Is getting drunk with your friends really this fun?

Is getting drunk with your friends really this fun?

I don't know you tell me

How would I know?

Very much so.

>Is getting drunk really this fun?
Yes, it is but only when you are a happy drunk.

Nah, Singing drunk is the best drunk.

Can be yes.

OP, I don't believe in the drunk meme.

Drunk people are just pretending.

Tried to get drunk in my earlier years and no matter how much I drank, was unable to experience the fabled drunken state. I did notice I was starting to get a little dizzy and tired but after my attempt to get drunk, I stopped because I believe if I drank anymore, I would have blacked out.

Unless being drunk means you feel tired and fizzy, I don't believe in those sparkly bubble drunken state I was told about in fictional media.

>I drank, was unable to experience the fabled drunken state
Ar you stupid? Then drink something else. I get it with cola and rum quiet easily.

You got drunk or at least tipsy. You're just being an "enlightened" faggot about the whole thing.

They weren't his friends. Is this ok?

same here nothing does it for me i honestly just end up getting bored of drinking

>little dizzy and tired
You were barely buzzed.

Sometimes I forget what a hive of autism this place is.

Drunk people are just pretending.
I do it sometimes its fun to make people think I'm drunk. I only really get drunk off spirits.

Yes but I don't get drunk much now I need to again shit was fun. It takes a lot to get me drunk feels weird man~ I guess I can just tolerate it since I've been drinking since I was like 8 or 9.

No, but taking acid with friends is really that fun.

I think it's a personality thing. If you're a party guy, being drunk makes the party more fun. If you're an uptight salaryman who won't let go it won't improve your social life.

But anyway, in anime, being drunk is often confused with being high.

How's being a slav?

It can be, as long as nobody is TOO drunk.

If you have friends you trust. Of course you can have a lot of fun being drunk. Though being drunk with people you know is another story. Depends what kind of personality you have. If your a attractive and extroverted you might be fine.

I don't drink though since I'm the one who drives.

>he never got drunk with Sup Forumsnons

It can be but if you're an anti-social retard it won't be

Not as fun as getting high with friends

Why would you be on Sup Forums then?
It's true though that being drunk with friends can be great.

I skim through Sup Forums occasionally and feel nostalgic.

not him but depressing.

more depressing if you're a slav and can't drink

So you tried to leave too?
I guess we're all stuck here one way or another.

leave the country then? All memes aside germany is full of slavs and the ones who deslav them selfes aren't that bad.
But I guess I just got lucky with my parents moving here.

>Drunk people are just pretending
Yea, Americans are pathetic in that regard.

Drinking is an art, there's a subtle balance between "barely anything" and "might as well go to bed"


i am on the same boat user, it fucking hurts
>being sober in a nation of alcoholics
at least there is anime

i would't matter where i live, it's a state of mind

Yeah, it's the only way to make your friends fun.



>3D life
Why? This is a 2D board. Anyway all alcohol does to me is make me "feel" jollier. The next day when I remember what I did and how my life is still shit, I just feel like rotten assholes as usual.
Normies go assplode.

>go to a friend's house with some other people
>shit's going fine we're all playing games, talking, having fun and laughing
>they bring out the drinks
>everyone starts acting like an idiot or straight out sleeping on the couch
>the fun is over
I just wanted to play Mario Kart.

>All these posts without screenshots of drunk partying
Let's post drunk fun.

Yes, but getting drunk alone is even better. It's great for rewatching anime.


Being drunk is incredibly fun as long as you don't embarass yourself.


Unrelated, but my mother told me this one bar story of hers from back in her biker chick days (as in she owned the fucking bike and her own leathers...). This biker group found out that one of their boys was in his late 20's and still a virgin, so they all payed some old toothless whore (literally toothless. She was famous for gumjobs) who hung out there to take him out back and blow him. When they left the room, they all snuck out the front door and around the building to hide in the bushes and watch. When the guy was getting ready to finish, they all jumped out of the bushes and started whooping and cheering for him.
That's when it's the most fun!

>Unless being drunk means you feel tired and fizzy, I don't believe in those sparkly bubble drunken state I was told about in fictional media.
t. American

Without alcohol an autist such as myself would never have had any enjoyable (and some regrettable) social experiences growing up.

Drink properly or don't drink at all.

Why is Marseille such a goddess?

What about the depressing singing drunk combo?

Not liking the taste of alcohol is a very weak excuse for not drinking since there are entire industries based around hiding that very taste.

kazuma was a dick for not letting meme drink a little. there arent any drinking age laws in iseike land, otherwise aqua would be constantly sobre. maybe once she turns 14 and is in his "strike zone" he will get her really drunk and....


you seem to think that being drunk "makes" you do things, when in reality it just makes you care less about the consequences

That reminds me. She also told me about this time she won a drinking contest because the guy was dumb (or drunk) enough to let her go to the bathroom, during which she threw up her drink.
She had to do it a few times, but she got $100 out of it.

>when in reality it just makes you care less about the consequences
Wisdom right there.

Unusual things I did while drunk were always things I had at least a mild inclination to do when sober but would normally be too concerned about the consequences.

Of course this does leave you liable to lasting regret when you sober up.

That's smart.

>tfw drunk on caffene

Anyone else posted on Sup Forums while drunk before?

I remember I had an argument with another user something about Re:Zero after drinking, and I usually avoid arguments

I've never enjoyed drinking alone because for me alcohol is merely a social lubricant.

That's not how it works, user. In fact, it's not exactly safe to combine large quantities of caffeine and alcohol.

>you seem to think that being drunk "makes" you do things, when in reality it just makes you care less about the consequences

basically this

>Anyone else posted on Sup Forums while drunk before?
I always drink on the weekends at home, so that's a given.

Joke's on you, I'm doing that right now!
You're waifu's shit by the way.

>tfw I'm a Slav and I haven't been drunk even once in my entire life

It's 9:15 in the morning. Calm down, son.

It's 23:15 here on the moon though.

This guy is the only person in this thread that knows what they're talking about.