Boomer Hate Thread II

When they inherited the country
>It was 90% white
>Was a huge net creditor
>It had never lost a war
>It was a technological superpower, going to the Moon every other year
>You could get a job in 20 minutes by simply shaking hands with the manager
>College, medical care, and housing were so cheap they were practically free
>No STD's to speak of, except some mild clap
>Virgin marriage was a realistic possibility
>You could actually work your way up the job ladder without college
>Blacks were segregated, therefore whites could live in peace crime free

And now the country they're passing on to their grandkids
>Is 62% white, and dropping rapidly
>Is a huge net debtor
>Rarely wins a war, most wars are fought for dubious reasons
>Has left space, never to return (feeding brown people is more important)
>College, medical care, and housing are impossible to afford without vast insurance&loan schemes
>The Education system is infused with radical political narratives, churning out mentally unstable loners
>Job prospects are dim, even for college graduates. Large swaths of the population live with their parents
>50% of the population is unmarried, most marriages end in divorce.
>Racism has become the original sin of whites, for which we can only atone through our own ethnic cleansing
>Want to visit Europe? Hope you survive

Great job guys

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Boomers are the first generation raised wholly by kikes. They grew up with a talmundvision in every house

that granny has a nice smile. I'd fuck her

Never change Sup Forums, never change

if you have shitty boomer parents make sure you put them up in a retirement home near the ghetto.

I love my parents



More people need to be aware of the boomer menace.They destroyed America... their sins will NOT be forgotten


this should be a requirement going forward , boomers need to experience our pain at least one day in their lives

>Earlier this year during the Huricane Irma aftermath, ELEVEN boomers were left to die agonizing deaths in a nursing home literally across the street from a hospital.
because they're niggers

Everyone seems to hate the millennials, but seems to forget that it was the boomers who raised the millennials.

couldn't agree more
they deserve a taste of their own medicine

Can't wait for the day of the nursing home

I had it wrong. 14 people died and only 1 was a boomer. So this is what boomers do to the generation before them.


>boomers side one: "we luvz dah jew"
>side two: "Idslam is dah religion of peace"

>You fuking kiddddz we was the greatest genaration
"no, that was your parents
>ohwhwhw, and they didnt tolerats such bak talk
"likely because you were retarded, and just believed whatever anyone told you."
>Oh fuckin kidz deaz dayz
"The younger generation is GenZ, I'm 32"

>>Has left space, never to return (feeding brown people is more important)

To me this is the worst part. I remember being really excited to see humanity progress beyond our planet and we've had a bit of a regression in that regard.

Boomers will literally be the last religious generation of Americans. Which should be a good thing.

>ohhoohoh I outa, you duz all dis degenratet shit
"no that's the leftist, and they're a lot like you"
>oooohh we didnt have all dez tranies, and shit
"Yeah because that wasn't around back then. It's here now because you don't even try and fight against it.
>ohohoh we voted trumpz
Yes, but you unironically thought Obama, and Bush were great leaders.

>ohhahah You're such a little ingrate
No, I'm just calling out the fact that even in spite of your parents most profuse warnings, you still let the western world collapse, and left us holding the bag.

They want weapons. They're literally parking asteroids around the moon. Not to mention just firing off tungsten rods. These are all many megatons.

Slave away to pay for my benefits goy

>ohaoha we grewz up in a good Christian houshold
yes, you can thank your mother, and father for that.
>yu kidz dont even readz the biblez
Yeah, we do, and we study it every day. You didn't read it at all, you just listened to what some pastor told you.
>whelles you call for Christians to be violent.
no I call for Christians to defend themselves, and prioritize the fates of other Christians. There's nothing biblical about peace at all cost. Only Christ, and Peter did that, and they were ordered to do so.
>ohhahah that's not thez bible I red
No, it's the bible you never read. You're alive today because Christians fought, and died against incursions from the outside.

Literally any conversation with a boomer.

Boomers should be stripped of their government retirements. All that money should go towards fixing the mess they made.

They also retire early and get bored. Then the steal entry level jobs. They will take less money, less hours and some companies look just for then.

Come home, white man.

Its too late, they already lived their lives.

I, too, blame all my problems on others instead of having the fortitude, constitution, and will power to overcome them myself.

I dont talk to either of my parents anymore

Im going to court against my dad next week because he literally stole $1 million from a Trust fund set up by my grandfather for my brother and I despite him being a multi millionaire himself(and not even a trustee)

Boomers will get it first on the day of the rope


Holy shit I had a boomer substitute teacher exactly like this, he did fuck all

Boomers are zombie victims of the time when Jews had almost 100% control of media culture in the west. The internet is the only reason we're not just like them.

How ironic that Horsey himself is one of the biggest anti-white leftist boomers that exist.

boomers would rather their children get killed before they spare away a single shekel

The boomers have really fucked up the Western world for us.

However this means that it is our chance to become similar to the greatest generation, and save it from the worst threat the West has ever seen.

But fuck the boomers.

The boomers are exactly what happens when the Jews are in total unopposed control of a Western nation

Which is exactly why (((they))) are trying to control it so much
The internet freed us from constant properganda

you will be first to be hanged on the day of the rope you boomer fuck

The last great generation defeated the romans in the Teutoburg forest 2008 years ago.

Your image appears to be satire, but what exactly is it making fun of?

Is there something wrong with civic nationalism?

>unironically posting horsey
OP is an enormous faggot, just like most shitlennials.

>Is there something wrong with civic nationalism?
Yeah, it's not nationalism and all it does is slow the decline not stop it.

>rejected the mores of the greatest generation
>"we're gonna retire now. here's the $20,000,000,000,000 federal debt + the $70,000,000,000,000 unfunded entitlement liabilities bill"

you're getting hung too you hook nosed bastard!

Boomers gets btfo by WW2 Vet

>My rent: more than 1/2 of what I make a month, living in a small apartment with 2 other people.
>Boomers rent: only 1/5 all to themselves, and everything else is cheap.
>Me: getting attacked by niggers and mexicans
>Boomers: Separate water fountains.

We need a boomer genocide.


What’s the final solution to the BQ, Sup Forums?

I believe he was in the Korean War.

I wanna cleft this daft cunt, drawing up my fucking grandmum like that. Shitcakes gotta be given A fucking lesson for all I care

>claims you don't know the value of a dollar
>'invested' $4000 in goddamn Beanie Babies back in 1998
And to think, the economy was actually strong enough stupid shit like that didn't bankrupt them.

Wait 15 years.

Those boomers are the only thing holding the far-right up. Show some respect.

Gen Z is fine with tyrannys for the most part. Who cares anymore. Identity politics is gay.

could you cry some low sodium tears for me?

Boomers RAUS

The solution to the BQ is a sad one because once they're gone as a final fuck you they'll absolutely tank the white percentage.


Do you realize the youngest boomers are only 52-53?
You have 2 more generations of us telling you what to do.
Thanks for the laugh, kid

Literally everything.

>Blaming boomers instead of the Jew
Why are mutts so blue-pilled. Is it because you feel guilt? Because you helped destroy the last chance the world had for ethnonationalism? Because you destroyed the last chance of a ethnically pure, eugenically strong nation? Because you sided with the jew over your own blood? Is this what you are ashamed of? Because none of these things were done by the boomer. They were done by the "Greatest Generation" under the tender guidance of your jewish overlords.

Never forget mutts. You did this.

Logan's Run, probably.

>have Gen X parents
wew dodged a bullet there

At least they'll be dead soon.

>Is there something wrong with civic nationalism?
There's no such thing. Civic nationalism is the niggers and spics bidding their time until they have the majority so they can destroy every last trace of superior european blood.

You mutts disgust me

Please only fill out the survey for the ethnicity that best represents your heritage.





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og thread for anyone interested

>>You fuking kiddddz we was the greatest genaration
>"no, that was your parents

And even then, there was nothing great about a bunch of young adults that were dragged by force, shipped to their ancestral homelands to kill the Germans who opposed the judeo-bolshevik domination. The only ones exempt are those who signed (not drafted) to the pacific front.

They are part of the problem, decades have passed and they still haven't learned shit , the jew got them good. Theres no saving them, the only thing we can do is get rid of them to accelerate the restructure of western civilization

>Blaming boomers instead of the Jew
>Never forget mutts. You did this.
Really makes me think.

>tfw ((((((((THEEEEEEEY))))))))) were so thirsty for aryan blood they even bombed Swiss cities and got away with it.

>claims to fight against bigotry and prejudice
>stigmatizes elders on account of prejudice
Horseys dilemma.

Boomers are experts at spending other peoples money but their own

For us non amerisharts, what's the deal with boomers?

>hating old people over bull shit the jews started
I bet you live your life angry,
its not even the old fuckers faults, its the jews who ruined this country ww2 is what turned this country flip side, its also jewish judges and law makers who made blacks have rights and women too vote. Jews have been crying 6 million and other crimes that euros commited over here and got people to ball for them, liberalism is what is destroying the country aswell.

52% effective income tax for programa I'll never get to use myself, fuck you


I see this all the time, but did the boomers really have it so good? I mean my parents didnt have a ton of money. When they moved out, they had to live paycheck to paycheck, they weren't rolling in money.

They tell me that rent was just as expensive as them as it is for us, and they had to have multiple people in a small apartment and only get the necessities. People act like boomers were living in luxury but that's not the story I often get.

>Anti-tax is bad
How are you doing leftpol faggot

There are many of them, they presided over the decades when America went from superpower to power in decline. They opened the borders and let in the third world. They destroyed the nuclear family, led to cultural decay. They ran up debt on every level: Personal, corporate, and governmental. They expect to be paid richly from pension funds and healthcare plans while younger generations struggle to get any work at all. When the young do get jobs, they get taxed to pay for the already-wealthy boomers' pensions and debts.

How old are your parents? If they were in highschool in the 80s then that makes sense. People are talking about the ones that grew up in the 50's

>Don't blame us for looting the state and making a mockery of the hard work of those before us... we're goyim as well! just like you!

The bill is due, they knew what was coming and they still did what they did.

The solution is simple.

Impose a 100% death tax on all assets transferred via will. The State then can recoup the prohibitive costs involved in taking care of them and the collection would ensure the State has money to fund future generations.

It is the only equitable solution to this grave misalignment of resources.

>>rejected the mores of the greatest generation

No that was guys like Kissinger that did that and he was WWII generation.

And he's still wielding power today.

Go and look at the polls back in the 70's 80's 90's etc...nobody wanted colored immigration. NOBODY.

We got it anyway.

Don't blame us.

It's the jews stupid.

Pull your mesmerized face out of your iPhone and engage yourself in the real world.

The hippies were the worst thing to happen in history, deliberately destroying culture because they took shrooms and got soooo enlightened maaan.

My parents are 60 and 58.

>not 67 years old

You are retarded

They might have just been poorfags

Red was based.

My dad bought a two story house, with 3 bedrooms 1.5 baths in the city for 44K making 25K a year as a highschool drop out in 1985. I make 65K a year and just the cost to rent a place is a 1/3 of my income before taxes.

yeah - ok. Im libertarian. Everything else in that pic is right tho


Let me guess, your landlord is a boomer?

Don't forget importing millions of immigrants for cheap labour.

Yeah - regardless if a high school drop out or doctor, both would have a higher income per hour in terms of actual value in 1985 than the same situation or job today.

Wages have stagnated and property prices have skyrocketed and boomers are COMPLETELY brainwashed


uh...we didn't do that, dipshit. We got screwed by that.
Maybe you think that we should have voted against it?

Oh wait you think we live in a democracy where people can vote on important issues like immigration?


You millennials and your naivety are so adorable...

Yep. Im trying to save up enough to buy a plot of land in full, like 10 acres, and just homestead off as little money a year I can get away with.

got cucked out of cheap machine guns too

The fact remains: labor hasn't kept up with house prices due to cheap labor from immigration, so this will ruin boomers also

Racism is wrong. The TV that only has 2 channels told me so. LMAO look how silly Archie Bunker is. Happy Days said it's okay to race mix. Fonzie is so cool. Martin Luther King is the greatest American to ever exist. BRB going to go die fighting my fellow white men to stop them from hurting innocent Jews. Democrats are the real racists, they invented the KKK and the Nazi's were socialists