Drop some black pills
Drop some black pills
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whites will be a minority by 2050 if they don't start fucking like rabbits
Atomic weapons don't exist
Canada is a hologram. Australia will murder you and send a robot back in your place.
Reasons for pain. Reasons for sadness. Reasons for life. Reasons for death. Reasons why their lives were filled with suffering. Reasons why their deaths were absurd. [Humans] wanted reasons for the destiny that kept transcending their knowledge. And I produce those, as it is what I have been brought into existence for.
It takes an incredible amount of hubris to create people without their consent.
They say 80% of women go for the top 20% of men.
Most of those men will get married if they want, and the majority of those women will die alone.
The MAJORITY of 80% of women will die alone.
Basically 50% of women will die alone, and 70% of men will die alone.
We are nearing the end of the white race.... obviously this is only affecting white people. Niggers pop out kids without thinking about it
Christianity is actually a bluepill, Jesus never rose from the grave, God doesn't exist, and all meaning emerges from the minds of sentient beings.
>They say 80% of women go for the top 20% of men.
>They say
>(((They))) say
Will you ameritards ever learn?
is this a math equation wtf? /genx
>be a Ben Stiller atheist bugman
>think you're the enlightened one
user, I...
I've witnessed it myself...... I grew up in a test tube experiment.
My towns population was about 17,000. There were only 1,000 kids at my high school.
So really it wasn't that hard to work the statistics out.
10-15 guys were sleeping with all of the attractive women.
the holocaust happened because German Empire didn't want to pay the jews for rebuilding
You are many, many more times likely to contract a fatal STD compared to your ancestors.
Jeb just called me and told me there's a low energy LARPer on Sup Forums I should see, he directly linked to this post.
it becomes a redpill again if you understand the romans invented christianity to tame messianic jews and trick them into worshipping the caesar as god
see caesar's messiah documentary and book by joe atwill
>caesar's messiah
quick rundown please?
And now some of these used up skanks are getting married. It's funny to watch these guys scoop up the left over cunt off of the curb.
Sad really
I stopped reading after this cuck tried to argue marriage was a technological form of reproductive discipline. That's why the human population has continued to rise exponentially ever since the introduction the agricultural revelation..
the true black pill is that civilization itself is the cancer that's destroying this whole planet. Humans and their ancestors lived on this planet for billions of years without a problem. It wasn't until the agricultural revelation that truely started to fuck up this planet. Humans have single-handedly continued to destroy ecosystems and species all at exponential rates. When humans took themselves out of nature, they didn't evolve, in-fact they did the opposite. They took themselves out of the evolutionary process.
Regardless of what you're doing in the present, you will die.
Yeah but that ruined the whole purpose of the roman republic and after Caesar they became bankrupt. They had to beg their own populace for money which was then wasted on more stupid projects.
Notice anything?
I'm betting you will put anything that is black in your mouth.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
DEVO was right.
We should all just focus on on our lives and ignore current events
Getting rid of all the Jews won't stop the Jewish agenda. It's organic jumped ship into virtually half of whites.
time spent on Sup Forums is time you could have spent doing something with your life
(((Skeptics))) like yourself are pathetic and hurt validity.
The alt right is dead, all the faces of it are leftist assholes that sabotaged us while we still had the demographics to win. Enoch? Racemixer with a Jew, Richard? Racemixer with an Asian. Milo? Racemixer with blacks, and literally a gay Jew.
Even so do they have our back? Can the Alt Right replace the right? No. They are all 100% unelectable. Far from getting members of our movement into congress and senate, we have nothing but uneducated morons waving around swastikas and doing nazi hails. Despite being a fringe movement and underground at best, they decided to do live presentations with this stuff that was as anti normie as it gets. Now no respectable educated person qualified for a government job woudl dare associate with the far right at all. Instead, it Nazi signals so much, that they deny association.
What did we Need? Whites are a group, we deserve protections under hate crime and discrimination laws, and we should be allowed to advocate as a group like everybody else.
What did our leaders give us? Meming alt right anti Jew radio drops in real life in cringy displays that drive away 90% of all republicans, piss off everyone on the left, and were filled with no demands at all except "Remove the Jew and all Muslims"
Instead of moving one step at a time and walking people more right, establishing support for our group, establishing white rights and representatives that need our continued support. Instead of that, our Jew fucking leaders jumped right to talking about ovening people and they completely destroyed the movement.
Alt righter ends up in prison by being a violent faggot. Do they disavow him? Nope. They raise a bunch of money for his defense instead of putting it towards activities that could have helped grow us. Then he incriminates himself in online ranting videos filled with racist remarks that the expensive lawyer we got begged him not to publish. We chose that instead of publishing a book or getting a politician on our side.
Small Scale nuclear bombs exist but the big hydrogen ones that can take out entire states don't.
Every positive trait we ascribe to people, like personal responsibility, honor, drive, etc. Are all 100% genetic.
If you aren't already super successful in all areas of life due to having these genes, you never will be. The best you can hope for is struggling like a fish out of water to keep pace with the ubermensch while you suffocate on your own inadequacy.
Fuck off newfag, we're full.
you're so fucking stupid. reproductive discipline doesn't equal low population. It means our society has been able to advance because even your beta bitch ass can get a woman if you work hard and contribute to society. there is no point in having a planet if we aren't here to acknowledge its existence.
if you fap more than 4 times a day your been will shrink within 2 years of doing that. im 3" atm.
This. The black pill is these soy boy neck beards are getting married and passing on their beta genes.
Mankind has developed a society where you can live your entire life consisting of entirely babyfat.
Here's the next 10-15 years of your lives.
You're an alt right faggot now.
You're going to work lame jobs and have an empty life for your 20s.
You're going to be the 32 year old guy who dates a 19 year old.
In your mid 30s you'll get a 19 year old pregnant and in love with you because the only way you're going to be able to get girls is by getting them young when they're naive and inexperienced and locking them in before they have a chance to experience life.
You'll move to alabama or missouri or montana.
You'll be a nobody with a nobody girl and a nobody son and you'll just vote R in a red state forever.
And that'll be your life.
And the other 50% of you will just be alone.
If this is true why is it a blackpill, I thought blackpills were supposed to be doom and gloom.