
fuck off with these threads nigger

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no one gives a shit about retards getting shot by the cops cuz they cant follow orders

fucking newfags

get the fuck off my board

I mean for christs sake, he dumped 14 rounds into the guy and then ONCE MORE IN THE HEAD once he was down.

fuck off shill, anyone who watches the video can see the guy was a fucking criminal.
They just ask to talk to him and he fucking runs off lmao

>i have no idea how gun fights work
>lol ill just wound him lmao

resign from shareblue right now shill.

LISTEN to that fucking mag dump

That guy was fucking retarded, showing the cops his gun, getting jumpy and then running away?

That said, dumping a mag into him was unnecessary

also sage

>be legally required to show cops your gun if you are carrying legally
>cops see gun, rush you, steal it and shoot you 15 times + once in the head

Where in Utah law does it say you have to show the officer your gun retard? They don't even have a duty to notify there, but they recommend it.

All the cop said was "do not reach for it" and instead of putting his hands in the air, staying calm, he starts getting erratic bolts the fuck off

How much do they pay you to be this fucking retarded?

A.) he did not run first, the cop rushed him without warning and he reacted instinctively
B.) You do have a duty to inform usacarry.com/duty-to-inform-laws/

How much do they pay you to lick their boots?

Dude, he clearly jumped first as the cop was walking up. Why didn't he put his hands in the air? Just calm down?

Why is he sitting there asking a cop "what are you doing" while bouncing around instead of just relaxing?

And dude, it says, right there, "if asked" for Utah in your own source you godforsaken windowlicker.

There is no requirement to brandish your pistol to a cop in Utah where this occurred

You said it yourself, it is recommended to inform and required if asked. He did the recommended thing and showed the cop his weapon. And he clearly reacted by jumping away as a random stranger quickly lunged at him. Would you not do the same?

>responding to a shill thread
>not saging at the minimum

>not reading post ID's
>not checking the catalog

holy shit, there's a difference between being jumpy, brandishing a gun, running, and being friendly, calm and VERBALLY informing the officer that you have a permit to carry concealed

like.. are you autistic?

He was not brandishing. He never touched his weapon. He was not being jumpy, he never moved until provoked to and responded clearly and intelligibly to the officer. He did not run, he was chased.

>a random stranger
nah, I think they were wearing cop uniforms, fucktard. And putting your hands in your pocket while talking to cops is rude and stupid. Fuck that dipshit, one less idiot in the world. Sage retarded threads.

Yeah bro, you do not show a gun in your waistband to a cop and then refuse to keep your hands away from it when asked. You. Do. Not. Do. That.

You're definitely being paid to be this obtuse, for sure.

I was skeptical until now about that shit, but here's another 50 cents bro. Or is does this mythical ShareBlue pay more?

>anyone who disagrees with me is a paid shill

Are we even watching the same video?


Do you think it is a good idea to show a concealed firearm to a uniformed officer, then refuse to keep your hands away from said firearm when asked?

Because if you do, I advise you not to concealed carry


>at 1:02 he reaches down suddenly

you know its reeally too bad one more piece of shit is off the streets

>Spic gets blasted for being a dumb nigger
>OP gets triggered


>getting shot with your own carry piece
the guy was shady as fuck but technically speaking, if the cop did take the guy's gun then the cop shot an unarmed man
>checkmate bootlickers

Please keep making these threads, it makes me hard to see these shitheads getting purged

I dont get this. I legally carry and have had interactions with the police and have managed not to get myself shot. Why can't these idiots just follow simple instructiins?

At this point it's like the police are TRYING to give fuel to Black Lives Matter and other anti-police groups.

They can't all be this incompetent and cowardly, can they?

Not all cops are reasonable. Not all conceal carries are reasonable. Eventually two idiots meet.

Once he gets his gun and tackles the man to the ground he should not be firing it. The officer acted in a panic.

Police are (literally) majority low IQ morons brainwashed to assume guilt before innocence, they are shown propaganda of horrific incidents caught on camera where police officers are in fact killed and trained to be in constant fear. Their physical training is subpar at best and I'm fairly sure most of them are physically incapable of tripping someone in a grapple with a foot or locking someone's arm up in close quarters situations.

These are FACTS. If we want our society to improve we need our police training to improve.

>"I don't have anything..."
>proceeds to show concealed firearm

That's what you have to do to kill someone immediately with pistol caliber.

I was carrying in my car one time. He asked me for my registration so I told him I had a pistol in the glovebox and I didn't feel comfortable opening it in front of him. He drew his tazer, ordered me out of the car, cuffed me on the curb, illegally searched my car and seized my firearm, disassembled it and casually tossed the sharp metal object on my car's fresh metal paint, and told me I was free to go. Never even told me what I was pulled over for. Never issued a warning or a ticket

The US is a laughing stock. Land of the """"""""""free"""""""""".

Absolutely not true.

Fucking beautiful, expert control for a unfamiliar gun. 10/10 that cop can shoot

EVERY SINGLE VIDEO about police brutality begins with a cop saying, hi, and some dude running away or fighting with him.

Not one of these videos has a dude just act like a normal person and do what the officer says.

Get your shit straight SHILLS
Stop responding to this fucking shit- guy is a fucking felon

> He did not run, he was chased.
I am not sure this sentence makes any sense.

except for Daniel Shaver

post proof. Also - did the cop know that at the time?

>reach for gun
>surprised that police react to you doing so
old video
and good riddance

He's enjoying his freedom to carry.

Freedom to be murdered by a cop.

>have gun
>get shot
Amerimutts think their guns keep them safe


are you trigerred bootlicker?

>Implying FELONS have freedom to carry.

he could have had that one perk from call of duty Last Stand
crazy world out there user

>live in europe
>acid attacks are on the rise
>lol refugees are fine

"Sanchez can be seen lifting his hoodie up as he explained to officers, "I don't have anything." At that time, officers spotted a pistol in Sanchez's waistband.

"He never would have pulled that gun on them," close friend Annette Olsen said. Sanchez met Olsen in 2008 while working with a construction crew on a remodel of her home. After construction jobs dried up following the recession, she offered him a job working at her dog kenneling business.

Olsen took Sanchez in, giving him a job and a place to stay with her Layton family eight years ago.

Sanchez was an ex-gang member, but left that life behind when he moved to Utah years ago, said Annette Olsen of Layton. “He’s a good kid. A really good kid,” Olsen said. “He had a really good heart. He loved everybody.”

“What frustrates me is he was in possession of firearms. He wouldn’t have hurt anyone, he liked to go target shooting,” she said. “I can see if he were robbing someone and he had a gun, but he just had (guns) in his house.”

>38 year old felon
>a really good kid

The cry of the communist nigger, "BOOTLICKER". Truly glorious

fuck cops and fuck black people

he was a felon chicano spic
don't defend those pieces of shit

t. dumb faggot that was here for zimmerman but not for dorner

Sup Forumss come full circle and now its back to old times
kys faggot statist

don't be bigotted against felons their fertility is way better than yours white boy, we raping all yo kids.

>shoot a man with his own gun
you've disarmed the threat and he isnt a threat anymore, why shoot him?

spics are children mentally

just observe the interaction, that fucking acts exactly like a middle schooler but he is well into his 40s

i must have interacted with that type dozens of times in my life they operate the mental level of a 12 year old

these people really should not be treated like adults or given the rights of adults, we live in a cruel society for expecting them to behave like adults


killing people and being white about it means following rules.

>have a gun
>act like an unstable autist around cops
>get shot

And the world keeps spinning, who cares. One less faulty bloodline in the world.

What is with all these fucking shill faggot threads?

The meme-saturation on "bootlicker" has exceeded its upper bollinger band. Sorry bud but it's lost it's potency because you commie shills have overused it. Le 52% face was original, provocative and a good source of you's. "Bootlicker" is not.

But explaining markets to you is probably pointless anyways.

>country of 400 million people
>1 cop kills a retard in bum fuck no where

fuck off retard.

still voting for trump again
>you nigger

Are you 12? Your English is horrible.

Niggers that think it's cool to "fuck da police" instead of just taking some time to comply and possibly sue the state for harassment or other crimes if they have been committed.
Real nigger brain power going on here.
>inb4 triggered
Our people are the ones pulling them

Confirmed jewish larper.


>legally concealed carrying

Jail him

It took the whole leaf's brain power to identify that the BLM flag was a LARPer

>1 cop
Cop literally kill more innocent people every year then Islamic terrorist

>making it a racial issue
how much of a brainlet can you be?

Sure you are, rabbi.

Considering you can't put a dead man on trail, this is technically true.

For the board that prided itself on electing the guy that was gonna "drain the swamp (lol yeah hows that going)" you faggots sure do love these cops who are the paid enforcers of the people that live in the swamp. It's like your so fucking retarded you protest the king and kiss the ass of the knights who protect them. I just don't get it.


>handcuffing a dead body

Kek first thing I thought
In that case theyre all innocent until proven guilty. They just die innocent.

> Laying down and you're thinking about what the fuck just happened
> And then the cop unloads the clip on you while you're down

Fuck sake, man

I would like to have this guy with me during a zombie outbreak for sure holy shit

I think it's just a bunch of necessary shills organizing to make poor arguments to keep all of us on the side of the cops. Either that or I'm growing past Sup Forums at this point.

> Cop: "hey, come here i want to talk to you"
> Me: "sure thing officer. But before we talk, i would like to let you know i legally carry a concealed weapon. Would you like me to give it to you?"

>have talk.

Is it really that hard? wtf...

>Shoots him literally 17 times, with two delayed, aimed shots to the head


The majority of the time, it will be white cops who are trigger happy.

The fact that you recognize that it could be, but understand that it might not be means you're well on your way to your second point.

I feel like this has to be a massive bait campaign to keep everyone right wing. These arguments are just so shit. I can't imagine anyone really being on the opposition and thinking this way.

Guy was a retard. Nigs act the same way and that's why they get shot by cops

do you jerk off thinking about how does his boots taste like?

Fucking a xddddd

In america we don't just roll over and show our papers like dogs. Police are public servants and they should act like it.

Really sucks that niggers make white cops so nervous. Imagine a world without'em!

>Dead spic
>Spic was a Felon
>Felon illegally possessing firearm
Glad that cop cleaned up one piece of trash. I hope he gets to kill some more.

The majority of the time, serial killers will be white. Think white people have a killing problem.

>EU flag
The mask is slipping on this board wide LARP.

The majority of the time, pedos will be white guys.

He 'flashed his gun' and they said: "DO NOT REACH FOR IT."

Then this dumbass makes a move to reach for it. They rush him, a shot goes off (wonder how that happened), then they empty the clip into him.

Pay attention, this mexibro was going to shoot at those cops. You've obviously never seen a gunfight or any crime ever.

>we got a call about you carrying a gun where its legal to carry guns
>"why are you wasting the police's time by answering pointless calls officer?"
>*empties whole mag into you and your corpse*
>"I was afraid for my life, judge. Especially how i tackled him, stole his gun and shot him till he died."

Jesus Christ that magdump forced a little precum out of my half chub

Yeah, but the american negro has fucked it all up with its animalistic behaviour. They are the cause why all these police officers are so on edge all the time..

This shit just didnt happen a few decades ago.

>all felons are bad, so cops are justified in shooting them
>cops get to decide who is and isn't a felon

Seems legit