Search "boot-licker, bootlicker"

>search "boot-licker, bootlicker"
>almost zero frequency of use here
>suddenly appears in every post, new memes
Can someone redpill me on this new forced meme.

Lurk moar

shareblue/shill raid
you can tell what their objective is pretty easily, identify multiple threads about the same topic, usually the same pic, video or article source used too...
this time around they want people to lash out against the cops for shooting white criminals because muh white solidarity and muh white lives matter, so that the legacy media can create another mass posting of stories highlighting the (((manufactured))) "hypocrisy" of the alt-right for condemning BLM but then getting upset at police brutality when it suits them...

the reality is though that nobody thinks it's a good thing for police to be militarized... the more powerful the police are, the easier it is to implement martial law and the NWO like Alex Jones types are constantly predicting.

I see. So watch for false flag of white folk acting like pic related.

someone or some group has been shilling these cop killing videos and it's annoying as fuck

Boot licker is what leftists use to recognise eachother, usually ACAB faggots with no respect for anything

/Leftypol/ trannies trying to make Sup Forums hate authority.

At least CIAniggers were kind of funny with the mutt/52% memes.

a nu name for stormfag

It's either another shill raid or a bunch of anons from another board trying to be funny. Just ignore their threads.

The rampant shilling is ubiquitous, almost like background noise, but their memes are so morbidly shitty.

Sup Forums is an authoritarian board

it is also a board of peace. and it's always right.

bootlicker is a meme from /fa/ those sick basterds


Lefties hate cops because they're generally pretty redpilled. Sucks to be in a big town where they are controlled by leftists, but ultimately I think they would not support a coup and that's why the left is trying to turn popular opinion against them.

David Brock is trying to get the public to hate cops yet again with a video from 2016, Antifa failed to do what it was supposed to do despite constant yelling at the sky, the sky is still intact and not falling, so he's resorting to making niggermatters get upset with his mediamatters, which in turn makes sorosmatters and opensourcematters get upset to the point that the globalistmatters get upset with the FBImatters

Explain the low effort pro-Christian or anti-atheist slide threads please..

Its just JIDF creating slide threads

Bootlicker has been around since the 1860's, it's referring people who are servile and obsequious. People are labelled bootlickers for being more partial to police, and undermining civil liberties for maintaining the facade of authority.

checked , this the second day of cop shilling
>catalog at this moment

Everyone knows the definition you retarded commie twat.

I hope you get death macarena'd

It's a /leftypol meme that they are using as bait , nothing new tbqh I want them to leave but as they are NEET they think what they do here counts as subversion

I posted the one with the sandnigger

Are you fucking retarded? I've been using and seeing bootlicker for a while now. It's just more people are realizing that these nigger police officers are getting out of hand.

t. kike