>Never call the police
>They will make anything much worse
>They might just kill everybody
Never call the police
Freedom ain't free
>>Never call the police
This. In the best case calling the police doesn't help anything at all
That's pretty much how it works in this country especially if you just defended your home
Yeah if you ever shoot people who break into your house in Canada don't call the cops go bury their asses very very deep in the woods
no wonder people run from the police. it could be you last day hour minute of your life
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Hiding your hand behind your back while freaked out cops are yelling orders at you is just wearing a big "shoot my ass" sign.
t b h , these pig threads are likely jew shilling but .. it's a slow week and can't deny the evidence.
Cuckflag being a cuck
Nothing new around here
maybe people aren't always in the mood to get down on their knees and beg to live.
It was only a Californian, nothing of value was lost.
I asked last night, but no response.
What is that beeping sound that goes on the cop's bodycams?
Like "Beep-beep"
Mexican animal demonstrates why they need to be shot, nothing new there either.
Yummy in my tummy
his family lives down the street from me.
Suicide by cop
So become a vigilante?
Was an obvious suicide by cop
recording so make it look good warning?
Again, just do what the stupid cop tells you to do and you probably won't get shot.
On the other hand, the cops really like to shoot instead of handcuffing people. After the first shots he is down and can't do shit. They still doesn't just walk to him and secure him.
I live in Norway and the cops here are usually pretty okay, but this shit makes me kinda start to hate the cops.
listen faggot, the officer repeatedly told the man to get on the ground. The man refused to listen to what a man with a gun said. In that moment the officer does not know what the suspect is going to do, they are protecting their life. The suspect cold be armed, and quickly put out a gun and start shooting the officers. He didn't listen to a man with a gun, he deserves everything he got.
oh look another one of trumps hero cops
or just remove speeding limits and hold people accountable for any death, injury, or property damage they do. Cars are safer than ever and many of the speed limits can be doubled easily without much increase in fatality. Plus people drive at the speed they feel comfortable at regardless of the speed limit
American use of force is so fucked up.
>He could have had a gun
So fucking what. Officer safety is not the only consideration. WE do this in Canad all the time without incident.
>It's different we have niggers
We have chugs. Every place has their own problem group.
>Drive drunk
>Get pulled over after your mom calls the cops that you left the house in your truck and that you're drunk
>Don't listen to order given
>leave 1 hand near waist
>keep walking towards police after multiple warnings and guns drawn
>get shot
the only thing 'bad' about this video were the shots when he was already on the ground suffering 2 shots.
I don’t understand your shill post. Please elaborate.
Seems like suicide by cop to me. He seems afraid to die, but determined to keep disobeying.
you do realize this was suicide by cop right? or are you so fucking retarded that you think the guy is not acting in a suspicious way? he is obviously disobeying the cops orders while keeping a hand behind his back, he wanted to die
>Guy gets pulled over because it matches an assault perp
>Guy happens to hate life and wants to suicide by cop
>it happens
It's like no one actually watched the video.
Canada* rather
Careful with that edge. It probably seems really impressive when you're fifteen though.
Every interaction I've ever had with a cop has been good, because I'm friendly and respectful and don't look like a degenerate. I have zero issue with them tagging losers and scum.
Undoubtedly. They all show up at once. Fight back goy! Pigs are going to just run up to you and kill you for no reason!
Trump supports the police no matter what
I'm pretty sure Americans are uncivilized savages, not like us.
>Suicide by cop
if they keep this paranoid shit up then cops are gonna get shot because the public will not tolerate it.
it's Amerikike ... zogpigs make sure if you're not dying for jews in a sandbox, you're constantly begging to live and work another day.
That isn't even coherent, you fucking idiot.
You must be a chink, Mohammed, Poo or tabernac.
What the fuck are you talking about?
If you reach for your waistband repeatedly, you will get shot the fuck up here.
A cop almost shot my dog because it barked at him once.
if you don't listen to law enforcement, when they have a gun pointed at you, you are a low iq nigger, and deserve death
It's the pre-cogs telling them there is a thoughtcrime in progress
Don't dig up this old shooting and try to compare it to what happened to that guy in Vegas. Completely different situations. This guy wanted to die and purposely disobeyed the police's orders. The man in Vegas wanted to live but died because of an officer's unreasonable game of Simon says.
This is the sort of shit that caused the sicilians to form the mafia originally as a parallel system to the corrupt official police.
Hell, even the hasidic kikes in new york have their own parallel police service only for themselves. Basically have kikes whose job it is to patrol the jew-controlled turf and make sure no goyim or niggers get up to no good and chase them out with baseball bats.
We should honestly start doing this shit if things get out of hand.
in most cases yeah. Only when its absolutely needed.
Bull fucking shit.
You are clearly avoiding the point, which is your use of force is unnecessarily violent.
Eh, the only thing that seemed somewhat odd to me was the fact that the cop had his gun out, pointing it at the truck while they were driving. What was he going to do, shoot at the truck through the windshield?
Other than that, seemed like the guy wanted to be shot by the cops. And they obliged him. This was not the same as the motel hallway shooting. They shouted at him around 50 times some pretty simple requests, and he did not follow any of them. They didn't even shoot him while he disobeyed them, and got out of the truck, when they just wanted to see his hands. I mean sure, he was not armed, but the cops have no way to tell that.
Now, hit me with all your accusations of being a bootlicker. My body is ready.
looks like the retard couldn't follow simple directions, Darwinism at its work
case closed
Even if their end goal is to wait till you fuck up and execute you? Nigger I'm going starfish position on my face they can come and get me or shoot me and get the injection.
Why do American cops think that a dying guy can follow orders and should be further shot if he doesn't? Mutt genes?
50-50 it was suicide by cop. I get really nervous watching these videos, just imagining having my hands up, then my nose or butt crack itching.
>Careful with that edge.
you are on Sup Forums tard. go suck benitos dick faggot.
protocol, they don't wanna lose their job over some retard
Dude was deliberately making it look like he was pulling out a gun. What does anyone expect the cops to do?
this is just fucking embarrassing
can we ban meme flags already?
>get the injection.
H-he thinks the cops... get this... he thinks cops will be held RESPONSIBLE!
American aren't human
liberal agitators at it again with fake news trying to get support for BLM on Sup Forums.
you forgot.
>drunk and on cocain
>did not pull over for the cops, hence the guns are out
>hiding one hand behind his back to make it look like he could pull a gun out.
Talmudic lawyering. They care only insofar as it allows them to get their asses covered. A society without Philia, without love.
This. I don't even hate cops but I don't want them involved in my shit. Had a car stolen and ended up getting it back myself within an hour, didn't need cops or even a gun.
I mean he's right. If someone's about to mug you and they have a gun pointed at you, are you just gonna say "fuck off nigger"? No, of course not cuz you'll get shot.
Also the cops in the situation are different.
Cops here: reasonable guys more or less, who gave the dude plenty of chances even after reaching for his waistband several times. Guy with a shotgun was completely unnessecary tho.
Cops in Vegas: Clearly a psychopath with an itchy trigger finger, had the words "You're fucked" etched into his gun like a maniac.
It's a 100% true, dumbass.
A cop will beat your ass if he thinks you have an illegal pocket knife on you (some cities have laws against that), let alone if you walk towards them reaching for your waistband.
The 21 foot rule is in effect in Canada, look it up.
That's why the cop that shot that Syrian nigger wasn't convicted for KILLING him, he was convicted for shooting his dead body (stupid, I know)
He was trying to get shot. He was literally pretending he was reaching for a gun
It was a suicide by cop anyways.
if an officer points a gun at you, he better have a damn good reason to do it in the first place. these nonsense shootings always start with a cop waving a gun around ASAP.
compare that to the little skater kid who got lit up outside 711 a while back. the kid fights and charges the cop repeatedly and grabs for his belt before the cop decides enough is enough.
even in the vids where female cops are getting their asses beat to death the criminal doesnt just go for the gun and commit murder so why should a cop?
If I'm shot while my hands and arms are visible and not moving. You bet they'll be held responsible.
>He could have had a gun
That's because we let everybody buy a gun, therefore everyone might have a gun, therefore the police are never unjustified. Checkmate.
>get told not to do a thing or you'll get shot
>do that same thing
>get shot
Wow shocking
wow no wonder no one explained it to you. you're an idiot
depends. Are you american?
These videos are honestly worse to watch than any bestgore or liveleak video, because these are people getting killed by the people that are Supposed to be protecting them.
The guy was wrong here, though. No idea why he kept putting his hand behind his back, but still, three cops pointing a gun at one guy. The fuck, man. He's not a terrorist.
Lose your job if you don't shoot again some dying guy on the ground because he can't do the dance moves you ordered him to? Your country is fucked up.
Isn't it contradictory that you guys claim to be the land of the free, no big government and all that but in fact government officers can kill you, your friends, your family members for no good reasons and get away with it?
>it's okay cops set the rules of life and death for the public
Yeah in a town of 50,000 I could see someone getting off in an urban area. But not in a small college town.
They call them "suspects".
Being suspected of some unknown crimp apparently carries a death sentence now.
Why cant we just taze/tranq a guy?
If we're gonna use LETHAL FORCE on a motherfucker, why not at least have a small chance at saving his life? Having a chance to save someone is better than NO chance at all!
In this same situation, the cops could have safely unloaded beanbag/rubber rounds/tranqs without hesitation, and the guy might have survived.
he could have killed some innocent family drunk driving, why should i give a shit about him?
Guilty untill proven innocent unless you are the clintons.
Gee, all these round the clock police shooting threads sure are organic. Really makes me think.
I fucking hate ex wives
He was suspected of being drunk?
This shooting was a suicide by cop moron. The guy who got shot was deliberately acting suspicious to bait them to shoot.
no, lets take a look at crime in America vs. crime in Canada. The results will be incomparably higher in America than that of your country. this means that we need to have a larger police state. You think these cops want that kind of attention? no, they are simply doing their job. There is a lot of cops who go into that field because of a power trip, i can understand that, but it's probably a very slim minority which gets blown up by the media. This man did not follow orders, and he clearly said "i hate my life anyway" which made the cops on edge. He deserved what he got, plain and simple
25+ million illegal invaders, mostly mexican
>Police departments hire mass hordes of cops because of the crime from all the hispanics and blacks
>Cops become non feeling asshats and start killing whites
if this is the incident i think it is
the victim was acting really strangely
but they shouldn't shoot unless they see a weapon
putting someone's hand behind themselves isn't enough
or... you could stand with black people in their calls to reform the police instead of letting your racism stand in the way.
modern police aren't trained to deescalate a situation. They always push it to the max because they're constantly told to maintain control. This combined with how most cops are power hungry cunts means that people get shot all the time now.
I know he was, and it was made possible by your insane use of force doctrine.
yes, they tried to traffic stop him and he did not stop.
>that happened
they dont realize that judge dredd is a satirical comic book character written at a time where a cop shooting an unarmed person almost never happened.
when gangsters were buying tommy guns at department stores and shooting up neighboirhoods the cops werent shooting everyone for the fuck of it so theres no excuse to be doing it now when magically NOBODY EVER HAS A FUCKING GUN.
Dead guy acted like a nigger so he died like a nigger and nothing of value was lost.
He chose his path.
good point burger. but thing is since int internets we can see many a thing. that place where that dumb kid got done is not really where you wanna mess around with them
this guy stuck his nose too deep, got suicided for it
>get shot twice without warning
He put his hand behind his back and started walking towards the officers. This is a suicide by cop.
So if he didn't stop how do you know he was drunk?
If he does have a weapon then you could already be dead when the hand emerges from behind his back. Cops should not have to take that risk.
Lol fuck niggers nepotism drives me. I would never report a white person for anything but if I see a nigger so much as jaywalk or spit on the sidewalk I'm calling the cops.
Chugs are a mess; like they shit their pants kind of mess.
Niggers are far more athletic and violent than chugs.