple color pages that are clearly much better than the color-edits.
Choke yourself
jesus i know it pissed me off these JoJopuffs take screencaps from the colorized versions
I'll give YOU 10k yen, can you kill me?
Like this?
>not having a program to read out loud every word displayed
step up your game fagpai
>he watched anime adaptations of b&w manga
>reading comics colored
no crop a funny face out of it and make a funny internet meme
And many more.
Ironically plenty of the actual color pages from DiU aren't scanned in color anywhere, so all we have is that shitty looking tone-muddled mess.
there you go now go post that on Sup Forums i bet youll get a lot of (you)s
>mfw i am colorblind so I can't tell
Use it to buy a bottle of bleach, then drink that bleach.
>colorblind "people"
What if I buy more colorized manga with it instead
Oh fuck off, color is a meme
That is below average even for jojo