So Elfen Lied just destroyed me internally. I never knew that an anime could strike my feels so hard

So Elfen Lied just destroyed me internally. I never knew that an anime could strike my feels so hard.
Did this anime do that to anyone else?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Elfen Lied
Fuck off, newfag. Most of us grew out of this shit when we turned fifteen.

Are you the same guy false flagging in the Konosuba thread?

what do you recommend then? SAO? Lol

wut's that?

Read the manga.

I feel like I time traveled back some years.

I hear its even worse. Anyone got any other Anime that'll destroy you?

>being this new...

Sup Forums hates this because it was popular, OP

Watch Code Geass or Eva

>in Sup Forums

Why did it destroy you internally? She was alive at the end.

>She was alive
she turned into pâté user, deal with it

she appears behind the gate at the end, watch it again.



I know it hurts to see your waifu dead user but there is no coming back from being turned into nugget paste
please this is just sad

oh you are just trolling, you know that shit got old back in 2009

Don't tell me you don't know?
I am so sorry

It was fun, but considering its NGE-level popularity I expected something more.


So OP just destroyed me internally. I never knew that Sup Forums could disappoint me so hard.
Did this thread do that to anyone else?


when I was 14

Watching Elfen Lied gave me physical pain. Every time someone's arm came off I felt my arm coming off as well.

It was frightening.

This whole thread.

>filler end
Here's how the series actually ends.

Then Kouta shoots her to death.

Big O, until you understand it.

i don' even know what's happening at this point

>destroyed me internally
So this is OP's status.



Why do newfriend refuse to lurk more?

Legend of the galactic heroes. Episode 82 broke me down.

It destroyed my sides but that's not really the same thing.

Yeah it stung pretty bad. Clannad really ruined me inside though. Heartache x100

>I'm dead, better spray blood everywhere for a retarded amounts of time
>I'm retarded, better say the same retarded word all the time
>our OP is good, so let's just bank off that
>let's make the plot ambiguous because it will draw people to the manga, like 90% of anime is meant to do
>continues to cover half the screen in a 2 frame blood spray animation

Elfen Lied is terrible, even if you strip away the memes about it being edgy.

>destroyed me internally.
you mean, your organs?

I like it, but maybe that's because its one of my early anime. So I guess I'm more fond of it than anything.
Doesn't change the fact that its not that special objectively or that OP is a shitposter fag.

In keeping with the theme of the thread


even as a high schooler i could tell how vapid and try-hard this show was

>Elfen Lied
>Arguably one of the worst anime ever
This is advanced autism

Can we all just agree, that all unironically edgy shows are complete shit?

>EL discussion is banned from Sup Forums partly because of its godawful fanbase yet we're allowed to unironically discuss Shit on Ice

>I like it, but maybe that's because its one of my early anime.
Same and I thank it has to due to it being one of my first anime. I like Rosario † Vampire and Vampire Knight too as they were my 1st and 2nd anime ever.

This, it was one of the first shows I've watched and I still hated it because the writing was just so terrible. It was fucking transparent that not even my fifteen years old self was impressed.

>>EL discussion is banned from Sup Forums
It is being discussed right now, in this very thread.

The discussion is "how shit is EL" and the consensus seems to be "very shit"

>fall for common bait
>calls others newfags

The lack of subtlety in EL baffles me to this very day. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if it at least didn't take itself so seriously with its ham-fisted messages, but the complete absence of self-awareness killed it for me.

The manga is pretty much exactly what you want. It's a crazy ride of over-the-top plot twists and mood whiplashes that's clearly meant to make the reader laugh at the absurdity of it all.

super late to the party OP

Fuck it.

Marry one
Fuck one
Bully one

Which one's the one who wore the diaper?

Nozomi on the right.

It destroyed me after managing to watch more than one episode of that trash.

code geass

Sup Forums hates this edgefest of an anime just because it was popular. Sometimes I hate this elitism desu.

>le more than 5 ppl have heard of this anime xD better call them fags xD

Elfen Lied didn't exist when I was 15

I hated the fact that the opening was so good. How a show so shit can have such a good opening. I gave it my first jerk off though, I still remember Nyu's tits and the sister/childhood friend panty shot.

At first, then I noticed the creators rampant cripple and piss fetishes in the writing, no.

Why does SAO get shit on so hard by Sup Forums? I get that the characters are bland animu stereotypes we've seen a thousand times, but it wasn't that godawful. The first season was decently fun.

Play YU-NO

Fate Stay Night and Fate Zero

babbies first edgy

Angry hipsters who hate anything that is popular. Welcome to Sup Forums.

Satoshi Kon

Steins;Gate episodes 22 and 23b were extremely sad.

Evangelion wasn't that emotional but really struck me.

Psycho-Pass had some quite heartbreaking moments as well.

Yes, tryhard shit like narutaru, higurashi, now and then here and there, another, elfen lied etc. is pure garbage.

Elfen Lied is good

Fight me, fedoras

anybody watch the dub first and have their experience ruined Nana was actually insufferable

killing the heroine by melting her to feces blobs is pretty original, aside from thay. Its shit.

It was one of my first too, but it was also the first series I ever dropped.

>So Elfen Lied just destroyed me internally
destroyed my sides too senpai

If you find this anything but hysterical, you have some kind of mental disability

>when we turned 15
underaged faggot detected
Go kill yourself agelet.


>*slap* you idiot what the hell are you saying, you're fucking crazy

I laugh every time

So how's middle school going to for you, OP?

Literally MFW

>''what are you screaming a-''
>head explodes

>sister and father get killed right in front of him
>no shonen power up
fucking dropped, but seriously what was he accomplishing by shaking her like that what was he trying to do

Bonus points for quality dub

Are you a good for nothing NEET who stay home all day hoping for something to happen?

Welcome to the NHK

oh god that's atrocious, do people actually watch it dubbed?

its pretty comical kinda highlighted how bad it was

OP here
Thanks for the replies, going to go watch Clannad/code geass .
Clarification for destroyed internally is my feels. Figured that could be implied but some are a little too braindead to get it.
Thanks guys! Anymore suggestions would be appreciated

If Elfen Lied was so bad then why people still talk about it on a fucking daily basis?

Hey Kouta what are you screaming abo-

>why do people still talk about The Room on a daily basis

What's EL about again? I can never remember shitty manga plot. Mirai Nikki too.

Looking back it's cringy as fuck but I liked it as a kid.

I can sympathize with both OP and people shitting on him.
Elfen Lied was the first anime I watched, 7 years ago. The novelty combined with the 2mature4u really shook me up but as time passed and I watched more anime I realized it's really not that special.

I wonder how that might feel.

This desu

YoI aired last season, it's a relevant show.
EL on the other hand is old as balls, already got discussed to death and the majority of this board, assuming they're actually old enough to know about it, agrees that it's a terrible show.

I still don't understand what EL is all about and why are people having feels about it. Is this shit supposed to be deep? I'm not even joking.

It's a shitty show with horrendous characters and writing that cashes in on shock value and a self-insert MC.
The opening is actually pretty good and sells the show as being mature when it's really not, and young people tend to fall for it.
Honestly you should watch the first couple episodes "for science' and for the meme value.

This is entry level feels at best

I once watched the first couple episodes before I dropped it. One of the worst I've ever seen. Legit 1/10. I don't get what people see in it. Maybe you need to be clinically retarded.

>Nobody recommending him #1anime of all time Boku No Pico.

C'mon guys.

Wait, isn't it an edgy anime about muh killing or something?