Are people really this ignorant

>be me
>at friends house with ~5 people
>someone makes a 9/11 joke
>everyone laughs except one person
>MFW they ask what 9/11 is
They hadn’t ever heard of 9/11. How can people be this stupid historically? I’m struggling to think about how this isn’t common knowledge by everyone by now.
>MFW they can’t name the two countries that border America
>MFW they just learned what the KKK was 3 days ago
Anybody had any similar experiences?

i got that kind of shit everyday. because im a malaysian. and malaysians are mostly ignorant.

>start the sentence with "simon says"
>I didn't say simon says

I don't get it

>"Put your hands ups"
>Didn't start with "Simon says"

ah, the second paragraph is another order, gotcha

tell joke

people like that most likely do not posses a consciousness.

Simon didn’t say “put your hands up!”

millennials are retarded. hang out with people 30+ and you wont go braindead

Were they American? Because if they were then you're a liar.

you clearly overestimate the intelligence of the brainwashed latest generations. i mean, you realize Hillary got like 48% of the popular vote last election right?

I don't know how that's possible outside the young in the inner cities. I've made my nephew watch 9/11 footage (He was born two weeks later) when he said he was bored. He was bored again because he'd already watched the same video himself. We've had family discussions about the atmosphere in the months after; how you know what people were thinking at the gas station for months. There was a pall over everybody and everything.

My 90yr old grandmother said it was worst than Pearl Harbor because at least at that time they knew exactly who to go after. 9/11 was more 'what do?"

24 here, you either have to dumb yourself down to their level or just don't interact with them
Someone that retarded should be shot

It's your responsibility to redpill millennials. Hanging out with people who are more likely to be conservative for merit of their age is the easy way out.

a lot of people are dumb , makes me feel good about my self, but sad about society

>>Are people really this ignorant
yes OP

You are a retarded newfag
You must go back

How do I go about this without getting kicked out of a party next weekend?

It's not just everymen, user, you see this in some politicians and pundits as well.

>What's Aleppo?

>open Sup Forums
>see thread made by high schooler
>post a self referential little greentext
>remind OP he's acting like an underage faggot

half the chicks I met while living in Texas swore the moon landing was faked. they would just mention it out of nowhere. fucking weird

That's because it wasn't Senior Simone says you fucking wet back

wow rude

Was that person a Christian?

I used to work with a girl like that. Somehow we got on the topic of WWII and it became clear she knew nothing about it. I asked her to give me a rough overview of the decade it's associated with and the major players, her response was word for word as follows: "I don't know, wasn't it like us and Germany against Japan in the 1960's". I've never been more speechless in my life.

That's closer than some people. There are videos of street pop quiz interviews with people having literally 0 clue about anything. It could've happened in the 1700s between China and Texas for all they know.