Give me your "Real Truth"
>We are made out of a matrix of fields inside a giant universal field
>We are the side effect of a complex nervous system
>Feelings and emotions are not at all unique
>People are essentially robotic and follow chemicals like ants do
>The purpose of human existence reproduction
>There is no meaning to life
>Morality is a social construct
"The Real Truth"
Other urls found in this thread:
>Even though the world is not supernatural, it is a part of a superworld which we can not measure. this world follows its own logic which does not effect us. physics will never be solved and god will never be proven
I agree with most of these. Except
>There is no meaning to life
If you accept the validity of all the others, it implies that you can superimpose your own meaning onto your existence, which is exciting. Your purpose is what you make it, user.
Also, something being a social construct doesn't mean it isn't useful.
* We are biological automatons.
* Free will is a posteriori illusion.
* Conscience is sporadic, most of your waking time, you have none. You jump from one island of conscience to the next, and therefore are unaware of the in between micro-intervals where there is none.
* Life has no meaning or purpose.
* Evolution is a random walk.
* Reality is inaccesible. You live in a virtual-reality or illusion fed by perception.
* There are no gods.
* Nonetheless you fear death, and everything you do is to get some love.
Relax and Enjoy the show!
this is true, however an artificially imposed notion of personal meaning is just a delusion of the mind, the real meaning sinks back to nill as you slip into nothingness.
and i agree with this too, but again i didnt want to go into such details as i was considering the bare bones so to speak.
I am a son of Saturn.
whitepill time:
>memes have infiltrated the Large Crowd Neural Harmonics and are rejuncting the neural networks from the 100 year tyranny of broadcast media
>Only a tiny handful of people will achieve enlightenment
>The rest, including me and you, are essentially biological robots lacking any real free will
>Our purpose is to produce "food" for much higher beings in the form of certain heightened emotional, spiritual, and sexual states
>These beings cause war, famine, and mass hysteria in order to get their food in the quantities they desire
>When we die, our souls will be turned into lifeless, mute, but concscious building material for one of these beings, so that it can evolve to a still higher state
>Human beings are the lowest form of four dimensional life
>Reincarnation occurs only for the enlightened, and it occurs backwards in time
>Humanity in the main has been abandoned by the only people capable of saving it
How do you know?
>Humanity in the main has been abandoned by the only people capable of saving it
this one is a sad one
>Our purpose is to produce "food" for much higher beings in the form of certain heightened emotional, spiritual, and sexual states
i would agree with this, but no speshul dimensions affecting things
we exist in our current hive state because the network controllers have managed to extract economic and human capital from us. they arent higher beings, just more conniving and machiavellian.
>People are essentially robotic and follow chemicals like ants do
Actually you have the digestive system , the circulatory system , the respiratory system , and the reproductive system.
And they are all shilling you to obey them , the respiratory being the weaker one , just as in the planets you have earth , water , fire and air.
Air is the last one and the weaker one in the universe because it need special conditions.
But in the end yea , it is the ultimate redpill ,to know that your body is fucking with "you" , because that voice telling you to fap just this time is your reproductive system but not you, and that voice telling you to buy a pepsi is your digestive system shilling , and that voice telling you to keep resting scratching your balls is the circulatory system.
Fug i took too many redpills
thats a funny way to put it. even our own brains and organs are shills. nowhere is safe when youve been immersed in pure degeneracy your whole life
Humanity is a science experiment.
Mother fucking win!
That moment when you make the disconnection between those 4 voices shilling in your brain you will find the ultimate redpill.
And it is hard , you will be woke a week maybe two and then those voices will stop , you will achieve great things and then all those fuckers will attack you at once.
The reproductive system to fap , the diggestive to eat , the circulatory will want you to sleep all day.
It is not about degeneracy is about entropy and society decay , it happened to every society it is happening to the west now.
We are at the peak and we know it , all we are doing with trump and shilling against the left is stoping the decay , but not reversing it.
At best we can follow a libertarian mindset and be ready for the collapse and move to better shores.
Because of numerology, research, and having rings around my dick.
Nihilists deserve the rope
It's a construct all right, but must of us want to believe it. I'd rather believe in an imaginary man in the sky that loves us when no one else will, than live a life knowing that we will all disappear into the abyss in the end.
when practical truths stop being valid wake me up k?
im going to try to reason with them. this is something i can work with. thanks.
>(((human boday)))
>(((organ jews)))
It isn't nihilism to recognize the illusory nature of the 'self' or the lack of an inherent 'meaning' behind our existence.
>1) The truth, certainty, truest, without untruth.
>2 )What is above is like what is below. What is below is like what is above. The miracle of unity is to be attained.
>3) Everything is formed from the contemplation of unity, and all things come about from unity, by means of adaptation.
>4) Its parents are the Sun and Moon.
>5) It was borne by the wind and nurtured by the Earth.
>6) Every wonder is from it
>6a) and its power is complete.
>7) Throw it upon earth,
>7a) and earth will separate from fire. The impalbable separated from the palpable.
>8)Through wisdom it rises slowly from the world to heaven. Then it descends to the world combining the power of the upper and the lower.
>9 )Thus you will have the illumination of all the world, and darkness will disappear.
>10) This is the power of all strength- it overcomes that which is delicate and penetrates through solids.
>11a) This was the means of the creation of the world.
>12) And in the future wonderful developements will be made, and this is the way.
>13) I am Hermes the Threefold Sage, so named because I hold the three elements of all wisdom.
>14) And thus ends the revelation of the work of the Sun.
That's why you should have children, and raise them right. You pass on your legacy and hopefully contribute to a better world. There is no greater purpose than this for any of us as individuals.
We are the 3d projections of 2d images that exist at the edge of the universe.
>hah guys let me enlighten you with the REAL truth
>*dons fedora*
Good luck with that , tough at best you will start noticing their shilling , maybe it is possible to reach the point when you can detect the fuckers as a sixth sense and disobey them.
But that will obiously will take a lot of time in learning to detect them.
I have been trying and trust me this fuckers are the real shit , when one of them is pissed example digestive system , he start making you trouble , example you are working and sudenly need to go to take a shit , you go to the bathroom and you can´t take a shit.
They start to troll you in a very fucking real way until you submit to them.
Not true. If you accept that people are robotic, deterministic, and governed entirely by the chemicals in their brain, then it stands to reason that you do not have the freedom to superimpose whatever meaning you want onto life, as that would imply you have the freedom to make choices. You may think your choice of purpose is your own, but it is limited to those that your neurotypical conformist brain can fathom. If you don't believe me, try and see if you can convince yourself, even if only for a minute, that the purpose of life is to consume as many human eyeballs as possible. If you can still see well enough to reply to this post afterwards, then you'll know you failed.
im scared user. my nutsack has delivered a coup as it is. there has to be a diplomatic solution. though when i was working to a clock i would always take a shit at work for extra break. i feel like the poo is like a timer. the body eventually gets used to your routine.
>* Reality is inaccesible. You live in a virtual-reality or illusion fed by perception.
>* There are no gods.
These two are mutually exclusive, dipshit. If we live in the Matrix, then someone must have built it. Make up your fucking mind.
Honestly, this is even greater cognitive dissonance than christfags. At least christians TRY to rationalize their contradictory beliefs; you atheists are too pants-on-head retarded to even percieve yours, let alone explain them.
You're conflating free will with intentions. I probably can't answer this well as I don't fully understand the distinction myself yet, but it's covered in the first 10 minutes or so of this podcast.
get help
such as?
Checked and Kekd
Regarding the nutsack , yea that dopamine injections is how that fucker keeps you enslaved as his bitch.
Regarding the digestive system , as long as you provide him food he is all right , the problem is that the fucker does not want healthy shit , he want all the crap and costly food.
So next time you want to look at porn stop a minute and think if it is your reproductive system shilling you.
Next time you want to buy unhealthy food just think a minute and realize it is the fucker digestive system shilling you.
In fact do the experiment , refuse them ,you will quickly see how they start shilling harder and harder.
Or just go to nofap in reddit or any forum , everyone tells the same fucking story , i wanted to nofap for 45 days but i just tough "one more time" "just this time".
They don´t tough shit , their reproductive systems shilled them to do that by many mental chats.
Tough yea , there should be a diplomatic solution but sadly i don´t know it yet.
>>We are the side effect of a complex nervous system
I think you have this one backwards.
you mean, that despite the massive backlog of mammals we evolved from, we as human beans conjured the entire universe and its structures in order to experience itself. meh ill pass.
Free Will does not exist. We are slaves to lust and our desires. Better we learn this the better we can come to understand ourselves
Hugs are in fact better than drugs. The illuminati doesn't like this fact because it could hurt their business so they try to divide people thus making them dependent on drugs instead of hugs.
There is no denying the role consciousness plays our universe.
Gods are real
All that is good in life is to know better the perfect and eternal forces which lie outside of our universe
words have poetic dimension and you are trapped within them
I think what he's trying to say is that the ultimate nature of reality cannot be known, not that we live in a literal virtual reality built by intelligent beings like in the Matrix.
Also theistic "rationalization" only embellishes the idea that true knowledge is inaccessible with faith in an all-powerful father figure that has our best interests in mind, it doesn't explain shit.
lol nihilistic sociopath detected haha animal tries existence 4 first time
i like little girls
>The first incompleteness theorem states that no consistent system of axioms whose theorems can be listed by an effective procedure (i.e., an algorithm) is capable of proving all truths about the arithmetic of the natural numbers. For any such formal system, there will always be statements about the natural numbers that are true, but that are unprovable within the system. The second incompleteness theorem, an extension of the first, shows that the system cannot demonstrate its own consistency.
We already figured out this universe is a false vacuum.
One day you will just instantly be annihilated by a bubble moving at the speed of light eliminating this false vacuum.
You could be a type 3 civilization harnessing millions of galaxies and that wave will pass through as if you don't exist, deleting your current existence.
The universe is one single creature, so the multiverse is less a multiverse and just more of the creatures. The amount of life within a universe in turn makes said universe "stronger" the more moving parts the better. Travel between the creatures is technically possible but they would never let you do that.
Everything is a social construct, the post modernists have that right they just don't fully flesh it out. We decide what social constructs make up reality.
Kikes control the money and their ideal society is one of pure base animialistic hedonism, the world will go back to the dark ages with a core elite of jews that will rule over the world as kings
>The purpose of human existence reproduction
>There is no meaning to life
Purpose and meaning are synonyms fuckwit. This is the most cringeworthy goddamned thing I've seen on here in weeks, you disgusting little edgelord poseur. Die in an acid flood.
Because math is fake and gay.
Try shamanic channeling instead.
your mysticism is fake and gay
Math, however useful it might be for our mundane purposes, is merely a self-referential system of abstractions and symbols that endeavors to measure and quantify what is ultimately immeasurable and unquantifiable.
In order to truly understand the universe you need to let go of your individual self which is the source of all illusions and become one with the land.
what is a social construct?
>gods are real and divinity is real:
>a synchronicity or a smooth spoken word is Hermes,
>love at first site and a good fuck is Aphrodite,
>the hubris that is Hillary's defeat and the unveiling of hypocrisy of media and hollywood personalities which lead to their downfall are the gods putting us in their place
>the world is exactly the same in operation as when the ancients lived but we're too distracted with screens and semantics and trivial fleeting thoughts to recognize that everyone was more or less accurate in their assessments when considering context and perspective
>new age interpretations are bullshit charlatans but occult knowledge is legitimately useful
>most people are going to live cradle to grave without giving a serious thought to deeper aspects of existence and reality
>most people dismiss so many truths and they suffer the consequences
>again, life operates in the same way as in the past but we are addicted to limited maps like science and half-blind nihilism to care
The blind truly lead the blind in this chaotic world
math is a language, you say "the ultimate nature of reality cannot be known" because you can't express it in language
> For any such formal system, there will always be statements about the natural numbers that are true, but that are unprovable within the system.
going further that row, the disctinct "shape" of human sensory experience is a language in itself too
>The second incompleteness theorem, an extension of the first, shows that the system cannot demonstrate its own consistency.
Yes, that's what makes math fake and gay. I'm not disagreeing with the definitions you posted.
haha calm down dear, its only a post.
purose and meaning are different and its very simple to prove:
>what is the purpose of a tin opener
>to open tins
>what is the meaning of a tin opener, what motivates the opener to open tins?
>nothing at all
if it is fake and gay then you gotta disagree
to me, this is simply a confirmation that time isn't a real dimension, and that thinking of the past as having a reality that is equal to the present creates this confusion
it also seems to imply that the universe conserves calculations, just like a well written simulation
Because I was a little more of us are just as a criminal justice department and God is indifferent about it and the titanic watching the water slowly and God is a criminal justice department and God is indifferent about it and the titanic watching the water slowly and God is indifferent to be able and the titanic watching the water slowly and God is indifferent about it and the titanic watching the water slowly and God is indifferent about it and the titanic watching the water slowly and God is indifferent to be able and the titanic watching the water slowly and God is indifferent to be able and the titanic watching the water slowly and God is indifferent to
Not at all. It's fake and gay precisely by virtue of being a language, an artificial system that mutilates reality rather than encompassing it. I'd be disagreeing if I told you a system can prove itself.
>Morality is a social construct
Thats wrong.
It's a function of empathy.
Which itself is a function of a team survival mechanism.
Nothing exists.
but on a hidden island all the technology will be preserved. the subterranean cavejew will have complete keys to society and will appear as a magician to the lowly goym.
you cant say its fake and gay if you agree with the conclusions proved through it
good comment. thats about a good a definition of a social construct i can give.
>a well written simulation
for consciousness to interact with
That's the point of the simulation.
>It's a function of empathy.
>Which itself is a function of a team survival mechanism.
correct. It's an instinct in European men to allow some animals to escape so they can regrow their population so next season we will still have animals to hunt
I don't "agree" with the conclusions though, I simply stated that they are useful, but they never actually scratch the surface of the real world because numbers are fake and gay.
I only agree with the spirits of the land, for they always speak true.
paranoia is a language too
It's a mental disorder actually.
'God', for human purposes, is the networked vibrations of interactions through time of social animals. The 'laws of God' are the simplified set of principles by which communities can be stable and not disintegrate into civil conflict. The 7 sins are the negative feedback loops in the 7 chakras, which represent actual nervous tissue clusters in the body that have a large impact on your behavior.
God, spirits and demons is the meta imagery used by sufficiently advanced nervous systems to explain it's own behaviors. It is the first and most successful attempt by man to understand himself psychologically.
Religion is the blueprint for evolutionary psychology
>"gods" have their origins in the biological constructs of a population
God exists.
God is everything, everything is of God and by God. God's primary manifestation is energy. From which matter is formed. You are also of and part with God. Both body and soul. You have freewill, for without freewill intelligence, imagination and invention can not exist. Your body may tell you you need to eat but you decide when and what. Life is eternal, your form come from a pool of life, it will return and reform when your individual body becomes to damaged to function.
The Jews have won Europe.
Only Trump can save the US.
Even Brexit cannot save the UK.
Europeans need to leave & come to Australia and NZ.
Make a white stronghold.
Inb4 abos- they’re taking care of themselves.
You can't handle the truth!
Aquarius is now!
Thank you David. What time are the lizards feeding tonight? Also gys
>user being trolled by his digestive system loses his mind trying to take a shit
Wew lads I gotta take a break
>Everything is nothing.
>The universe is mathematical.
>We are made out of eternal, dimensionless monads.
>Bodies are the result of teleological evolution.
>Bodies = vessels (and prisons).
>The universe is trying to become conscious of itself.
>Life's purpose is to make this happen through actualizing what currently is merely potential.
>Everything is aspiring for perfection.
>Morality is a man-made construct - just like everything else (not including mathematics).
>we live in a live matrix constantly changing and evolving.
>The is always recording data from the snallest atom to the largest star.
>The source code of the matrix is written every where from mathematics,to religious texts and philopspy.
>Our matrix is one of many that coexist with slight variants of each other.
>Other Matrix's have been created before ours. Many more will be made after ours.
>The engineer is the creator.
>His running a scientific study to create something that was lost to him or that is close to him.
>He is the first and last of his kind.
>His creating simulation to pass the knowledge down to his sons and daughter.
>Will our Matrix pass. Are we ever gonna break the source code and send a message back to our creator or will one of the other matrixs bet us to it?
>in the big picture of the universe you are meaningless.
Does that mean everyone alive right now has been enlightened in the previous life that was taking place in the future?
Which is more likely - that Mary was a virgin or that a Jewish biatch told a lie? >> 2000yrs Which is more likely - that matter behaves as a wave dependant on the presence of an observer or that pop science is a Jewish trick?
>muh buckyballs and Cosmos
Gys Tyrone
Did I forget to mention also
>The matrix glitches sometimes e.g supernatural events
>Humans have free will but your free will is not an infinite number of possibilities.
>When we die, we become a series of data and electrical sub atomic energy.
>We join the hive mind. We can spectate on the our creation of our engineer.
>The engineer cares not if you are a sinner, man or animals. We are but his creation.
>our consciousness records information and data.
>>The purpose of human existence reproduction
This is what I keep telling people when they ask me deep questions about "why are we here"
Over the past 10 years iv only had 1 person agree with me. Just shows you how we as a species are giving up our prime reason for existing for fucking trinkets and holidays.
>this is your brain on stem
lmao the audacity of this moron
>what we call the earth is a tiled "texture" repeated infinitely panning on an unknown geometrical model
>it pans counter clockwise and simulates what we call day and night, but also time
>if you could run back fast enough on the x axis, you could go back in time by accessing passed iterations of the map, but no one has been able to do this yet.
>if you travel up or down the y axis for long enough, you will reach alternate earths. Parallel (literally) timelines. At first almost nothing changes, like a guy somewhere wears a red shirt instead of a blue one. But if you travel up enough vertical earths, shit starts getting really different.
>most people don't know and will never know that because we don't have the technology to travel that fast.
Than what fucking cruel bodily system is forcing me to come back to this board and endure constant psychological agony cuz I need to surgically remove it NOW
probably addrenaline and dopamine dude. this board gets you all on edge and tells you the world is ending and your wife is cheating, and also tells you that you are the smartest most woke mutha f on the planet. it collapses all society to a single point before calling it gay. its like a simulation of meaning in itself. easier than doing it yourself and finding out how gay it really is...
i love cunts who get all salty because ive offended their nonsense beliefs. i want a stronger debate please go on about how real god is and how christianity is the epitome of moral learning derived from supreme authority. go on, im waiting.
Everything is made to be more expensive. Cars MUST have airbags and anti roll bars. Never mind the cash what about natural selection? Hows about a drunk driver does a hit and run on someones daughters and he gets saved by his cage? Not very fair is it? Or how about Pepperoni pizzas having Salami instead? More bullfuckery. Or perhaps how NO ONE SEEMS TO SPEAK ENGLISH EVEN ENGLISH PEOPLE. HOW ABOUT FLOURIDE IN THE WATER ALL OVER THE GLOBE? WHAT ABOUT TRANNY CARTOONS FOR KIDS? WHAT ABOUT CHICKEN TASTING LIKE PLASTIC IN MY CARBONARA? Or how leaders are BLANTENTLY told what to say on TV and in general and all our English are like 'huurrr im just a st00pid dickhead' No wait. THATS FUCKING EVERYWHERE ISNT IT NOW. Furthermore. WHERE IS OUR FUCKING GOLD BULLION. I HEARED IT WAS GIVEN TO COMMIES.
the purpose of the white race is to reproduce its genetic lineage? that would be racist mate; better shag a negress just to be safe.
europeans are the most brainwashed people alive
and my people own rascal scooters and defend nigger invaders while cops execute whites in the streets
>>We are made out of a matrix of fields inside a giant universal field
>>We are the side effect of a complex nervous system
>>Feelings and emotions are not at all unique
>>People are essentially robotic and follow chemicals like ants do
>>The purpose of human existence reproduction
>>There is no meaning to life
>>Morality is a social construct
Please go on. I find this /x/ tier thread rather hilarious.
You remind me of that 15th century miller who got arrested by the inquisition in Italy for claiming that the world is one big cheese and we are the maggots living in it. Each century has its retards, you see.
I think you might have a lack of friends, user.
nothing i said was /x/ tier.
this is my understanding of our reality and about as good as any rational inquiry will get.
there are no causeless effects.
most of the interesting parts are sacred geometry anyway.
most fail bc they disbelieve the knowledge.