I don't think these have been posted yet?
Mousou Telepathy 117-118
I got a real kick out of Nakano-san revealing her powers to crescent-san so I'm hoping it's revealed to Hayato eventually too.
I wonder if he'll pull a hitoyoshi-tier breakdown
>Really? Prove it. What am I thinking about right now?
>*thinks about the cunnie*
I'm really glad the croissant really mellowed out and came into her own. She's so best now.
Mana is fucking savage.
>Those arrow jpegs taken straight from google images
Does this look like a face of mercy to you?
>gay Toda is actually cannon and is Toda's cousin
Mildly surprised.
It looks like the face of cute.
Reminder that this is CANON.
That face, reminds me of that image with the blistering rage of a thousand white suns
I'm sure Nakano can use her ability to find a nice man for Mana. Preferably one that's a bit less perverted.
I want to fuck Mana's flatchest
Croissant girl truly is the best.
Seeing how she apologize for everthing and somehow, became real friend with Nakano; yes that's the face of mercy.
>Gay Toda
wait, what the fuck
Yeah, what the hell. Please elaborate on this.
Todoroki Kazuma from author's previous finished work 僕と宇宙人
I thought they were unrelated until I saw volume 1 extras.
>みずほ doesn't have any arrows at all pointing to 学
I can only detect sadness
>会著/副会長 romance
>the guy is far shorter than the girl
And it's finished? I hope it got a satisfactory ending
new page
i'd like to roll something else on her
Poor Mana
I see it now.
What's with two pages release per day?
Did the translators concede to our autism?
poor croissant.
For a short while.
I wish that they would do 10 chapters until they caught up like Tomo-chan, but this 4koma is far denser in text so I can understand why they're not being as fast.
Fuck, even in a 4koma comedy mango, it hurts
It's okay Mana ;_;
Literally Shimizu.
God, it'll suck if the man whom she'll get together in the end also had a crush on Nakano as well.
I know right? :^)
Imagine if there's a guy in the future whose head is full of perverted dreams about Mana and Nakano read it.
I want to touch Manamimom's hair
Momiji when?
I want to touch croisdants croissant hair
When is she going to make them again? Twintails a shit
When her beloved doesn't reject her because there's already someone else, and that someone else being her best female friend
so never
Soon, also come with croissant joke too.
Even Jitsu Wa can't make the tears of a heartbroken girl funny, it's just impossible
speak for yourself, they are funny as fuck.
How can one croissant be so best?
I thought telepathy would be cool then I realized how much I hate my neighbor talking loudly on their phone, can't imagine that from everyone withing range at all times. It might be interesting for a week or two but after that it would suck.
Uncontrollable anything would suckass.
Look at how filled that t shirt is. Good god.
You can't control your heartbeat.
>composed for the entire fucking trip, even in her surface thoughts
mana stronk
Nakano's nakanos are out of control. Toda has good tastes.
And living sucks.
I don't get it.
But I don't get why he doesn't pump and dump flatty. I mean sure she's got no boobs and possibly no ass but she's supposed to be, canonically, cute.
>far denser in text
And harder to clean/typeset
Toda might be a pervert but he is no scumbag.
Well then he could always just gf her. For easy fucks.
He is Nakano-sexual at this point.
>doing what others want me to do
so sex with Toda it is then
Does her Mom not know?
Either she forgot or the extra wasn't canon.
in the extra her mother didn't believe her and just thought it was just a creepy coincidence from her precocious chuuni child, which shut her up pretty fast
Can't really blame him.
As am I.
I'm Sup Forumsnonsexual.
t. Toda & Toda
thats gay
No, there are only girls here. Besides I won't be the one sucking dick.
You don't have to be toda to like big tits.
Why does Mana have to suffer, what did she do wrong
Whew, that was a fun chapter. Thanks OP
wrong daily 4koma
Settle down.
But I legitimately don't get it. Is Toda imagining the arrows on him, or are those mental projections from Mana?
They're from mana. Generally when there's thoughts from multiple people, the author color codes them. In this one, Mana's is pink/red and todas are blue.
I want to give her a hug.
She's his friend first and a girl second, he wouldn't do that to her. Bros before hoes, even when the bro is the hoe.
>They're from mana.
She's still very angry over being rejected?
I want to comfort Mana with my dick
Goddess is so cute god fucking damn
My goddess.
fuck hayato man
Any chance we can get some dirty&quick Sup Forums translations on the next few?
The author had better start fleshing out the two male characters or introducing new ones because at this point Mana and Nakano are by far the most developed and interesting characters with Mana leading by a mile.
So we can spoil ourselves for the next few and wait days to get new content from the scanlators? I'd much rather continue with this daily dose format - it takes no effort to keep up with it and it keeps me wanting more each time.
Living only sucks because you're afraid to die so you have to figure out ways to keep living despite living becoming more difficult as you age and your body steadily moves through its prime years into your 30s when things start to get worse until you're a half-blind old man shitting in a bag because you can't get to the bathroom anymore.
Thanks for the suggestion, I just read the next couple chapters.
If you want a general idea of what happens, Mana being cute
Croissant will win the popular guy and Nakano the bike guy, right?
Bike guy already have girlfriend.
Bike guy already has a super attractive athletic girlfriend. He's the grand prize winner shepherding along the young and innocent.
>childhood friend
>winning anything
Fuck, tfw by 'a couple' I meant I've been reading it since I posted this
It's pretty good
Will Croissant get a hair cut? Y/N?
That would be the end of this 4koma. Mangaka suicide.
>making mana cry
Why are tomo-chan threads so much more active than telepathy threads?
>dat wistful nakano being fucking stacked
He's not the MC so it's ok