Not white buckroo

Everyone meet the half breed Nicholas Fuentes. The kid currently subverting Sup Forums

This kid believes he is some how part of the founding stock of America, but he is just some half spic passing as white.

You should see how his sister looks now. She is brown as fuck.

Nicks father is also an alien who came to America illegally in the 1990s, knocked up a white women and was granted asylum by Bill Clinton.

Nick is literally le. 57% face

Other urls found in this thread:

White like you padre

Here is his sister...

And here is his ex girlfriend

Hahahhah.. This fucking spic thinks hes American ...

damn. hahahahaha. one of his grandparents was literally an aztec. delusional as fuck.

Oh fuck off, he's done more in a single stream than you've done in your whole life faggot.


That look like my cousin and im a full spic

Yeah pitting white men against their women is sure doing a lot... While simultaneously LARPing as a white man. Yep

this. he is the same as roosh. hating on white women pretending to be a white man and advocating for "white interests".

Yep.. It is so funny to hear this child talk about the founding stock of America, When he is just a half spic..

Fucking this.
He used to be pretty good when he was talking about optics. But now he just rants about white women. Not good optics.

Oy vey... Do you have the video of him saying he believes in equality and social justice? Goofiest thing I have ever seen in my life

I have not seen it.

Do your own work, shill. We have no reason to attack Nick Fuentes.

Gotta get through the FBI, DOJ, and Congress first.

>currently subverting Sup Forums
Try again faggot.
Only T_D cares about eceleb cunts.

"We have no reason to attack someone who openly admitted to having aspirations of subverting and destroying the alt-right under 2 years ago"

>We have no reason to attack Nick Fuentes.
He was at the forefront of all the drama created this past week. Who do you think has been pushing all of the Lauren southern/ anti women threads here? Sure I liked this Anglo-LARPer when he was doing streams about Israel, but punching right and pitting half of our race against one another is not okay. You cant be pro white and hate half your race

Blatant shills are blatant

So it is okay for this Little LARPing Hispanic to go on a Nazbol stream, attack alt-right women with nazbol, continually attack Alt-right figure heads, and write about destroying the alt-right just a year ago, but I am lefty-pol...

Where's your proof ?

You'd think that non-white people shilling for white people would be OK.

>Blatant shills are blatant
I am sure you just got done replying to the daily Lauren southern blacked thread that nick posts here... but I am the shill

Read the article the little LARPing Anglo wrote

I already posted proof here learn how to use your fucking scrollbar

>nazbol attacks nazbol
>but it's just a trick to build his reputation because nazbols have no loyalty

It would be, but when you lead campaigns attacking alt-right figure heads just so you can grow your audience.. You are going to be called out as being subversive

I would think the name Fuentes is a dead give away.
The kid knows his shit though, smarter than 90% of Sup Forums.

He is very intelligent, but very misguided. He is getting off by sowing division

Oy vey! Don't you just love being an American


Nick has done some goofy things lately. He has associated himself with completely unserious people, the ironybros and stormertards. But he is white as heck. He looks completely anglo, and his sister maybe looks half italian/anglo. There is no way he isn't of completely European blood. And even if he weren't, that doesn't preclude him from anything beyond the most larpish nordicism.

You blokes need to sort your shit out asap. Trolls and shills coming at you from all sides. The new buzzword over the past month is 'wignat'...a word which is coming close to blowing their cover. Look out for it and who uses it. When used in conjunction with 'tradthot' you can be pretty sure that you are dealing with a shady character.

The only bloke I see making sense over there is Jared Wyand. He understands the necessity of the patriarchy but rightfully dismisses the faux-masculinity of the anglin/nazbol/rickyvaughan/hubris weirdo crowd as embarrassing low t larping.

Remember, when it comes down to it this movement-war isn’t between mythical ‘white knights’ and ‘masculinity’…that’s a false dichotomy. It’s between the traditional patriarchy and larpy MGTOWs who want a boys-only gay club.

His father is a mestizo... He is not 100% European... I am not going to purity spiral because I really don't care if a half breed wants to pass as white, but at the end he has a lot of skeletons in his closet and if he wants to sow a game of division, Two can play at that game

Niggers like you say shit like Italians aren't white. Fuck off.

Italians are Europeans.
Mexicans are not

his last name is fucking fuentes, this is some serious autistic sherlock holmes shit

>He was at the forefront of all the drama created this past week. Who do you think has been pushing all of the Lauren southern/ anti women threads here?

there have been threads bashing her for YEARS now, you fucking newfag shills are trying way too hard, there have been like 5 different groups/people that you nerds have blamed for the lauren southern threads

Literally no one gives a fuck, take your LARPing to your fucking discord servers.

Unironically this. Anyone into this whole e-celebs thing is a fucking retarded shill who needs people to do this thinking for him. Think for yourselves you fucking sheep, by putting a label on yourselves you make yourself a fucking target. Learn the game you scrubs.

Castizo and he is the most sane person on the so called "Alt-Right" which has become a cringey movement by now. The obvious shilling needs to stop lads

Castizos have european (iberian) blood, you fucking dope.