Can you accept gays if we hate transgenders together?
Drop the T
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Drop the T.
you're all getting gassed
Yah I'd be down for that
But why tho?
Lots of happy, healthy gay couples raising white kids in a married home.
Trannies are lumped with fags and dykes for a reason. You're all freaks of nature.
We are less so. Being gay is provably genetic. Our brains function differently.
by me
lots of homosexual shills out tonight...
To a limited extent sure. It has always been irrational for you to allow transvestites to monopolize the issue. The fact that you let "lgbT" happen to begin with shows how pathetic gays have become.
Isn't it moreso due to being sexually abused as a kid or bad father figures?
We just want to get married and raise white kids, like you do.
I know a white lesbian couple who are raising the most adorable blond white baby girl. The little girl is polite and intelligent for her age.
There is potential for an alliance here but unfortunately the millennial gays are all brainwashed to believe they must be lumped in with the freakshow
Yeah I am just against the slippery slope. It must stop. This is why I am against gay marriage. Not against homos doing their thing as long as they keep their dignity and follow the western norms and values. No pride parades and weirdness. No slipping int the insanity of transgender wickedness.
Now kids are transitioning. The implications are horrific. If you now say a child is responsible and mature enough to transition, what is stopping pedos saying kids are mature enough to have sex with old perverts? This sexualizing of our society in perverse ways must stop.
If you're monogamous and act with a sense of dignity, yes.
But the gay community has been circling down the toilet for some time now. You can either embrace degeneracy and follow the trannies down or you can try to behave like normal people. The choice is yours.
No. Our brains process light differently so we are more aroused by vowing the same sex.
They just want to be allowed to be openly gay. We have a mutual interest in closed borders because Muslims are not friendly to gays. We don't have to agree on everything.
The study, titled “Choices: Perspectives of Younger Gay Men on Monogamy, Non-monogamy and Marriage,” was conduced by researchersBlake Spears and Lanz Lowen. They surveyed over 800 single, monogamously-coupled, and non-monogamously coupled gay menages 18-40 years about their relationships. A handful of “monogamish” men were also interviewed.
“The most striking finding of this study is younger gay men’s greater inclination toward monogamy,” the researchers report. “We see this in the overwhelming number of relationships that are monogamous (86percent). In addition, 90percentof the single younger gay men were seeking monogamy. This is a sea change compared to older generations of gay men.”
homosexuality in incompatible with western civilization
>Being gay is provably genetic
Only inasmuch as you are defective. The same way some people get diseases.
Eat shit, faggot
Accepting gays is what led to accepting transgenders. No more sexual deviants.
Right but women who have these genes have more kids. And gay males can help take care of large families because they are less inclined to have their own kids.
Female relatives of male homosexuals have 1.3x as many kids:
Bisexual females have more teen pregnancies:
Straight males carry gay genes:
I'll say yes
but I really mean no