Be gun nut

>be gun nut
>tyrannical gubinmint tries to take your guns
>"me and my private militia will fight for the second amendment the south will rise again shall not be infringed dont tbread on me 1776"
>drone strike hits your home

Other urls found in this thread:

A police state cannot be maintained without a ground force, which are not immune to bullets.

I find it fascinating that people think that our all volunteer military would be 100% willing to turn arms on American citizens.

You are right. Back when the 2nd amendment was conceived of we were able to own cannons, the absolute pinnacle of military technology ,just like the government. Therefore we should be able to buy F16s and Nukes to level the playing field

Have you ever met one of them? Half of what they talk about is shitting on civs

hajis are not civs tho

>muh AR-15 will protect me from the gubbermen-

All my relatives and friends are more well armed than any taliban sand nigger or rice paddy gook. Whites also have higher agency. The gov would be btfo


That's funny. Because I know a bunch. And all they talk about is race war and the 14 words

Slide thread

You're an idiot to think an armed population isn't an almost impossible foe. Consider the wars in the middle east.

I'm glad the gooks won Vietnam so I can shit all over your non-arguement.

>Greetings, citizen!

the American public is better equipped than the afghans or Vietnamese and the military couldn't beat them

idiot. we've been fighting in a sandbox for over 20 years. a mass uprising here wouldn't be put down any quicker...


>Take the room commandement in Washington DC
>Have the planes
What is a coup d'état ?


Not near impossible. Just unconventional. The amount of psychological and chemical warfare going on against our own is ridiculous. Check the news. Were more likely to shoot eachother than the feds

Except Fighter Jets cant collect taxes.

Cardboard boxes & slow cookers > gubbmint dronez.

>Because murican soldiers hate 2nd ammendment
I bet murican army consists of soyboys, fags, strong independent wymyn and hoplophobes.
Kek on you faggot. KYS

Crazy if this is all it takes then why is ISIS still around? hmmm maybe it's because city warfare isn't as simple as drone striking neighborhoods

>dropping nuke
>on USA's own soil
dipshit, having ships of the line and state of the art heavy howitzers wasn't enough to protect fucking british government from your own literal peasant continental army
it's a real fucking sad day when a fucking jew tells a goy that he should care about his social rights

>these are the people who call others bootlickers

So you're saying that people shouldn't bother resisting the government because the government will win in the end? Did you tell all the leftists that?

The fact that blacks side with illegals and the left prove this. They've been hurt by illegals as much if not more than whites. Their anger is directed as the wrong side.

Do the math kiddo

>>dropping nuke
>>on USA's own soil
They do thatvall the time you fucking retard

Then you do a bit of research and find out where the drone operators kids go to school. One day when they are waiting outside on the bus you drive by and unload a 12 gauge into their face.

Do they have a mother and father? Neat. You kidnap both. You torture the father, permanently crippling him. You gangrape (while filming) the mother and post it on jewtube.

Will to fight plummets.

you forgot that top fills up the bottom

See Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq to see what rebels with guns can do.
Then go fuck yourself till you die.

>nuking designated nuking area vs nuking city full of civilians
Are you retarded?


Son, it don't take an army to fuck shit up

cities are full of hoplophobic bugmen, why would they nuke the source of their support?

Tell your momther to live further from the text zone the next time she has a kid


How is the tactical bomber going to check my ID and search my property for firearms?

Because one of them posted pepe

>you cannot win this fight so you might as well give up now
How French are you

Whenever a Kike shows this picture it is a rare glimpse into his mind. This is what Jews want for the world, a obedient military class to keep the drone worker class in line. It is not the control they seek as much as it is the destruction of perceived enemies and the suffering of. Granted this post could be made by a Liberal soyboy, but the Jewish hatred for humanity is programmed in this egregores head.

>simpleton believes you have to be able to defeat the military to deter government pushes for power
So sad.

>Doesn't nuke Hanoi in the height of the Vietnam War and Cold War
>LMAO let's nuke Kansas, fuck those rednecks

Sure pal.

You are right. The government could annihilate me at any moment. So why do you care what I own.

Ya im sure drone striking your own cities is my first step too, good thing its been proven effective in the middle east? Fuck off cuckssia

>Muh Vietnam

You guys realize the difference between the Vietnam war and a hypothetical civil war is that, in the case of viternam, the US couldn't go all-in in fear that the population would turn itself against the government? They would have smeared the entirety of north vietnam with napalm if they could get away with it, but the US population would have never let it slide.

In the case of a civil war, the government doesn't need to worry about the population turning itself against it, cause that's already the situation they find themselves in. They'll have nothing to lose. No repercussion in bombing the living shit out of every dissident town.

>what is vietnam, iraq, and afghanistan

the French do have a history of revolting against their government, if anything he's British

Hi Moshe.

>mfw proxyfag owns gun store in mid west and posts reverse psychology

holy shit the goy is evolving


You don't need to defeat them, just exhaust them to win.

i made ~$17,000 off of vegas by being awake when it happened and immediately buying stock in guns and ammo

see you next shooting, senpai

Do you really think the government will bomb it's own citizens with nukes without a gargantuan uproar happening?

And you libshits think we are retarded.

I cashed-out about $270k in buttcoin, threw it all into guns and ammo, made ~$17k, then threw it right back into buttcoin.

so if you want to be accurate, i probably made about $45k off of vegas and buttcoins

your move, atheists

Checking for true wisdom

Stop calling us goy please ,

>They'll have nothing to lose. No repercussion in bombing the living shit out of every dissident town.

Sure, because nobody like China or Russia would use that as a pretext to intervene and fuck with the government.

And it's not like the government needs the infrastructure to actually run things and keep resources/tax revenue flowing. I'm sure they would love to have a country of cratered landscape.

you should have voted for us, now theres gonna be ww3.

our the nazi are gonna get you cause you didn't vote for us.

>kill off half your remaining white population
>import muslims and mexicans to rebuild decimated infrastructure
>go from le 56% to le 28% face
>paradise achieved

ready to get glassed ? Clock is ticking.

Quints says it all folks. Time to go home and stock up on guns.

We didn’t lose in Vietnam Nam. We just bagged our limit and the season ran out.

>couldn't go all-in in fear that the population would turn itself against the government
So where does this all in Government get its soldiers and supplies if it is killing the population? The State has to maintain the appearance of moral cause. Once the Beautiful Lie is uncovered everything stops.

When can we ban guns and finally stop the bloodshed

>but..but muh gubment
o yeah because your assault rifle can stop a drone

the military has so many guns and tanks

You forgot the Houthis against the Saudis.

Drones on your own soil are all well and good as long as you're okay with ruling over a pile of fucking rubble and angry civvies.

Why wold CHina or Russia want to get involved in a country that couldn’t be governed by it’s OWN gummint? Sounds pretty stupid if you ask me.

>you’ll never win against the British, they’re the most powerful military in the entire world! Just submit to then and hand over your guns

but then you'd blame for me jewish sneakiness.
I don't want to insult the goyim here, but I want it to be very clear that I'm trying to be honest and open about being a jewnon kike merchant

Better a cratered landscape than letting the country in the hands of right-wing retards. Thankfully if you guys ever start a civil war it would probably means the current government is super progressive, and they'll know it's better to nuke themselves than let you have it your way.

Yes. Replacing every single conservative by muslims and mexicans would bring us closer to paradise than we've ever been.

>replacing conservatives whites with conservative muslims
you did it champ

I'm Jewish and I never call anyone a "goy" except maybe as a joke.

>See biggest geopolitical rival in civil war
>"Oh wow, you're so despicable killing your own people, the President must go!"
>"Sorry we have no idea how those rednecks got all those AKs. Not sure what you're implying..."

Right, so use my gun to order my army to bomb the Netherlands. Got it.


Oh look this Jew thread again. Gas yourself nigger.

How did you get that kind of money to throw around god damn

If you can equip yourselves with APCs, Tanks, and the air support or anti-aircraft capabilities required to protect them then you can consider those two situations equal.

i bought 69 bitcoin as a joke in 2010 or so and then sold about half when it hit $1000 then bought them back + about 50 more when they crashed to 300 and have been holding ever since. i'm a millionaire now, senpai

sell before it crashes moron