
How will Part 5 top or be on par with Part 4 in terms of OP or sound in general?

Like specifically, what sound would King Crimson have?

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I can't look into the future.

I'll be spending most of the time waiting for best boy to turn up. If they fuck up his scenes I'll be out for blood.

Shit forgot pic


I hate gay priest.

Go to bed, Weather

I want to marry Narancia.

f-fuck off wes

5 and 6 have great potential for OPs, moreso than 4. DP will do a good job I'm sure, they've done the best possible job they could with the shoestring budget and little time they have to do each adaptation.

What if all of Pucci's family were really into incest and Pucci just didn't know about it? Like while he was laying awake in bed tormented over Perla unknowingly fucking Wes, Perla was jubilantly sucking off her Dad while the Mom rimmed her long-lost son Wes as he fucked his Dad in the ass
>'It's so good to have you back, son! We get to be a family again!'
>'Shame that little faggot Enrico can't be here'
>'Ha ha ha ha ha'

You just haven't accepted our lord and savior DIO user.

delet this

Did they ever confirm if he was Catholic or Protestant? Haven't read part 6 in a while and I know jack shit about religion

Protestant because Emporio's clothes came off during MIH and Pucci made no attempt to molest him

Anyone know where I can find that video that summarizes steel ball run in just a few seconds?

It might have been a voiced comic strip, but I know I saw it as a video.

Johnny said something along the lines of "Gyro I know we have to win this horse race, but jesus christ told me to kill the president"


Thanks user. But I swear to god I've heard this voiced somewhere


Underrated post.

Catholic iirc, it also fits better with his whole denial thing since the Catholic Church says believing in fate and predestination is heretical and Pucci is already the least Catholic man you could think of so why not go all the way.

What is this

pucci is good priest

j o j o r e f e r e n c e

So you saying that the Pillar men has been hired to be the presidents bodyguard?


He's good, but pretty bad at the whole priest thing.

Can't believe I only just made the conscious realization that Pucci is a priest and his twin has fucking horns


Thanks again user. I'm in your debt

Why do they all look like goanimate characters?

This is so retarded and unfunny

This is disgusting.

Post possible OP names for the part 5 anime

>End of King Crimson


it's Catholic, there's the part with the confession booth

Golden X
Crimson Y
Silver Z

I dunno what the second words should be but naming them after Gold Experience, King Crimson and Silver Chariot would be cool and you could have them all affect the OP in some way until the GER episode where all KC and CR's meddling is undone, then play a sad sounding orchestral version of the last OP for Sleeping Slaves.

protestants don't confess their sins?

Anime only here

just started reading part 5, how is gio dio's son?
its johns testicles right?

Yeah he's got 2 dads. Vampires and shit you know.

Part 6 makes all previous parts irrelevant so don't worry about it, it's like all of them never existed.

dio's and jonathan's dna mixed so giorno technically has 3 parents

Please don't start this shit.

hes right tho

It doesn't erase the prior parts it only erases itself.

The universe at the end of part 6 is the same universe as part 1-5, except Pucci never existed. The characters from part 6 still meet because Gravity.

It does, Josuke, Giorno etc didn't meet for no reason anyone in part 6 (even though stands attract each other and fate and shit) and died while doing literally nothing. All that OP power that Giorno had was for nothing, Araki got tired and just killed everyone. We got 2 great parts after but still, everyone before part 6 that ever did anything was completely useless.


Pay attention, Made in Heaven doesn't kill people it keeps them alive to the end of time unless Pucci kills them himself.

no it doesnt. post-MIH josuke, jotaro, giorno etc. are different characters and all parts from 3 to 6 happen differently. basically anything and anyone that was even slightly influenced by pucci's existence is different post-MIH because he doesnt exist anymore, so dio never met him and behaves differently, so the stardust crusaders are influenced by him differently, and so on

>Jolyne and Giorno never met

Why is Jolyne Irene and Anasui that other guy then?

Butterfly effect.

Why is Emporio still Emporio?

Because having different memories makes you a different person that was the whole moral of FF and Weather's character arcs. Their souls are the same but their memories are different so they're different people.

Because he was actually carried over, the others died in the first universe so when Made in Heaven was undone they didn't have any memories to keep.

Well, to be honest, we don't know how much of influence Pucci was to Dio's plan during Stardust Crusades arc. At the end we basically see everyone that was influenced by Pucci and how they're another person now, but I doubt it influenced things enough to actively changed anything from 3/4/5.

I hope they go with a gangster noir crime movie sort of vibe, but with some rock too

Like bits with certain villains or slower bits where they're discussing plans could sound like something from bitches brew, but scenes with lots of action could have more of a vibe like The Velvet Underground or something

I have a retarded theory about Gappy.
I was looking good for Jobin panels and I thought hay maybe Gappy spat at Jobin instinctively - Well maybe it's Kira that "jerked" him into doing that. Kira knew the family and the rock men. Could be possible he knew Jobin and was sending Gappy a warning by making him spat at Jobin.
Same with Gappy getting serious, the stray bubble during the Vit. C fight and such. Kira is there in spirit helping Gappy without him openly knowing it.

Or maybe I'm over thinking it and just want to sleep on Kaato's tits

>My best boy turns up
>Gets all quality other than the 7 page Muda
>Secco gets all the love and budget

not in confessional booths
that's a catholic thing

protestants typically just directly confess sins/ask forgiveness in their prayers. the whole concept of having to go through a priest to communicate with god is a catholic thing

What will Jobin do to become a great antagonist, so far we had one cool beetle fight but it's not enough. His philosophy is also meh. We all know he will stir some shit up, could he kill one of his siblings or his dad?

He is going to kill Yasuho

To be fair the villain's philosophy rarely scratches the surface of what they're actual motivation is. I can honestly see some Pucci tier tragedy in his past coming up which would go a long way in making him cool. There's a ways to go yet and we're only like halfway into JoJolion so I don't think it's fair to judge him just yet.

if he kills his son or his dad or both he'd be pretty evil

Can't wait to see Secco grab Doppio

>how will part 5 top or be on part with part in terms of OP
hopefully the trend of the OPs just getting better and better keeps up, topping great days would be hard though
>what sound would King Crimson have
more fart noises

I cann see that (or at least almost killing her) and because of that Joshu helping Gappy defeat him (he's a dick but he will do something good).


Why didn't Jotaro just call the police?

Why didn't Jotaro just fly?

He only flies when you really piss him off


I hope they don't go with farts for KC, they should downplay the visuals/sounds for when he's just casually using his ability, to really sell how unsettling and mysterious it is.
and then when KC does something big like punching a hole through Bruno that's the moment that the audio queue comes in and they hit us with his theme

but it shouldn't be farts it should be a reverse sound effect or like a rewinding sound mixed with other stuff to make it sound cool.

they'll definitely do something cool with the "after images" trailing sort of visual effect, and fart sounds feel like more of a time stop thing

Can't wait for Metallica vs KC

>"funny" voices
>obvious overused jokes
>randumb animations
Why is normalfag humor so disgusting?

part 5 especially sucked, 4/10




Is Araki our guy?



>resorts to sleeping with diavolo because bruno started paying attention to giorno more
Slut had it coming

Giorno has 3 dad's
His adoptive one.

HA what a fag


Nothing wrong with being a fag.

Araki you hack! Where is my chapter of Jolyne meeting Giorno?!

Sorry it's shit, did it on paint. Was expecting Valentine on there since he's my second favourite but he didn't crop up surprisingly.

Why didn't Jotaro just "Same type of stand"?


This is one of the best things Araki has done, just wow.

How fast can we get?

>making sense in jojo

What was the point of making him son of DIO anyway? It has no relevancy to the story

>Soft & Wet 2: Football Bogaloo

Confused Killer Queen.jpg

Feel free to show the page where Giorno fights Pucci.

Tying him to the Joestar family and showing that you can be your own person even in the shadow of your forebears.

It's DIO's body now. So yeah, he has the mix of joestar and brando blood, but he's DIO's son.

Here you go