Why is there no good abs/muscle fanservice in anime?
Why is there no good abs/muscle fanservice in anime?
Does she only work out her torso or some shit?
Neets are intimidated by strong women.
Some fanart probably. In the anime she has no abs.
Because it's a niche fetish.
Also you can't be an incompetent waif if you can bench the MC, thus stealing the show.
Because most anime watchers don't find abs/muscles sexy. Simple.
She's got defined abs in the LN iirc.
It's because properly animating defined ab muscles is much harder than drawing them for a still or animating a non-defined body.
That's me.
no we're not, if you don't want to lick qt muscle girls sweaty abs after they've had a long workout, you're gay as heck, simple as that
So. What you're saying is that you're gay as heck.
See And the writers probably don't like it either.
...Which is honestly a real shame. I have a certain admiration of anyone who's able to do that, but it goes double for females - they have to be much more specific than guys when working out if they want actual abs because of how their bodies store fat.
holy hell, Darkness is cut.
It's an edit.
What's her workout? 'Mirin dat bod
this desu
>Why is there no good abs/muscle fanservice in anime?
Jormungand had some, but it was a bit over the top at times.
Neets are intimidated by anything that doesn't match their perfect waifu standards, like purityfags.
probably for the same reason body builders are associated with gachimuchi
I thought it was fairly reasonable. Some jacked amazoness being a trained soldier is more believable than some regular looking girl with the being able to do the shit that Valmet does.
It's the age of twinks and fuccbois. If girls don't want muscly men, why would men like muscly girls?
>why would men like muscly girls?
They want to be princess-carried?
Last time I posted darkness in a bikini I got banned for 3 days
Mods are fucking fags
Because we need to be protected now that we are twinks.
I used to enjoy tsundere shounenshit quite a bit because the MC would get carried through the show by his love interest/s. That's the life right there. Being a stay at home dad.
Valmet is perfection
In the LN it's mentioned she's got a six-pack and she's incredibly self-conscious about it.
Nothing wrong with that.
Why not watch Shomin Sample?
Because it is a shit tier fetish along with feet and midriff
Wait till Attack on Titan
Mikasa has ABS OB STEEL
Because good fanservice requires girls that look good which eliminates the whole having abs part. If you are looking for more ab service you can't start adding qualifiers like being good because abs are shit.
Your faggotry has been noted