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I thought she wore a swimsuit
Best girl
Will best girl Lusamine appear?
Confirmed already. Lychee as well.
>Team Rocket pokemon for this season are Mimikyu and Mareanie
Not only that but they won against Ash for the first time.
they better ot fuck up the blummenkantz moments.
Great episode
>Mimikyu is fueled by rage against Pikachu
Post more of blue hair please she is my favorite
Wait a fuck! Who the hell goes swimming with their flipflaps on?
>Wait a fuck!
Water Pokemon masters, that's who.
Lana is a grail.
>Team Rocket got a victory before Ash won a league
Good, he deserves nothing
They get way more shots.
Was this really necessary?
At last!!
Let's hope for some Acerola in the future.
Yes. Are you some sort of homosexual?
What did they win?
Empty pride
Did they at least catch pikachu for an episode or two?
What does Suiren's swimsuit smell like?
Why is she so lewd?
Milk and salty poke blocks.
Nope. The bear stopped them.
How does she swim with flipflops?
They really know what the fans want
What happened to the rest of it?
>cucked by a giant pink faggot
Well, at least Suiren is cute.
No idea. On a related note,
Porygon had a hard life
>tfw the way Mimikyu walks has this squeeky sound
I wish Mimikyu was as cute in the anime as it is in the game.
Well that pink faggot is pretty strong
Rest In RIP, Meowth
Why is pokemon starting to sexualize loli
Why not?
They are no part of the Olympics anymore, They got nothing to lose.
a better question is how did little kids become gym leaders and members of the elite four.
like what the fuck
how does a 6 year old manage to become as experienced as a seasoned veteran doing that shit for 30 years
That's nothing new.
>They are no part of the Olympics anymore,
Sheer talent. Even the elite four can only handle their speciality. Merely being able to use any pokemon without trouble marks you out as being one of the best of the best or a rival. With that sort of hurdle, no wonder children can make it big.
Or you can be like Rosa in Faithful Tepig 2 and rise to the top that way.
The loli ban.
Make way for the real best girl
is this the new Weepingbell?
Top loli, need more chinese porn comics
it was obvious this was going to be a jamesmon
I'm just afraid these days.
About fucking time, this degenerate pedo shit must burn.
Dragging her off to JAV pool land.
Do you even know where you are?
You have low IQ if you're missing the whole point. How's that low income job you have going?
My wife Lilie is so cute.
Good thing everyone's realized this by now. She continuously gets truckloads of new artwork.
Borb best girl
It's male
No webms of swimsuit Lilie?
Best boy, then. It should replace Ash in the Gen 8 anime
Team Rocket 2017.
But who will win the Ashbowl?
edit when?
Why is Mallow so sexual?
brown girl
What's that thing on her arm
It's been more then three years since loli was banned. Boy I sure do miss it.
Just have to endure until the Olympics are over and everything will go back to normal.
The fuck happened to his hair.
Muh fucking dick
Changed so it was made for breeding with Mareanie.
>tfw SM fixed Team Rocket
What was this referencing again? It looks familiar.