What do you know about Satan? Lets all assume we have Mason themed philosophies here on Sup Forums...

What do you know about Satan? Lets all assume we have Mason themed philosophies here on Sup Forums, what does Satan stand for? What's good about Satan?

Other urls found in this thread:


He's the enemy of the Jew.

Holographic Disclosure

1 youtube.com/watch?v=QWbYne9LyFI

2 youtube.com/watch?v=cl0EwVR9YzE

3 youtube.com/watch?v=keaDk01sZT0

4 youtube.com/watch?v=bTPEkWp7RL4

5 youtube.com/watch?v=xj8DkPmKcJk

6 youtube.com/watch?v=-KqntgsB-co

7 youtube.com/watch?v=3IrxAWetwVw

8 youtube.com/watch?v=k-E03mLKbac

9 youtube.com/watch?v=wOLNgJ8N4pM

10 youtube.com/watch?v=WrnuyUjDyQ8

11 youtube.com/watch?v=_SDGBCo2dJE

12 youtube.com/watch?v=3LRjkjY0R9w

13 youtube.com/watch?v=sUycIhICA9M

14 youtube.com/watch?v=8Cll_yZcaZw

The Unmasking

1 youtube.com/watch?v=DjnHw3pJ_7Y

2 youtube.com/watch?v=ERPAtxMe_cM

3 youtube.com/watch?v=eyYRvJ6WYWY

4 youtube.com/watch?v=mC7hU8v53T4

5 youtube.com/watch?v=z-H73-YqXFE

6 youtube.com/watch?v=WIVmAX1p0Dw

7 youtube.com/watch?v=P2tE3Ak8omk

8 youtube.com/watch?v=FRqZbcMRdoI

I pull myself off in my neighbours kid's treehouse because of satan

These are doubles.

the enemy of the Jews? How so?

I can't explain 6 hrs of video mate.

Satan IS the Jew.

we might want to watch your 6 hours of video if you give us a quick rundown

No. Jews also worship an egregore thoughtform that they sacrifice people to. But true luciferian thinking has NOTHING to do with sacrificing people.


I really dont know about Satan. The Biblical creator God seems just as bad. Im also not sure if Lucifer is Satan.

If we imagine the Garden of Eden is about the Annunaki creating the human race from splicing their own genetics with Neanderthal man, to be used as slaves for mining gold, we can say that Lucifer is the one that led us to rebellion. Eating from the tree of knowledge, opening Pandora's box. Ignorance was bliss and in mans rude awakening their was a war of the gods. Some assisting our independence. Tiamat was destroyed and floods swept the old civillisation away. We have since been floating like drift wood lost without the guidance of the old gods. Given our human independence just like we wanted. Concept of good and evil lose their meaning at this point but as far as the creator god is concerned Lucifer was evil as he messed up his great plan.

explain your meme first?

The original hand sign of Christ was 2 fingers pre nicea, notice the Satan statues with 2 fingers? Start there...

the jew is satan

O9a is the only real Satanism & David Myatt the only true Mahatma of our age.

Holy shit how have you not taken the bog pill

Its old and comes out of India.

Dig deeper

Edgy meme, except the number of the beast is six hundred and sixty six, not six six six

Sum of all integers from 1 to 36 is 666. What now faggot

Satan means enemy in Hebrew.

he is father of jews

>Sum of all integers from 1 to 36 is 666. What now faggot
wtf, I love satanism now!

There isn’t one Satan but many, these demons are known as Jews.

>The central ideas of heaven and a fiery hell appear to come directly from the Israelite contact with Iranian religion. Pre-exilic books are explicit in their notions the afterlife: there is none to speak of.
>Satan as the adversary or Evil One does not appear in the pre-exilic Hebrew books. In Job, one of the very oldest books, Satan is one of the subordinate deities in God's pantheon. Here Satan is God's agent, and God gives him permission to persecute Job. The Zoroastrian Angra Mainyu, the Evil One, the eternal enemy of God, is the prototype for late Jewish and Christian ideas of Satan.
>The word paradis is Persian in origin and the concept spread to all Near Eastern religions in that form. “Eden” not “Paradise” is mentioned in Genesis, and paradise as an abode of light does not appear in Jewish literature until late books such as Enoch and the Psalm of Solomon.

>The central ideas of heaven and a fiery hell appear to come directly from the Israelite contact with Iranian religion. Pre-exilic books are explicit in their notions the afterlife: there is none to speak of.
>Satan as the adversary or Evil One does not appear in the pre-exilic Hebrew books. In Job, one of the very oldest books, Satan is one of the subordinate deities in God's pantheon. Here Satan is God's agent, and God gives him permission to persecute Job. The Zoroastrian Angra Mainyu, the Evil One, the eternal enemy of God, is the prototype for late Jewish and Christian ideas of Satan.
>The word paradis is Persian in origin and the concept spread to all Near Eastern religions in that form. “Eden” not “Paradise” is mentioned in Genesis, and paradise as an abode of light does not appear in Jewish literature until late books such as Enoch and the Psalm of Solomon.

Explain. I've dug as deep as I can go without achieving an obvious next step.

satan keeps the bad guys away from you, even comes out to collect them. yet gets demonized by a guy who will punish and threatens you if you don't beieve in him or follow HIS law, makes up fantasies about demons and sucubus to lure you to the bad side... like satan has time for such bullshit...
fuck god hail satan.


Satan is the ultimate bad guy.
He's Nimrod.

a fucking retarded concept, he's the big bad of the (((abrahamic))) religions, but god is all powerful? why doesnt god just stop him from messing with people if he's trying to lead them to hell? absolutely retarded idea and the people who worship him are also retards since he's by definition the second most powerful fag who's only job is fucking people over

Judaism, and really monotheism itself, originates with the Zoroastrians.
Zoroastrianism was the first true monotheistic religion and was practiced by the Aryans of ancient Iran. Dualism, or the idea one good God versus one evil entity, also stems from this faith. Satan, or ha-Satan, is a stolen men. The original devil was called Ahriman and represented vice, corruption, degeneracy, and ultimately, death. Rather than existing outside of humanity the original devil existed as part of it. Jews misunderstood the significance and turned their devil/god into outward projections.

"Satan" comes from a word that just means hate. So Satan is the hater. Which tells you there'll always be a satan, no matter what.

>he's the big bad
Non-canonical. More cultural.

Lots of idiots shilling for satanism in here on a Sunday

Negation of the cosmic force of creation (yhvh), he exist as the anti-cosmic force of destruction (hvhy). It knows no mercy, no honor, no love, only death and destruction for all matter in the universe of yhvh because it's essence is only that of chaos. This is not edgelord shit, the elite really do satanic rituals and tap into this power, it's a large reason why we have the problems we do.

God forgives, Satan deceives.

Well I have been a satanist since 1996 and I think the best way to explain it to you outsiders is that what you believe to be God is actually the evil force trying to enslave you, while Satan is the one who will free us from the Demon-God.

It's hard for outsiders to understand without serious study of the occult, most of us are professional researchers when it comes to these things.


Satan, meaning adversary in Hebrew. Yet truth in Sanskrit. Satan is the enemy of the Jew.
Christians incessantly claim that "The Devil Deceives" "The Devil Deceives..." What they fail to see is that everything they accuse the Devil of is really the God that they worship, known as Yaweh/Jehova.
Everything that the Christians accuse the "Devil" of, is really of their own God. This is proven in the Biblical scriptures:
"A Murderer and a Liar from the Beginning"
"Human Hating"
"He Deceiveth all of the Nations"

Another theistic satanist. hello friend, hope you're doing well.

Look at the source.

the arrow pointing to baphomet is referencing what? do you even know?

is this a O9A tarot card>

Thelemite here, Satan to me is just a representation of mythic adversarial archetypes like Set and Loki. To have 'good' there must be 'evil', to have 'light' there must be 'darkness'. It's really just another mask of the Demiurge.

He is Prometheus, non physical, trouble maker that got 86ed. Left his station, stay away from him. He hurts kids. He lie.

Never been a big fan of Hillary Clinton.

Shiterly Rotten Cunton.

He has a sexy goatee

Have you found your will yet

Yes. Much has manifested in destroying liberal elite power structures, keeping west coast 'thelemites' from turning the Order into the Satanic Temple, and keeping the Trump Curse charged to dispel any foes. You?




Literally manchild fedora poser tier.

satan is an amalgamation of pre-christian beliefs and does not exist any more than noah and his ark did.

bullshit, the biggest lie, it's completly the opposite.
no need to retype, basicly all this

the enemy of the Jew you say

wtf I love Satan now

Satan is a 2D low vibration trying to tear down everything above it to it's level.

So YHWH is the enemy, and Lucifer is our friend?

I've thought for a while that it's weird that the elites use the occult and give us religion, which tells to stay away from the occult.

I mean, why would they give us truth and help when they want us as dumb subservient cattle?

They'd want us to be as clueless as possible.

His while argument is
A is B
Because C is D
Therefore A is B
Masons are fucking idiots

Satan is the only dude that doesn't have an insanely high kill count carried out in his name.
Satan is actually the better one of the bunch

Why wouldn't he be the enemy of God's people? Note not everyone who calls himself a Jew is a Jew and there is a spiritual component to being God's people. Just because you were born in a certain geographical location doesn't mean you are and vice-versa. You can do bad and call it good, but that won't make it good.

Satanic nonsense.

Satanic nonsense.

Satanic nonsense and complete misunderstanding of God's law. If it is written in law not to put your hand into fire because it will get burned, is the person who writes "Do not put your hand into the fire, because you will be burned" evil?

2-dimensional thinking in basic story-form, basically your brain on hollywood le superman vs bad guy. Also free-will.

>Dualism, or the idea one good God versus one evil entity, also stems from this faith
There is no dualism. Devil is never presented as an equal to God or capable of winning at any point.


this is your mind literally on Satanism

Satanic nonsense

Satanic nonsense

Satanic nonsense

seems like there is resentment speaking out of you. if your lust for power is so great that you're willing to sacrifice babies for it, go ahead. people not wanting to sin or engage in vice aren't dumb subservient cattle. but permanently deforming your soul and sending it into the abyss for eternity so you can yield imaginary material power for the duration of your lifespan that ultimately isn't even satisfying on the other hand truly is dumb.


>seems like there is resentment speaking out of you

not at all, it just makes sense, they lie to us about everything else, why would they be honest and kind enough to give us the gift of a true spiritual enlightenment, one which they don't see any value in themselves.

I can tell you won't see my point, and that's fine.

>His while argument
It's fake. Made by and for an anti-masonry magazine.

>Synagogue Of Satan
>Enemy Of The Jews

Okay Schlomo.

religion is a great way to control the masses, and such a tool is needed if you are to stop them overthrowing you

of course now we actually have an all seeing eye, via the surveillance agencies, a man made one, which could be argued is the modern digital God, one which is ever growing in knowledge and scope.

Earlier you said it's weird that they engage in occult but don't want it to give occult knowledge to us. Now you're saying they don't see any value in the occult knowledge?

Or are you going for the old meme of "the occult can be used for good, they're just using it for bad stuff?"

The good is always out in the open. The occult is always hidden. One is light, the other is darkness (often times masquerading as light or "real illumination").

I am suspicious everytime someone claims some "deeper knowledge that truly tells it like it is" while proclaiming everyone else as being deluded. It's usually a sign of spiritual blindness, a prime example of being deceived.

And like you can see in some of the posts above. These people really are deceived. They've "researched" so much they believe good to be evil, evil to be good, Satan as having their best interests in mind, God as oppressive and so forth. I mean it would not be surprising to find out the "elite" is so entrapped into their occult ideology that they truly believe themselves to be "enlightened" and the plebs as the evil ones. But of course I think that's probably giving some too much credit. I am sure that there more than few who outright delight in doing evil out of pure carnal desire just like wild beasts.

>Earlier you said it's weird that they engage in occult but don't want it to give occult knowledge to us. Now you're saying they don't see any value in the occult knowledge?

reread what I said

depends satan as an entity by itself I suppose is good at challenging people forcing people to grow. Lucifer as an independent entity from Satan has the same function as kali, loki, and seth in that he is a force that is creative through destruction so things are never stagnant for long and in a constant state of change.

personally I like the Hindu idea

that we are God "hiding", or similar to dreaming

in the 1st stage everything is good, and this stage lasts a long time

in the 2nd stage things start to go a bit wrong, this stage is shorter than the first

in the 3rd stage, which is shorter again, the good and evil are about equal in the world, 50-50

and in the 4th and shortest stage evil starts to win and take over

and then God (and therefore us) wakes up, and realises it was just a dream! And we are God again.

Another way to look at it is God being all powerful and all knowing is boring after a while, so to have an adventure he becomes us for a while, because that is the opposite, he is then not so powerful, and not so smart.

Regardless of whether you believe in that or not, I like the idea that there is a God, or Source, and he/it sends him/itself here as us to have adventures and excitement again.

>There is no dualism. Devil is never presented as an equal to God or capable of winning at any point.
In Christianity God and the Devil struggle to win the souls of mankind. Some souls God wins, some he loses. This is literally dualism. Good VS. Evil == dualism.

Satan is a semitic/Christian below
belief and I don't believe in Christianity.

Hello, friend.

Keep "praying" to your Demon-God. Salvation will come when you realize resisting his false promise is the only thing you need to do to ensure your soul is not devoured by the Demon-God.

any advice for "read first"

What about dat?

BS. You're defending materialism, which will get you nowhere on the long run. Cross-language meanings are no argument either.

God created us without sin, and it was our ancestor's conspiring with fallen angels that led us astray. You can see it in the Annunaki references of Sumerians, who were given tools and technology from Watchers. And still He loved us so much that He sent his only son here to save us. Say no to the deception you are falling for, the deceiver will dispose of you in his torture dungeons, once he's put you to use.

I believe in the light. Names come and go. Books are written and destroyed. But good is good .and evil is evil .


This. It means Adversary/Opposer in hebrew, therefore he is seen as the enemy of the jewish god.

>This is you brain on satanism

What you think is "devouring" is coming into the light and love of our Creator, after shedding our mortal cover of sin.

I can't tell you how perfect and horrifying this deck is. They are really and truly on to something.

A God will certainly help you, but the struggle is the fact of human's existence in a corrupted worl, the struggle is not God's, at least not by what we understand under the term "struggle".

Dualism pits two opposites as equals. Not the case here.

He is the opposer of human salvation. He can't oppose God, because even the devil knows he is subject to God's power.

nice rare Chris Moyen my dude

found this

Archaic representation of bad influences.

There is no salvation, you are condemned to reside in this hellish existence, Satan opposes the tyrant and his creation and is connected to something even greater than 'god',that which 'god' came from.

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
(John 8:44)

Basically he's a murderer and a liar, everything that God is not.

God is love, joy, peace, comfort, kindness, mercy, forgiveness, gentleness, while Satan is none of these things, which means you will get none of these things but rather the opposite if you die without Jesus Christ as your Lord.

just visit Joy Of Satan . org...you will get the answers there

>says God isn't a murderer


This is video garbage. All those videos are garbage. What he is saying is that you should be deceived on garbage videos. That the videos which reveal Satan reveal not that but that they are garbage videos and do not reveal Satan but rather that Satan creates garbage videos.

Murder means unlawful killing.

>killing degenerate literal Sodomites is murder
>implying degenerates are people too
Nice try.

The father of jews.
The greatest Deceiver.
Also known as Baal and Allah.

P.S. The original "man with tits"

Knowledge. Rational thought.

Nothing more, nothing less, and hence the most evil and destructive thing for a religion

God is the author of life and has every right to take it by any means he wants

It's not murder if God does it or commands it

Satanism says that the Bible is a work of propaganda, praising with beautiful language the most brutal tyrant in human history. If you believe that God is a compassionate loving father because his official book says so, the book written by those who killed heretics and murdered children in his name, you are an idiot.
Satanism says that Satan represents the opposition to that murderous fuck in the sky. Satan represents human intellect, freedom to inquire, and honoring human expression, art, and mind.

Satan is on this Earth right now and he has ~50 million angels under his command.

>It's not murder if God does it or commands it
Definition of a cuck: the post.